The genesis of petroleum occurs in compacted clay and shale beds, which are essentially impermeable to fluid flow. The processes by which hydrocarbons migrate from the source rock to a porous, permeable reservoir are called primary migration. After leaving the source rock, the hydrocarbons migrate upward through permeable beds until they reach a sealed hydrocarbon trap where accumulation occurs forming a hydrocarbon reservoir. This process has been called secondary migration.

Primary Migration

The geochemical evidence of the generation for petroleum shows that hydrocarbons do not generally originate in the structural and stratigraphic traps in which they are found. The petroleum reservoirs are porous, permeable geologic structures, whereas the source rocks have been identified as compacted, impermeable shales.

 Compaction of sediments begins as soon as the sediments begin to accumulate. During original accumulation, the loose, fine-grained sediments contain more than 50% water. As they are buried deeper, due to subsidence and continued deposition of sediments on top, the interstitial water from the deeper sediments is expelled, resulting in a decrease in porosity and an increase in bulk density. The material acquires cohesive strength as the grains are pressed together tightly. Chemical changes occurring in the interstitial fluids may produce precipitates that cement the grains into an even more cohesive formation. The salinity of compaction fluids moving in an upward direction gradually increases until precipitation occurs due to supersaturation.  


Secondary Migration

As petroleum reservoirs exist in a water environment, the migration of hydrocarbons from the point of release in a source rock to the top of the trap is intimately associated with capillary pressure phenomena and hydrology. The pore distributions, tortuosity of continuous channels, porosity, permeability and chemical characteristics of reservoir rocks and their interstitial fluids differ widely.

The migration of oil as distinct droplets in water-saturated rock is opposed by the capillary forces, which are functionally related to pore size, interfacial tension between oil and water and adhesion of oil to mineral surfaces (wettability). This is expressed through a contact angle for a capillary of uniform size as:



Pc = 2σCosθ


where: Pc – capillary pressure, Pa

        σ – interfacial tension, (N x 10-3) \m

        θ - contact angle

         rc - radius of the capillary, m



Fig. Displacement of an oil droplet through a pore throat in a water-wet rock


The more usual case is one in which the oil droplet exists within the confines of a large pore containing several smaller-sized pore throat exits.

Under these conditions, the pressure required to displace the droplet from the large pore through the constriction of a pore throat (displacement pressure) is the difference between the capillary pressures of the leading and trailing pores. The two forces in a reservoir that are most likely to be operating on the droplet are buoyancy and hydrodynamic pressure. As the oil leaves the source rock under the forces of compaction, large saturations develop at the entry of the reservoir rock. The oil then begins to migrate upward as a continuous phase in long filaments within the pores. Under these circumstances, sufficient buoyant and hydrodynamic forces can develop to cause migration of the oil.

Secondary migration of petroleum ends in the accumulation in a structural or stratigraphic trap and sometimes in a trap that is a complex combination of the two. The hydrocarbons accumulate at the highest point of the trap and the fluids are stratified in accordance with their densities, which show that individual hydrocarbon molecules are free to move within the reservoir. The petroleum accumulation may become:

  1. exposed by an outcrop and develop an oil seep;
  2. uplifted and eroded to form a tar pit.

In addition, petroleum may be transported to another sedimentary sequence as a result of rapid erosion and clastic transport.

The caprock (oil trap seal) may not be absolutely impermeable to light hydrocarbons. The capillary pressure relationship of the rocks overlying the oil traps may form an effective vertical seal for liquid petroleum constituents, but the seal may not be completely effective in retaining lighter hydrocarbons.


migrate – migration мигрировать – миграция ( любое подземное движение нефти. газа или воды через поры горных пород)
fluid flow движение (поток) флюидов
source rock материнские породы
permeable – impermeable проницаемый - непроницаемый
to seal – sealed – a seal придавать непроницаемость – изолированный – изолирующий слой
accumulate – accumulation накапливать – формирование залежей нефти или газа
primary migration первичная миграция
compact – compaction уплотнять – уплотнение (сжатие осадочных отложений)
generate – generation – generated образовать – генерация - образование
subsidence оседание; опускание породы
expel вытеснять
bulk density средняя плотность
cohesive strength прочность сцепления
press (together) прессовать
interstitial (fluids) флюиды циркулирующие пустотах горных пород
precipitates – precipitation осадок - осаждение
salinity соленость
saturation насыщенность
secondary migration вторичная миграция
release (fluids) выделение (флюидов)
capillary pressure капиллярное давление
hydrology гидрология
pore size distribution распределение пор по размерам (в породе)
tortuosity сложность поровых каналов
channel (continuous) канал
buoyancy плавучесть
droplet капля
water – saturated водонасыщенный
capillary force капиллярная сила
pore size размер пор
interfacial tension интерфациальное натяжение
adhesion адгезия \ прилипание ( в следствие смачивание)
wettability смачиваемость
pore throat горловина пор
displace – displacement вытеснять – вытеснение; смещение
leading pore «ведущий» пор
trailing pore «отстающий» пор
entry (pressure) вход (входное давление – минимальное вытеснение с поростой среды одной жидкости другой)
filament (s) капилляры
outcrop обнажение пород \ выход пластов на дневную поверхность
oil seep выход нефти
uplift давление воды снизу
recycled oil циклическое нагнетание добываемого нефти
caprock кепрок (вышезалегающая экранирующая порода)
retain удержать
light hydrocarbon(s) легкий углеводород
contact angle угол касания \ краевой угол (смачивания)




Sand grains and particles of carbonate materials that make up sandstone and limestone reservoirs usually never fit together perfectly due to the high degree of irregularity in shape. The void space created throughout the beds between grains, called pore space or interstices, is occupied by fluids (liquids \ gases). The porosity of a reservoir rock is defined as that fraction of the bulk volume of the reservoir that is not occupied by the solid framework of the reservoir.

According to this definition, the porosity of porous materials could have any value, but the porosity of most sedimentary rocks is generally lower than 50%.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 244; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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