Food should be taken before exercise for

<variant>1.5-2 hours.

<variant>45-55 minutes

<variant>3-3.5 hours

<variant>30 minutes

<variant>6 o'clock

In the daytime mode for physical culture and sports, the last meal (in the evening) should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include such products as:

<variant>milk, dairy products, fruits, juices.

<variant>coffee, chocolate, boiled beef, bread

<variant>jelly, bacon, mushrooms, fried potatoes

<variant>tea, roasted meat, protein cookies


Professions are divided into energy groups depending on energy costs






Classification of carbohydrates by composition:

<variant>simple and complex

<variant>strengthening and restoring

<variant>viscous and liquid

<variant>water soluble and lipid soluble

<variant>absorbable and non-absorbable

Fats perform the following functions in the human body:

<variant>protective, heat regulating, energy supplying

<variant>strengthening and restoring

<variant>heat regulating

<variant>power supply


Bulimia is:

<variant>driven to an extreme unlimited consumption of food, a neurotic condition.

<variant>disease associated with impaired salt metabolism in the body.

<variant>lack of dietary intake of minerals.

<variant>lack of iodine in the diet.

<variant>oversupply in the diet of minerals.

 Anorexia is:

<variant>neurotic state in which a person brings diet to the extreme.

<variant>oversupply in the diet of minerals.

<variant>disease associated with impaired salt metabolism in the body.

<variant>oversupply in the diet of iodine.

<variant>driven to an extreme unlimited consumption of food, a neurotic condition.

Strawberry, carrot, pineapple, avocado, pepper, banana, cabbage, lemon, blueberry, nuts, cumin, onion, fish oil - these foods provide a person:

<variant>stress resistance, improvement of mental activity.

<variant>the required amount of energy.

<variant>optimal amount of carbohydrates.

<variant>optimal amount of fat.

<variant>optimal amount of minerals.

The word "sport" comes from the old French "de sporte", which means:

<variant>entertainment, fun.



<variant>physical labor.

<variant>physical work.

Required daily activity of an adult:

<variant>6-8 hours

<variant>5-10 hours

<variant>12-17 hours

<variant>15-20 hours


Insufficient physical activity:




<variant>stress |


Relaxation is:





<variant>calming down.

Complex system of exercises with weights, improving the physique:



<variant>Feng Shui



Improving system of P. Ivanov:






The religious-philosophical system, one of the most ancient, (from Sanskrit means "union") is ...






In the first rule P. Ivanov recommended:

<variant>2 times a day to bathe in cold water.

<variant>brush teeth 2 times a day

<variant>eat 2 times a day

<variant>drink cold water 2 times a day

<variant>drink hot water once a day

Shaping - wellness system, which includes:

<variant>aerobic, strength exercises

<variant>only stretching exercises

<variant>only strength training

<variant>coordination exercises.

<variant>water treatments

Fitness - translated from English:






Autogenic training is:

<variant>training a person for muscle relaxation, self-hypnosis, development of concentration of attention and power of representation, the ability to control involuntary mental activity.

<variant>mental performance by a person of motor actions.

<variant>independent performance of motor actions in after-hours.

<variant>the effect of hypnosis on the person performing motor actions.

<variant>the performance of human

Attention is:

<variant>selective focus of human consciousness on certain objects and phenomena.

<variant>reflection in the mind of a person of individual properties and qualities of objects and phenomena that directly affect his senses.

<variant>a set of information acquired by a person, concepts and ideas about objects and phenomena of objective reality.

<variant>mental cognitive process of reflection of existing relationships and relationships of objects and phenomena.

<variant>information acquired over the years.

Analysis ("analysis") translated from Greek:






The set of morphological and functional signs characterizing the development and formation of the body in the process of its growth:

<variant>physical development


<variant>spiritual development



Indicators assessing physical development:

1. anthropometric

2. intelligence

3. physiometric

4. spiritual data

5. somatoscopic






Determine the type of accentuation of the character on Lichko, the main features of which are fatigue, irritability. Fatigue manifests itself in mental exercises and in the situation of competition, rivalry, accompanied by affective flashes.






Acceleration compared with previous generations of growth and development, an increase in the size of the human body is:





<variant>physical development.

The slowdown in the biological development of an organism due to the variability of individual growth rates is:


<variant>physical development.




Food products that cause botulism are:

<variant>canned foods.

<variant>fried mushrooms.


milk products.


The daily caloric distribution of food (in%) with 4 meals a day is:

<variant>breakfast 25%, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 15%, dinner 25%.

<variant>breakfast 25%, lunch 50%, afternoon snack 10%, dinner 15%.

<variant>breakfast 15%, lunch 40%, afternoon snack 10%, dinner 35%.

<variant>breakfast 20%, lunch 30%, afternoon tea 20%, dinner 30%.

<variant>breakfast 25%, lunch 55%, afternoon snack 10%), dinner 10%.

Products containing a large amount of vitamins B1 are:

<variant>brewer's yeast, black bread, carrots, apple.

<variant>fish oil, butter, egg yolk.

<variant>cabbage, carrots, potatoes, pork liver.

<variant>potatoes, rice, barley.

<variant>butter, milk, berry.

The full name of vitamin A:






The daily iodine requirement for adults is:

<variant>0.15 mg.

<variant>0.015 mg.

<variant>1 mg.

<variant>10 mg.

<variant>0.5 mg.

Number of diet for diabetes





<variant> 4

Regulated energy waste is determined by:

<variant>volume and nature of physical work.

<variant>level of basal metabolism of the body.

<variant>dynamic power relationships.

<variant>age and sex of a person. <variant>time of day.

The nutritional value of proteins is determined by:

 <variant>content of essential amino acids.

<variant>the speed of their digestion.

<variant>the possibility of transformation into fats and carbohydrates.

<variant>the content of replaceable amino acids.

<variant>Globulin content.

The biological role of vitamin D is to:

<variant>regulation of the exchange of phosphorus and calcium.

<variant>increase the special body resistance.

<variant>participation in the synthesis of collagens.

<variant>that is part of the bioflavonoid.

<variant>regulate the development of the body.

A-vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form:

<variant>twilight vision disturbances.


<variant>hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx.



The general sanitary and hygienic measures for the prevention of food poisoning include:

<variant>adherence to the technological chain of cooking.

<variant>destruction of microorganisms in food during storage.

<variant>periodic medical examinations of workers in the kitchen.

<variant>compliance with disinfection regime on the kitchen.

<variant>conducting periodic wet cleaning in the premises catering.

From clinical signs ... indicates food poisoning.

<variant>gastroenteritis phenomenon



<variant>mental disorder


Due to the power provided by:

<variant>plastic and energy function of the body.

<variant>Synthesis of vitamins necessary for the life of the body.

<variant>providing the body with xenobiotics.

<variant>disease prevention.

<variant>ensuring the spiritual development of the body.

High-quality nutritional value is:

<variant>availability of all nutrients necessary for the body.

<variant>energy supply of nutrition of the body, depending on gender and age.

<variant>the required ratio of nutrients in the diet.

<variant>nutritional support of national peculiarities of a person.

<variant>connection of meals with biological rhythms.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of people engaged in mental work:





The physiological role of fat:

<variant>providing the body with vitamins A, D, E, K

<variant>endogenous water synthesis

<variant>osmotic pressure control

<variant>detoxification of the body

<variant>regulation of gastric motility

Brocq index formula:

<variant>body weight: height-100.

<variant>body weight is the length of growth.

<variant>body weight length growth.

<variant>energy costs - 100.

<variant>increase body weight: 100.

When chronic gastritis is prescribed a diet  №:






Diet number 11 is prescribed for:





<variant>cardiovascular diseases.

Nutrition rate depends on:

<variant>intensity of metabolic processes.

<variant>living conditions.

<variant>nutritional conditions.


<variant>national identity of the individual.

The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet of people engaged in heavy physical labor:






With a lack of minerals in the body occurs:






Hypervitaminosis is:

<variant>condition associated with excessive intake of vitamins.

<variant>condition associated with insufficient intake of vitamins.

<variant>lack of vitamins in the body.

<variant>violation of water-salt metabolism.

<variant>impaired absorption of vitamins.

Hypovitaminosis is:

<variant>condition associated with insufficient intake of vitamins.

<variant>condition associated with excessive intake of vitamins.

<variant>lack of vitamins in the body.

<variant>violation of water-salt metabolism.

<variant>impaired absorption of vitamins.

Avitaminosis is:

<variant>lack of vitamins in the body.

<variant>violation of water-salt metabolism.

<variant>impaired absorption of vitamins.

<variant>condition associated with excessive intake of vitamins.

<variant>condition associated with insufficient intake of vitamins.

When iron deficiency develops:


<variant>disease of the gastrointestinal tract.


<variant>increase blood pressure.

<variant>allergic reaction.

Currently there are ... diet tables.






Assimilation is:

<variant>synthesis of nutrients necessary for the body.

<variant>splitting of substances.

<variant>accumulation of minerals.


<variant>adaptation to environments.

Dissimilation is:

<variant>splitting of substances.

<variant>synthesis of nutrients necessary for the body.

<variant>accumulation of minerals.


<variant>adaptation to environments.

Energy cost is determined by ... method.






Temperament is:

<variant>individually peculiar properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of human mental activity.

<variant>physical development of the body

<variant>spiritual development of man

<variant>morpho-functional development of the body

<variant>anatomical and physiological structure of man

Founder of science "Valeology":






Main category of Valeology:



<variant>human physical condition

<variant>human mental state

<variant>personal qualities of a person

The main goal of Valeology:

<variant>preservation and development of health

<variant>diagnosis and treatment

<variant>disease prevention

<variant>environmental impact prevention

<variant>immunity enhancement

Science of Aging:

<variant>gerontology |





HIV transmission:

<variant>during sexual intercourse




<variant>through food

Science, studying the prevention of diseases and their prevention:






Products of endocrine glands:






Minerals give bones the property:






 The universal recipient is ... blood type.






A universal donor is ... a blood type.






Spirometer measure:

<variant>lung capacity

<variant>blood pressure, heartbeat

<variant>anthropometric indicators

<variant>circulatory rate

<variant>respiratory rhythm, blood pressure

Products of decomposition of fats in the body:

<variant>glycerin and fatty acids

<variant>monosaccharides and polysaccharides

<variant>amino acids and proteins

<variant>mineral salts and vitamins

<variant>vitamins and protein substances

Types of immunities:

<variant>congenital and acquired

<variant>latent and hidden

<variant>sympathetic and parasympathetic

<variant>general and partial

<variant>hereditary and non-hereditary

Adolescence (by Khripkova) ... years







<variant>CNS response

<variant>excited receptor function

<variant>inhibition of the nervous system

<variant>excitation of the nervous system

<variant>balance state

Properties of nerve tissue:

<variant>arousal and conduct

<variant>hormone release

<variant>elasticity and strength

<variant>stretching and relaxation

<variant>arousal and inhibition

Organic matter gives bones the property:






Change the shape of the foot:

<variant>flat feet





Anthropometric indicators:

<variant>rates of growth


<variant>heart rhythm

<variant>gas exchange


Deficiency ... causes anemia in the body.






Author of the theory of immunity:



<variant>L. Pasteur


<variant>P. Anokhin


Homeostasis is:

<variant>the stability of the internal environment of the body.

<variant>resistance of the digestive system.

<variant>regulation of body functions.

<variant>sustainability of the external environment of the body.

<variant>regulation of body resistance.

Causes of atherosclerosis disease:

<variant>elevated blood cholesterol

<variant>low blood cholesterol

<variant>high blood sugar

<variant>low blood sugar

<variant>arterial hypertension

Vegetable oil contains vitamins:

<variant>E, K

<variant>A, B, C

<variant>A, D, E

<variant>E, PP

<variant>K, D, B

The type is strong, unbalanced, arousal dominates over inhibition (according to Pavlov):

<variant>choleric person

<variant>sanguine person

<variant>phlegmatic person



The type is strong, fast moving, the excitation is in equilibrium with inhibition (according to Pavlov):

<variant>sanguine person

<variant>choleric person

<variant>phlegmatic person



 The type is strong, inactive, the excitation is in equilibrium with inhibition (according to Pavlov):

<variant>phlegmatic person

<variant>choleric person

<variant>sanguine person



Type of weak, slow excitement and fast braking (according to Pavlov):


<variant>choleric person

<variant>sanguine person

<variant>phlegmatic person


Increased blood sugar:






Normal blood pressure in an adult:






Increased pressure:






Low pressure:






... regulates carbohydrate metabolism.






... appears in children with impaired thyroid function.



<variant>Basedow's disease



Maintaining constancy of the internal environment of the body:






Immunity is:

<variant>protecting body function.

<variant>change in blood composition.

<variant>humoral regulation of the body

|non-coagulability of blood in the body.

<variant>the internal environment of the body.

200 Age at which puberty begins in boys:

<variant>10-11 лет

<variant>8-9 лет

<variant>12-13 лет

<variant>14-15 лет

<variant>15-16 лет

Age at which puberty begins in girls

<variant>9-10 лет

<variant>13-15 лет

<variant>7-8 лет

<variant>15-16 лет

<variant>12-14 лет

II degree of physical development is characterized by:

<variant>aggravated, disharmonious.

<variant>bad, disharmonious.

<variant>general delay, retardation in physical development.

<variant>advance physical development.

<variant>good (normal), harmonious.

III degree of physical development is characterized by:

<variant>bad, disharmonious.

<variant>good (normal), harmonious.

<variant>aggravated, disharmonious.

<variant>general delay, retardation in physical development.

<variant>advance physical development.

IV degree of physical development is characterized by:

<variant>general delay, retardation in physical development.

<variant>good (normal), harmonious.

<variant>aggravated, disharmonious.

<variant>bad, disharmonious.

<variant>advance physical development.

V degree of physical development is characterized by:

<variant>advance physical development.

<variant>good (normal), harmonious.

<variant>aggravated, disharmonious.

<variant>bad, disharmonious.

<variant>general delay, retardation in physical development.

Excess fat in the diet in the child's body leads to:

<variant>to the disorder of the digestive processes.

<variant>to disruption of calcium channels.

<variant>to increase the body's resistance.

<variant>to the violation of water-salt metabolism.

<variant>to looseness and swelling of the fabric.

Regulated breakfast time:

 15- 20 minutes.

<variant>5-10 minutes.

<variant>10-12 minutes.

<variant>25-30 minutes.

<variant>30- 35 minutes.

Regulated mealtime for lunch:

<variant>20-25 minutes.

<variant>5-10 minutes.

<variant>10-15 minutes.

<variant>40- 45 minutes.

<variant>30- 35 minutes.

Regulated mealtime for dinner:

<variant>15- 20 minutes.

<variant>5-10 minutes.

<variant>10-12 minutes.

<variant>25-30 minutes.

<variant>30- 35 minutes.

Temperature of first and second courses served in DDU:

<variant>50-60 degrees.

<variant>20 degrees.

<variant>30 degrees.

<variant>40 degrees.

<variant>90 degrees.

Methods for assessing the physical development of children in organized groups, adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

<variant>regression scale.

<variant>sigma deviations.

<variant>centile method.

<variant>index method.

<variant>Rombert method.

The indicators of physical development include the strength of the muscles of the hands.






The indicators of physical development include secondary sexual characteristics.






To ... indicators of physical development is the vital capacity of the lungs.






... conducted anthropometric studies of children.

<variant>In the morning, from 8 to 12.00

<variant>At 14.00 <variant>AT 15.00

<variant>From 16 to 18.00

<variant>After 19.00

I degree of physical development is characterized by:

 <variant>good, harmonious.

<variant>advance physical development.

<variant>physical development delay.

<variant>bad, disharmonious.

<variant>aggravated, disharmonious.

Assessment of physical development of children under 3 years:





<variant>in semesters.

Assessment of physical development of children 3-7 years old:






Assessment of the physical development of children aged 7-17:






Assessment of the physical development of children of the first year of life:





<variant>in semesters.

Acceleration of growth and development:

<variant>acceleration of growth and development processes in a consistent chain of generations. +

<variant>slowdown in growth and development.

<variant>the process of stabilizing growth and development.

<variant>secular trend.

<variant>adolescence period.


<variant>slowing the growth and development processes in a consistent chain of generations. +

<variant>acceleration of growth and development.

<variant>one of the stages of maturation of adolescents.

<variant>secular trend.

<variant>indicator of the physical development of children.

... taken into account when determining the age of the child.

<variant>The difference between the date of examination and birth

<variant>Beauty posture

<variant>Body mass

<variant>Tooth formula

<variant>Sex formula

Method ... determine the shape of the foot.






The anthropometric indices of physical development include:

<variant>height, weight, chest circumference.

<variant>mass age

<variant>blood pressure, chest circumference.

<variant>biological age. chest circumference.

<variant>blood pressure, biological age. |

 To ... indicators of physical development is the length of the body.






To ... indicators of physical development is body weight.






To ... indicators of physical development is a circle chest.






Physiometric indices of physical development include:

<variant>camp force, dynamometry, vital capacity of the lungs.

<variant>height, body weight, chest circumference.

<variant>dynamometry, the degree of sexual development.

<variant>degree of sexual development, lung capacity.

<variant>lung capacity, circumference of the chest.

For somatoscopic indicators of physical development include:

<variant>degree of sexual development, a description of the musculoskeletal system, degree fat deposition, muscle development.

<variant>description of the musculoskeletal system, height, chest circumference.

<variant>degree of fat deposition, body weight.

<variant>development of muscles, body weight, growth.

<variant>body weight, height, chest circumference.

Somatoscopic indicators of physical development:

<variant>degree of puberty and fat deposition.

<variant>body length, body weight.

<variant>lung capacity, dynamometry.

<variant>head circumference, chest.

<variant>fat deposits, body length.

Physiometric indicators of physical development:

<variant>dynamometry, vital capacity of the lungs (VC).

<variant>length and body weight.

<variant>degree of puberty and fat deposition.

<variant>chest circumference, head circumference.

<variant>lung capacity (VC), head circumference.

To adolescence include:

<variant>girls 12-15 years old, boys 13-16 years.

<variant>Girls 6-7 years old, boys 4-7 years.

girls 8-12 years old boys 10-11 years.

<variant>Girls 8-9 years, boys 11-13 years.

<variant>girls 17-21 years old, boys 19-23 years.

Forms of foot are:

<variant>flat, flattened, normal


<variant>normal, ahead

<variant>with lag, normal

<variant>ahead of schedule

Types of acceleration of growth and development in the child population:

<variant>true, false

<variant>climatic, geographical

<variant>physiological, false

<variant>true, hereditary

|false, climatic geographical

 The specific dynamic effect of food:

<variant>energy spent on the digestion and assimilation of food.

<variant>energy growth.

<variant>energy on activity.

<variant>energy to exercise.

<variant>energy for development.

In the diet, animal proteins from the total amount of proteins should be:






The daily body requirement of children and adolescents in proteins from 1 year to 17 years is:

<variant>53-100 g


<variant>10-50 g.

<variant>100-150 g

<variant>150-200 g

Recommended fat intake rate for children and teenagers from 1 year to 17 years:

<variant>53-100 g


<variant>10-50 g.

<variant>100-150 g.

<variant>150-200 g

 The recommended carbohydrate intake rate for children and adolescents from 1 year to 17 years is:


<variant>10-50 g.

<variant>50-100 g

<variant>100-200 g

<variant>400-500 g.

Calculation of the chemical composition of the daily diet and caloric content is carried out:

<variant>according to the tables "AA Pokrovsky".

<variant>according to the Braddiss tables.

<variant>according to the Kardashenko tables.

<variant>according to the tables "Serdyukovskaya".

<variant>according to the tables "Shvetsova".

The number of sweets in the daily diet of children should be:

<variant>15-20% of the daily amount of carbohydrates.

<variant>5-10% of the daily amount of carbohydrates.

<variant>20-30% of the daily amount of carbohydrates.

<variant>10-15% of the daily amount of carbohydrates.

<variant>30-40% of the daily amount of carbohydrates.

The total amount of fluid in the diet of preschool children is:

<variant>1.5 liters per day.

<variant>0.5 liters per day.

<variant>1.0 liters per day.

<variant>2.0 liters per day.

<variant>3.0 liters per day.

The total amount of fluid in the diet of toddlers is:

<variant>1.0 liters per day.

<variant>1.5 liters per day.

<variant>2.0 liters per day.

<variant>2.5 liters per day.

<variant>3.0 liters per day.

The total amount of fluid in an adult's diet is:

<variant>2.0 liters per day.

<variant>1.5 liters per day.

<variant>1.0 liters per day.

<variant>0.5 liters per day.

<variant>3.0 liters per day

Recommended daily calcium requirement in children and adolescents from 1 to 17 years ... mg.

<variant>800 1200




<variant>1200 1500

Recommended daily phosphorus requirement in children and adolescents from 1 to 17 years ... mg.






1g. protein and carbohydrates when burned in the body gives ... calories.






1g. fat when burned in the body gives ... calories.






The nutritional value of proteins is determined by:

<variant>content of essential amino acids.

<variant>the speed of their digestion.

<variant>the possibility of transformation into fats and carbohydrates.

<variant>the content of essential amino acids.

<variant>content of globulins.

The main biological role of fats is that it:

<variant>is an important source of energy for the body.

<variant>is involved in the synthesis of fat-soluble vitamins.

<variant>involved in enzyme metabolism.

<variant>is an important structural element of the body.

<variant>is an activator of body growth.

The nutritional value of fat is determined by:

<variant>content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

<variant>content of saturated fatty acids.

<variant>content of phospholipids.

<variant>sterol content.

<variant>aromatic content.

The biological role of vitamin A is that it:

<variant>stimulates growth processes in the body.

<variant><variant>increases the specific resistance of the organism.

<variant>participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers.

<variant>promotes the excretion of cholesterol.

<variant>part of the bioflavonoids.

The biological role of vitamin D is that it:

<variant>regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

<variant>increases the specific resistance of the organism.

<variant>participates in the synthesis of collagen fibers.

<variant>stimulates growth processes in the body.

<variant>part of the bioflavonoids.

The greatest amount of calcium is found in:

<variant>milk, dairy products.

<variant>fruits and vegetables.


<variant>vegetable oil.


Insufficient intake of fat in the body results in:

<variant>to exhaustion.

<variant>to increase immunity.

<variant>to accelerate growth.

<variant>to hypervitaminosis A.

<variant>to frustration.

"Nutrition" is:

<variant>full, balanced, adequate nutrition.

<variant>unbalanced diet.

<variant>adequate, inadequate nutrition.

<variant>the distribution of food intakes per month.

<variant>a diet with a high content of trace elements.

The physiological nature of nutrition:

<variant>full coverage of daily energy consumption, ensuring optimal

life activity.

<variant>partial coverage of daily energy consumption, ensuring the development of mental

abilities of the child.

<variant>increase specific resistance, ensuring optimal

life activity.

<variant>maintaining a high psychological status.

<variant>ensuring the development of mental abilities of the child.

The first signs of hypovitaminosis C:

<variant>rapid fatigability, drowsiness, decrease in resistance of the organism to the disease.

<variant>drowsiness, Tsinga disease.

<variant>cheerfulness, reducing the resistance of the organism to the disease.

<variant>Tsinga disease.

<variant>growth retardation, fatigue.

The lack of Ca (calcium) in the diet of the child’s body results in:

<variant>to the occurrence of rickets, to the disorder of the central nervous system, the occurrence of dental caries.

<variant>disorder of the respiratory system.

<variant>to the disorder of the cardiovascular system.

<variant>to reduce bone fragility.

<variant>to indigestion.

With his comprehensive assessment of the health status of children ... health groups are highlighted.






The classic definition of health given by WHO:

<variant>it is a state of complete physical, spiritual, social well-being,

characterized by dynamic equilibrium of the organism with the environment.

<variant>optimal effective level of vital activity of an organism,

providing the ability to perform their social functions.

<variant>the state of optimal self-regulation of the organism and its dynamic

equilibrium with the environment.

<variant>This is more than the absence of disease and damage.

<variant>this is the absence of disease.

"Health Index":

<variant>the proportion never ill in a calendar year.

<variant>the proportion of absolutely healthy as a result of their medical examination.

<variant>the proportion never ill by the results of their medical period.

<variant>the proportion of patients.

<variant>the proportion never ill in the year preceding the physical examination.

The final formation of the body's immunological homeostasis occurs at the age of:

<variant>15-16 years.

<variant>10-11 years old.

<variant>18-20 years.

<variant>25 years old.

<variant>30 years old.

Hypokinesia is:

<variant>lack of motor activity.

<variant>imperfect motor skills.

<variant>irrational distribution of motor activity in daily mode.

<variant>excess motor activity.

<variant>violation of the ratio of static and dynamic load in the process motor activity.

 Hyperkinesia is:

<variant>excess motor activity.

<variant>imperfect motor skills.

<variant>appearance of signs of pathological yeast.

<variant>lack of motor activity.

<variant>violation of the ratio of static and dynamic load in the process motor activity.

<question>The main cause of hyperkinesia is:

<variant>forced exercise during training.

<variant>unbalanced temper.

<variant>thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism).

<variant>Parkinson's disease.

<variant>rheumatic lesion of the nervous system.


The biological basis of the training process is:

<variant>cumulative adaptation to the acting loads.

<variant>compliance training regime.

<variant>creating a dynamic stereotype.

<variant>sufficient strength and duration of physical activity.

<variant>neuromuscular dissociation.

Hardening procedures used in the scheme of children's health in preschool institutions:


<variant>washing with warm water.

<variant>normal microclimate.

<variant>winter swimming

<variant>in the cold barefoot.

Enhancement of biorhythmic activity in humans occurs:

<variant>at 8 am to 12 noon.

<variant>from 20 till night.

<variant>during a night's sleep.

<variant>from 12 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

<variant>from 6 pm to 8 pm

The first medical report on the suitability of the child for the chosen professions for health reasons is given:

<variant>with medical examination in 5-6 class.

<variant>with physical examination in grade 4-5.

<variant>with medical examination in grades 8-9.

<variant>at the medical examination at the end of the school.

<variant>upon admission to a vocational technical school of study.

"Medical professional consultation":

<variant>selection of a profession taking into account the revealed violations in the state of health of a teenager.

<variant>determination of the suitability of a teenager to his chosen profession for health reasons.

<variant>determination of the suitability of a teenager to his chosen profession according to psycho-physiological selection criteria.

<variant>determination of the level of general labor skills in adolescents.

<variant>multifaceted informational and educational work aimed at disclosing the essence of various professions

The biological age of children is determined by:

<variant>growth, weather allowance growth, the number of permanent teeth, the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics.

<variant>body weight.

<variant>physiometric indicators.

<variant>the degree of fat deposition.

<variant>variational static method.


... indicators characterize human health.

<variant>Direct and indirect




<variant>Morphological and functional

Direct health indicators:

<variant>physical development, health index.

<variant>morbidity by negotiability.

<variant>pathological infestation.

<variant>the incidence of data on causes of death.

<variant>actually incidence.

Indirect health indicators:

<variant>morbidity by appealability, pathological affection.

<variant>physical development, health index.

<variant>the incidence of data on causes of death.

<variant>actually incidence.

<variant>physiometric and somatoscopic.

The number of Grombach health criteria used by doctors in his comprehensive assessment:

<variant>4 health criteria.

<variant>2 health criteria.

<variant>3 health criteria.

<variant>5 criteria for health. |

 6 criteria for health.

Intensive incidence rates characterize:

<variant>frequency, prevalence.

<variant>the proportion of patients.

<variant>morbidity patterns.

<variant>severity of the disease.

<variant>hospitalized morbidity.

Extensive incidence rates characterize:

<variant>the proportion of the phenomenon, the distribution of the whole into its component parts.

<variant>frequency and prevalence.

<variant>infectious morbidity.

<variant>severity of the disease.

<variant>significance of differences.

The accounting unit of morbidity by negotiability is:

<variant>case of morbidity.

<variant>specifically ill person.

<variant>the totality of all cases.

<variant>the number of days of illness by institution.

<variant>the number of children in the team who have any form of the disease.



The main ways to increase the specific resistance of the body:

<variant>conducting preventive vaccinations.

<variant>carrying out preventive multivitaminization.

<variant>conducting a system of tempering procedures.

<variant>rationalization of nutrition.

<variant>preventive rehabilitation of chronic diseases.

The main ways to increase the nonspecific resistance of the organism are:

<variant>carrying out a system of water procedures.

<variant>conducting preventive vaccinations.

<variant>conducting preventive counseling.

<variant>rationalization of sleep patterns.

<variant>conducting a survey of parents.

In the process of prenosological examination is used:

<variant>screening program.

<variant>physiometric method.

<variant>generalizing method.

<variant>static method.

<variant>physical and mathematical method.

The combination of changes in the performance indicators on the Anfimov correction table describes the state of pronounced fatigue:

<variant>speed decreased, quality deteriorated.

<variant>the speed has not changed, the quality has improved.

<variant>speed increased, quality deteriorated.

<variant>speed decreased, quality improved.

<variant>speed improved, quality improved.

The basis of the assessment of health according to Anfimov’s tables are criteria such as:

<variant>the quantity and quality of work performed.

<variant>time to research.

<variant>test location.

<variant>amount of research.

<variant>the number of subjects.

Mental performance study:

<variant>proof tests.





If the index of motor density of physical education classes is not less ..., then it is optimal.

<variant> 70%

<variant> 50%

<variant> 60%

<variant> 80%

<variant> 90%

The criterion that is used for a comprehensive assessment of health status:

<variant>the presence or absence at the time of the survey of chronic diseases.

<variant>demographic indicators.

<variant>appealability for medical assistance.

<variant>results of mass medical examinations.

<variant>general morbidity.

Morbidity structure:

<variant>the proportion of nosological forms.

<variant>the proportion of acute diseases.

<variant>the proportion of chronic diseases.

<variant>incidence of diseases.

<variant>average duration of a case of illness.

The main form of physical education in school:

<variant>physical education lesson.

<variant>physical mini.

<variant>morning gymnastics.

<variant>sport games.

<variant>outdoor games.

When developing the physiological nutritional patterns of the population, the following are taken into account:

<variant>gender, age, degree of load.

<variant>degree of material support.

<variant>degree of communal improvement.

<variant>degree of physical activity.

<variant>gender, age

The physiological norms of nutrition from mineral salts include:

<variant>calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium.

<variant>calcium, sodium, iron.

<variant>calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

<variant>sodium, phosphorus, iron.

<variant>iron, potassium, phosphorus.

All components of a person’s daily energy consumption:

<variant>basal metabolism, specific-dynamic action foods and physical labor.

<variant>main exchange and professional activities.

<variant>energy consumption for work related to household services.

<variant>energy consumption associated with sports.

The final group of the child’s health is determined by:


<variant>every specialist who participated in the physical.

<variant>ENT doctor.


<variant>orthopedic surgeon.

The indicator of the resistance of a child’s body during a comprehensive assessment of health during mass medical examinations of children is characterized by:

<variant>number of diseases in the previous year.

<variant>immunological status of the child.

<variant>addiction to childhood infections.

<variant>the duration of sick leave per year.

<variant>a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.

... are held in the classroom to prevent schoolchildren from fatigue.

<variant>Fizkult minute

<variant>Physical breaks

<variant>Sports hour

<variant>Outdoor games

<variant>Health hour

Chemical thermoregulation - a set of physiological mechanisms that provide:

<variant>change in the value of heat production.

<variant>change in the value of heat conduction.

<variant>change in the amount of heat radiation.

<variant>change in heat transfer.

<variant>thermal comfort state.

... is a universal source of all nutrients and vitamins.




<variant>Vegetable fats


Antianemic role played by the vitamin:

<variant>B 12.





300 The specific role of phenylalanine in the body is its participation:

<variant>In the synthesis of thyroxine and tyrosine. 

<variant>in the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex.

<variant>in maintaining nitrogen balance.

 <variant>in the exchange of nicotinic acid.

<variant>in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

The development of "night blindness" prevents sufficient saturation of the body:

 <variant>vitamin A.

<variant>vitamin D.

<variant>vitamin B2.

<variant>Vitamin PP.

<variant>vitamin b6.

Physical thermoregulation is a combination of physiological mechanisms that provide:

<variant>change in heat transfer.

<variant>change in the value of heat production.

<variant>change in heat balance

<variant>metabolism change.

<variant>change in thermal well-being.

 At the heart of hardening is training processes:

<variant>heat transfer.

<variant>chemical thermoregulation.

<variant>heat production.

<variant>conditioned reflexes.

<variant>second signaling system.

The cause of nutritional dystrophy in children is a disadvantage:


<variant>of vitamins.

<variant>mineral salts.



 The role of vitamin D is to prevent development in children:






The role of vitamin D is to prevent development in adults:






The development of pellagra prevents sufficient saturation of the body:

<variant>nicotinic acid.

<variant>ascorbic acid.

<variant>vitamin D.


 <variant>para-aminobenzoic acid.

 Chemical heat regulation provides:

<variant>change in metabolic rate.

<variant>change in the value of heat conduction.

<variant>change in the amount of heat radiation.

<variant>change in heat transfer.

<variant>thermal comfort state.

 Sample Marshak:

<variant>cold tests.

<variant>breath holding at inspiration.

<variant>holding your breath as you exhale.

<variant>change of body position from lying to sitting.

<variant>Wake up to the bench.

Scurvy develops in the absence of ... in the diet.

<variant>ascorbic acid

<variant>nicotinic acid



<variant>vitamin A

With a lack of insolation in the body of children the synthesis of the vitamin is disturbed:







<variant>From time to time there is a clear decrease in working capacity caused by the performance of a certain work, which stops after a rest.

<variant>violation of the dynamic production stereotype due to inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

<variant>a pathological condition of the body that has arisen as a result of excessive work, which stops after rest.

<variant>a steady decrease in performance caused by the performance of a certain work, terminating after a rest.

<variant>Improve the dynamic production stereotype due to inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Components of the physiological health curve:

<variant>the period of optimal performance, recession, work.

<variant>period of recession, re-adaptation.

<variant>period of readaptation.

<variant>period of work, excitement.

<variant>period of excitement.

When re-acted in the current year ... not considered as a primary appeal.

<variant>chronic diseases

<variant>acute diseases


<variant>infectious diseases


Sports minutes are held:

<variant>while working.

<variant>before starting work.

<variant>after work.

<variant>in the gym.

<variant>on the street.

The role of vitamin B1 is that it prevents the development of the disease:






The role of vitamin D is that it prevents the development of:






The development of "night blindness" prevents sufficient saturation of the body:

<variant>vitamin A.

<variant>vitamin D.

<variant>vitamin B2.

<variant>Vitamin PP.

<variant>vitamin b6.

Severe deficiency of protein and caloric intake at an early age leads to the development of:



<variant>Minamata disease.

<variant>iron deficiency anemia.

<variant>muscle weakness.

Methionone deficiency affects the metabolism:

<variant>folic acid and vitamin B12.

<variant>pyridoxine and riboflavin.

<variant>nicotinic acid and thiamine.

<variant>ascorbic acid and vitamin B2.


Of the products listed ... are a source of protein of high biological value.

<variant>milk products


<variant>bakery products



Content ... affects the metabolism and absorption of calcium.

<variant>phosphorus and magnesium

<variant>vitamin a and carotene

<variant>sodium and potassium



At the heart of hardening is training processes:

<variant>heat transfer.

<variant>chemical thermoregulation.

<variant>heat production.

<variant>conditioned reflexes.

<variant>second signaling system.

... used to assess the functionality of the respiratory system.

<variant>Sample Genchi.

<variant>Martine-Kushelevsky Proof

<variant>Harvard step test

<variant>Sample Letunova

<variant>Orthostatic test

The most sensitive population contingent taken into account when developing standards is:

<variant>children, the elderly.



<variant>pregnant women, teenagers.

<variant>sick people.

The intensity of UV light reaches a maximum in ... months of the year.

<variant>June July

<variant>January February

<variant>March, April

<variant>April May

<variant>September October

The cause of the “sunstroke” is:

<variant>overheating of the meninges when staying uncovered in the sun.



<variant>hypersensitivity of the body to ultraviolet radiation.

<variant>a sharp decrease in insolation.

The classic definition of health given by WHO:

<variant>it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, characterized by the dynamic equilibrium of the organism with the environment, as well as the absence of diseases and physical defects in it.

<variant>This is the optimally effective level of vital activity of the organism, which provides a person with the opportunity to most intensively perform his social functions.

<variant>it is a state of self-regulation of the organism and its dynamic equilibrium with the environment, which ensures the possibility of optimal functioning of a person in various environments of life. <variant>it is more than the absence of disease and damage.

<variant>this is the absence of disease.

Pediatrician for the health of children and adolescents divides into ... health groups.

<variant> 5

<variant> 3

<variant> 2

<variant> 4

<variant> 1

The exogenous factor affecting the health of the child is:


<variant>genetic predisposition.

<variant>mother's age.

<variant>number of children in the family.

<variant>mental state of the mother.

The endogenous factor affecting the health of the child is:

<variant>genetic predisposition.


<variant>social status of the family.

<variant>inferior family.

<variant>sanitary culture of parents.

The level of puberty of adolescents is determined by ... method.






Often there are pathological processes in children and adolescents in the ... system.







<variant>preventive branch of science.

<variant>science that studies healing methods.

<variant>science that studies the effect of flora on the body.

<variant>science that studies the pain of the population.

<variant>science that studies the incidence of infectious diseases.

The object of study hygiene is:

<variant>environment and human health.

<variant>Flora and fauna.

<variant>water resources.

<variant>buildings environment.

<variant>natural phenomena.

The term hygiene in translation from an ancient Greek word means:

<variant>bringing health.

<variant>health prevention.




Hypodynamia differs from hypokinesia in that:

<variant>hypokinesia reflects a lack of motor activity, and hypodynamia is a sedentary lifestyle.

<variant>nothing, these words are synonyms.

<variant>hypokinesia reflects a sedentary lifestyle, and hypodynamia reflects a lack of motor activity.

<variant>Hypokinesia is the first stage of hypodynamia.

<variant>Hypodynamia is the outcome of hypokinesia.

The effects of physical inactivity manifest themselves:

<variant>under extreme conditions that require emergency mobilization of the reserve capacity of the organism.

<variant>in the daily organization of the child's mode of life.

<variant>when staying in conditions of limited insolation.

<variant>in case of malnutrition of the child.

<variant>with intense mental activity.

The main cause of hyperkinesia is:

<variant>forced exercise during training.

<variant>unbalanced nature of the child.

<variant>thyroid disease “hyperthyroidism”.

<variant>Parkinson's disease.

<variant>rheumatic lesion of the nervous system.

Tempering procedures used in the scheme of children's health in preschool institutions are ...


<variant>washing with warm water.

<variant>“Normal microclimate”.

<variant>“Winter swimming”.

<variant>“Barefoot in the frost”.

Intensive incidence rates characterize:

<variant>frequency, prevalence.

<variant>the proportion of patients.

<variant>morbidity patterns.

<variant>severity of the disease.

<variant>hospitalized morbidity.

... is a method that determines the shape of the foot.






Prevention of foodborne diseases:

<variant>Perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator.

<variant>Perishable food should be stored in the kitchen.

<variant>increase of sanitary culture of the population.

<variant>dissemination of information through the media.

<variant>food preservation.

Prevention of botulism:

<variant>comply with the terms of sterilization when canning products.

<variant>Perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator.

<variant>Perishable food should be stored in the kitchen.

<variant>increase of sanitary culture of the population.

<variant>dissemination of information through the media.

Prevention of mycotoxicosis:

<variant>Do not allow moisture and moldiness of the grain.

<variant>Prevent moisture and mold from flour.

<variant>Perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator.

<variant>Perishable food should be stored in the kitchen.

<variant>food preservation.

Infectious patient enters box:

<variant>from the street through the outer entrance with a vestibule.

<variant>from the hospital corridor through the gateway.

<variant>from the san processing point.

<variant>from the receiving - viewing box.

<variant>from the hospital reception.

In connection with the change in the epidemiological situation, the department for patients with salmonellosis was redeveloped to receive patients with the flu. In this regard, it is necessary to spend in the department, first of all:

<variant>final disinfection of premises

<variant>airing the room for 30-45 minutes

<variant>current disinfection of premises

<variant>quartzization of rooms for 90 minutes

<variant>wiping the floor using the “two bucket” method

The Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the area of ​​the city conducted a study on annual reports to assess the age structure of the incidence of measles and rubella for 2000-2004. The type of research carried out in this case:




<variant>case - control


A patient, 58 years old, diagnosed with fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, does not work, abuses alcohol, lives in a communal apartment, where there are children, a pregnant woman. In the focus of infection is necessary to hold in this case:

<variant>isolation of the patient in the tuberculosis hospital

<variant>observation of contact 17 days

<variant>isolation of the patient in the boxing infectious hospital

<variant>isolating the patient at home

<variant>observation of the contact day 21

In the high school of militia among the military personnel who were in the barracks,

flashed rubella. 22 soldiers and 3 officers between the ages of 18 and 24 got sick.

Anti-epidemic measures in this case:

<variant>inoculate all military personnel with a single vaccine

<variant>carry out final disinfection

<variant>medical observation 17 days

<variant>isolate the sick in the barracks

<variant>medical observation 21 days

In a 22-year-old pregnant woman, the examination revealed markers of viral hepatitis E (anti-HEV IgG). The collection of epidamnias indicates that a month ago the patient went to rest on the bank of a small river with her family. Anti-epidemic measures in this case:

<variant>observation of contact 30 days

<variant>contact vaccination

<variant>final disinfection in the outbreak

<variant>isolation at home

<variant>35 days contact monitoring

There are 5 people in the family: a husband, a wife, and three children. His father was hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital with a diagnosis of viral hepatitis A. Anti-epidemic measures in this case:

<variant>35 days contact monitoring

<variant>contact vaccination

<variant>current disinfection in the outbreak

<variant>isolation at home

<variant>observation of contact 30 days

A 32-year-old woman died in an infectious diseases hospital. The postmortem diagnosis: HIV infection, Pneumocystis pneumonia. Epidanamnez: a husband from Temirtau, suffered from syphilis, with a positive response from the ELISA to HIV. The condition of the woman has sharply worsened after giving birth. The probable way of infecting a woman in this case is:

<variant>sexual way


<variant>contact - household



In a 38-year-old patient with chronic cholecystitis, located in the therapeutic department, S. typhi was isolated when seeding bile. From the anamnesis it is known that 10 years ago, the patient suffered from typhoid fever. Chamber on 3 patients; 2 people were discharged a week ago. In the department - 30 patients. Anti-epidemic measures in relation to contact in this case:

<variant>watch for 21 days

<variant>isolate in the compartment

<variant>watch for 17 days

<variant>hospitalize in infectious diseases hospital

<variant>isolate in boxing

Due to the mass measles epidemic, it is temporarily planned to open and place a department for patients with this infection in the five-story building of the infectious diseases hospital. On the floor you need to place this office.


<variant>the second

<variant>the third

<variant>the fourth

<variant>the first

Primary prevention:

<variant>a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (rational mode of work and rest, rational quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.).

<variant>a set of measures aimed at eliminating the expressed risk factors, which under certain conditions (stress, weakening of immunity) can lead to the occurrence, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease.

<variant>a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost their ability to live.

<variant>a set of measures for the introduction of drugs for the treatment of disease

<variant>a complex of environmental and general sanitary measures (improvement of the quality of water supply, sanitary cleaning of populated
Secondary prevention:

<variant>a set of measures aimed at eliminating the expressed risk factors, which under certain conditions (stress, weakening of immunity) can lead to the occurrence, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease.

<variant>a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost their ability to live.

<variant>a set of measures for the introduction of drugs for the treatment of disease

<variant>a complex of environmental and general sanitary measures (improving the quality of water supply, sanitary cleaning of populated areas, sewage, etc.)

 <variant>a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (rational mode of work and rest, rational quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.).

Tertiary prevention:

<variant>a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost their ability to live.

<variant>a set of measures for the introduction of drugs for the treatment of disease <variant>a complex of environmental and general sanitary measures (improving the quality of water supply, sanitary cleaning of populated areas, sewage, .etc)
<variant>a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (rational mode of work and rest, rational quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.).

<variant>a set of measures aimed at eliminating the expressed risk factors, which under certain conditions (stress, weakening of immunity) can lead to the occurrence, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 195; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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