B) Find sentences with these expressions in the text.

Летняя сессия 2019



Из учебника Петровой продолжаем выписывать  в ту же  тетрадь по грамматике грамматику уроков с 13 по 18. Пишется все так же: название темы, содержание.


В тоненькую тетрадь  параллельно с грамм. матер. выполняются грамм. упражнения из этих же уроков (13-18). Еще раз: прочитали урок в книге, записали грамматику, разобрались и сразу делаем упражнения в другую тетрадь по этой теме. (Эту тетрадь сдаете)

В тетрадь для занятий  записываете переводы тем (5 TOPICS + 1 текст по специальности) и упражнения по ним (ниже). Тексты на англ.яз распечатать (или переписать) и иметь при себе!! Будем по ним работать на уроке.



Контрольные работы из Петровой можно выполнять и проверять самостоятельно по ключам в конце книги.

Рекомендуется продолжать выписывать и выучивать незнакомые слова по текстам.

Все тетради должны иметь аккуратный вид и быть в обложках.

Что выделено голубым – делаем по желанию.


Задания делаем постепенно, начиная с января.



Требования к зачету:


1. предъявляем три тетради с дом. работой, одну из них сдаем (с упражнениями)

2. темы About Myself, A Speech Therapist – пересказываем. (Количество предложений-учить все. Сокращать можно. Как предложения, так и сам текст. Кому очень сложно – можно начинать с 15ти предложений).


Pskov State University

1. Read the words and expressions aloud:

Quite, necessary, quite necessary, highly, skilled, highly skilled and educated, to be highly skilled and educated specialist

Higher, education, higher education, Pedagogical, Pskov State Pedagogical University, Polytechnic, Pskov State Polytechnic Institute

Distinguished, distinguished educational, distinguished educational institution; heart, co-influence; lively, lively and picturesque place

Undergraduate; undergraduate, graduate; undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate schools; knowledge

Physics, Physics and Mathematics; Philology, Philology and Foreign Languages; scholarship, get scholarship

Consultations; review, review and revise, review and revise the material; assigned, is assigned; research, research papers;

Essential, essential part; spheres, spheres of knowledge, all spheres of knowledge


Read the text and get the main idea of it.


To study is not an easy thing, of course, but nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly skilled and educated specialist.

One of the today’s centers of higher education in the Northwest of Russia, Pskov State University was established in 2010, when Pskov State Pedagogical University (founded in 1932) and Pskov State Polytechnic Institute (founded in 1960) and some colleges were combined together. So it is the oldest and most distinguished educational institution of Pskov Region.

 Its main and administrative building is located in the very heart of Pskov, Lenin Square. It sits not far from the co-influence of the Pskova and Velikaya rivers, in a lively and picturesque place.

The University educates many students each year in its undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate schools. Every third member of Pskov State University holds a master’s degree or doctorate in the corresponding field of knowledge.

Depending on their needs, interests and abilities, students may choose a full-time day program, evening full-time classes or part-time correspondence education. There are eleven faculties at our university, among them: Physics and Mathematics, Philology and Foreign Languages, History and many others. In our country higher education is expensive. But if you have got good mark for school state exams you can study free and even get scholarship.

An academic year lasts from September till June or July and is divided into terms (Fall and Spring) each ending in examination session. During every session students take credit tests and exams. This time the students are left to work on their own. They attend consultations, review and revise the material, read for exams in order not to fail them.

 During the session students are pressed for time. First of all the students are engaged in studying. They do their best to acquire necessary knowledge. For that purpose they must never miss seminars, lectures and other classes and prepare their home assignments regularly. Those who pass the exams successfully can get extra scholarships.

A number of University dormitory rooms on the campus are available to full-time students. At the third course every student who specializes in one of the main concentrations of the University is assigned an academic adviser. All the students must produce at least 3 research papers during their graduate course work. Those who came top in their final exams can become postgraduates.

The students may use the large University library system and the University sports facilities. The students can go in for different kinds of sports, for example they are allowed to swim in the newly built swimming-pool. Indeed, sport in some form or another has become an essential part of the students’ life. They can also enjoy a wide range of cultural and social events in Pskov.

A cafeteria service for breakfast and lunch is available through most of the year. The dining hall offers a choice of hot dishes, various salads and other items at breakfast and lunch.

Studying at our Pskov StateUniversity gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.


  3. a) Read the following expressions and give Russian equivalents to them:

To be established, to be located in, to be divided into, to be engaged in, to be available, to be allowed to, in order (not) to

b) Find sentences with these expressions in the text.

4. Be ready to answer the questions:


1. When was Pskov State University established?

2. Where is its main and administrative building located?

3. What kind of place is it?

4. What kind of programs can the student choose?

5. Do you like to study in Pskov State University? Why?

6. What opportunities will you have after graduating your faculty?



I. Read the words and expressions aloud:

Native, my native, my native city; ancient, ancient Russian, ancient Russian citie, one of the most ancient Russian cities

Chronicles, approximately; primarily, primarily involved, primarily involved in agriculture; special, special role; precious, precious stones

Ancient, ancient settlement; fortified, fortified rings, stone fortified rings, five stone fortified rings; dynamic, dynamic outlines, dynamic outlines by heritage

Ecclesiastical, ecclesiastical school; architectural, architectural style; аrcheological, аrcheological expositions

 Honour, in honour, a monument in honour, a monument in honour of, a monument in honour of victory; аncient, ancient boundaries

industrial, industrial cultural, industrial, cultural and educational, industrial, cultural and educational center; to be engaged in, was engaged in

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 277; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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