VII. Look at the picture. Using your active Vocabulary describe feelings that overwhelm the man in the picture.






Final Test


I. Rearrange these expressions, grading them according to their meanings: love→like→dislike→hate. He/She:

       is madly in love with; can't bear' is attracted to; fancies' can't live without; is crazy about; is devoted too; is fond of; doesn't think much of; is indifferent to; is infatuated with; is keen on; thinks the worlds of; admires; detests; doesn't get in with; is incompatible with; gets in really well with; can't stand the sight of; loathes; has gone off; has fallen out with; adores; puts up with.


II. Make a word from the same root as the word in brackets in order to complete the sentences:

1. Even after so many years away from the country where I was born, I still have a ... ... to return there some day. (HANKER)

2. Nick gazed ... ... at his neighbour's shining new motorbike. (COVET)

3. The lovers looked ... ... into each others eyes. (RAPTURE)

4. Jean tried making some ... ... remarks which lightens the atmosphere a bit. (CONCILIATE)

5. Our local member of Parliament is an ... ... opponent of all plans to extend the city. (PLACATE)

6. The mood of the negotiations was ... ... from the outset and a consensus was reached fairly rapidly to the ... ... of all present. (PLACATE; JUBILANT)


III. Think of antonymous words to the following"

       contented, miserable, depressed, tidy, respect; amiable. luxuriant, attraction.


IV. Think of a walking tour. How is man affected by prolonged walking in the open air?

V. The films have gained a charm with age but, inevitably, they have also lost something. What is it? Give your reasons.

VI. Using your Active Vocabulary describe the situation when you've experienced the strongest feelings and emotions.

VII. What does the art of living among other people consist in?

VIII. Look at the picture. Using your Active Vocabulary describe feelings and emotions that overwhelm the man in the picture.



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Для студентов III курса факультета иностранных языков специальности П.02.07.00 «Английский язык»



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