Fig. 43 Ocean areas and depths



Pay attention to the pronunciation of the geographical terms and especially to the pronunciation of numbers

Pacific Ocean         Marianas Trench

Mid-Atlantic Ridge Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean       Ascension Island

Mt. Everest            Indian Ocean

97 per cent                           7.5 per cent

71 per cent                           8.5 per cent

12,400 ft. (feet) ≈ 3 700 m 650 ft. ≈ 200 m 11,500 ft. = 3 450 m 3,300 ft. 1000 m 10,000 ft. = 3000 m 37,000 mi. (miles) 60 000 km 35,840 ft. = 10 752 m 3300 ft. - 33 hundred feet


Pay attention to the bold terms and expressions in the text

continental shelf континентальный (материковый) шельф
continental slope континентальный (материковый) склон
submarine canyon подводное ущелье (каньон)
continental rise континентальное (материковое) подножие
submarine plateau подводное плато
abyssal plain абиссальная равнина
seamount морская гора
spreading ridge спрединговый (срединно-океанический) хребет
trench желоб
island arc островная дуга
trough впадина, мульда
guyot гайот
continental side континентальная сторона, склон

to strip off обнажать
sheath оболочка, покров
plateau плато
peak вершина горы, пик
to submerge погружать
rim край
to descend опускаться; нисходить
slope склон; крыло складки
cleft трещина; расселина
turbid мутный
surroundings окружение; среда
mountain chain горная цепь
tableland плоскогорье, плато

Read the text «The Ocean Floor». Pay attention to the diagram. Fulfill the exercises after the text. (R.P – 8.1.1)

Oceans and their seas hold 97% of all surface water, and cover some 71% of

the Earth to an average depth of 12,400 ft. (3700 m). Stripping off this watery

sheath would reveal valleys, plateaus, peaks and plains. We show ten

features of the ocean floor.

Continental shelf- a continent’s true but submerged and gently sloping rim,

descending to an average depth of 650 ft. (200 m). Continental shelves

occupy about 7.5% of the ocean floor.

Continental slope- a relatively steep slope descending from the continental

shelf. Such slopes occupy about 8.5% of the ocean floor.

Submarine canyon- a deep cleft in the continental slope, cut by turbid river

water flowing out to the sea.

Continental rise- a gentle slope below the continental slope.

Submarine plateau- a high seafloor tableland.

Abyssal plain- a sediment-covered deep-sea plain about 11,500-18,000ft

(3450-5400 m) below sea level.

Seamount- a submarine volcano 3300ft. (1000 m) or more above its

surroundings. Guyots are flat-topped seamounts that were once volcanic


Spreading ridge- a submarine mountain chain generally 10,000 ft. (3000 m)

above the abyssal plain. A huge system of such ridges extends more than

37,000 ft. (60000 m) through the oceans. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge surfaces in

places as volcanic islands such as Iceland and Ascension Island.

Trench- a deep, steep-sided trough in an abyssal plain. At 35,840 ft. (10752

m) below sea level (deep enough to drown Mt. Everest). The Pacific’s

Marianas Trench is the deepest part of any ocean.

Island arc- a curved row of volcanic islands, usually on the continental side

of a trench.

(Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)

Fig. 42 Ocean floor


Look at the geographical map and point out the oceans. Name them.

2.2 Look at the diagram below and answer the following questions (R.P.-8.2.1)


a) Which ocean is the deepest?

b) Which ocean is the shallowest?

c) Which ocean is the largest in area?

d) Which two oceans are the same in area?

Fig. 43 Ocean areas and depths

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