Phonetic Contest Requirements

Фонетический конкурс проводится в следующей форме:

• Постановка сказки, отрывка из художественного произведения, фильма, мюзикла и т.д.

• Ориентированность на зрителя:

начальная школа – ФАФ 1 курс, ФРГФ 2 курс, ФПМНО 2 курс, ФПМДО 2 курс

средняя школа – ФАФ 2 курс, ФРГФ 3 курс

старшая школа – ФАФ 3 курс

• Исполнение песни (2, 3 курс ФАФ, 3 курс ФРГФ).

• Представление сценария постановки (1 неделя марта).

• Каждый из участников фонетического конкурса должен интонировать и затранскрибировать свою роль и предоставить её преподавателю (март)

• Участники должны отчитать текст реплик ведущему преподавателю (март – апрель)

Ведущий преподаватель представляет в жюри текст сценария, итонированный и затранскрибированный участниками.


Критерии оценивания фонетического конкурса учитывают следующие параметры:

• уровень усвоения студентом материала, предусмотренного учебной программой по практической фонетике английского языка; наличие основных произносительных навыков и способности адекватно реализовывать их в стилистически различных экстралингвистических ситуациях:



• альвеолярные звуки;

• межзубные звуки;

• звуки, произносимые с аспирацией;

• глухие/звонкие согласные звуки;

• /ŋ/ - / ŋg/

• /w/ - /v/

• долгие/краткие монофтонги и дифтонгоиды;

• дифтонги.



• носовой взрыв;

• боковой взрыв;

• потеря взрыва;

• потеря аспирации;

• оглушение/озвончение;

• палатализованный аллофон фонемы /l/ в положении перед гласным и /j/;

• позиционная долгота гласных;

• качественная/количественная редукция гласных;

• редуцированные формы служебных слов.



• воспроизведение интонационных структур английского языка в четырех коммуникативных типах предложения;

• умение аудировать и самостоятельно интонационно реализовывать семантическую структуру текстовых отрезков, соблюдая ритмические, темпоральные, мелодические, паузационные особенности.



• умение учитывать роль экстралингвистических факторов в формировании стилистически разных вариантах звучания в процессе воспроизведения речи;

• использование разных фонетических средств в зависимости от жанровой дифференциации речи и вида речевой деятельности;

• реализация интонационных стилей в 3-ех видах речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение, аудирование)


• демонстрирование приемов выразительной и эмоционально окрашенной речи;

• уровень реализации фонетических навыков в музыкальном произведении;

• артистизм;

• участие всех студентов, обучающихся в академической группе с равным количеством реплик.



По результатам фонетического конкурса выигравшим группам присуждаются соответственно 1,2 и 3 место.

Также существуют индивидуальные номинации:

• Лучшие фонетические навыки (Best phonetic skills)

• Артистизм (Artistic skills)

• Прорыв года (Breakthrough)



Compare the units (marked with // below) in these examples of slow and fast speech:



 Slow speech: A nurse is explaining how to make a sling:

// this goes under the arm// and then over the shoulder// all the time// make sure you support the arm// talk to the patient// and find out what position// is most comfortable for them//

Fast speech: Three friends are in a Chinese restaurant:

A: // is anyone having a starter or not// or are we going straight to the main course//

B: // I'm going to go straight to the main course//

C: //yeah//  

B: // but I might have an extra portion of something// you never know//

A: // do they do nice sweets here//

C: //I think it's just lychees//

A: // what's lychees//

B: // they're the funny little white ones// aren't they//

C: // that's right// I'm not terribly keen on them//



Because words within units are run together, it can sometimes be difficult to understand them. However, one or more word in each unit is emphasized and may be said more clearly than others. It is important to focus on these, as they usually carry the most important information in the unit. Listen to these speech units from the restaurant conversation and notice how the words with syllables in large capital letters are emphasized:

// I’m going to go STRAIGHT to the MAIN course//

// I think it’s just lyCHEES//

// they are the FUNny little WHITE ones//

// that’s RIGHT//







Prominent function words

Может добавить слабые формыThe function words are not usually prominent. However, there are a number of exceptions.

Function words are usually made prominent when a contrast is expressed or implied:

A: I'll leave it on the table, shall I? B: No, put it UNder the table.

A: That looks pretty easy. B: Well, YOU do it then! (because I can't)

 It is rarely prominent except at the end of a number of fixed phrases with this and that:

You know I was buying a new car? Well, THIS is IT. (= this is the one)
A: People are only interested in money these days. B: THIS is IT. (= I agree)
THIS is IT, then. (= it's time to do something I don't want to - leave, part, etc.)
I just signed my name, and THAT was IT. (= nothing more had to be done)
A: Here's your pocket money. B: Is THAT IT? (= is that all there is?)

A: Just swim across. B: THAT'S just IT. (= that's the problem) I can't swim.

Some is often prominent (and pronounced /sAm/) when -

•                                             it means 'some people'

SOME consider him to be the best golfer in the world.

•                                             it means a large number or amount

I didn't see her again for SOME YEARS.

•                                             it means a particular person or thing, without saying exactly which
1                                                            There must be SOME time we're all free for a meeting.

Any is often prominent (and pronounced /'eni/) when -

•                                             it means 'it's not important which'

ANY of the camera shops in town will sell them.

•                                             it is used for emphasis after a negative verb

Haven't you done ANY of your homework yet?

Somebody, anybody, etc. are often prominent when they are the subject of a sentence: A: Apparently, there were no witnesses. B: But SOMEbody must have seen it.

B24 The is prominent (and pronounced /di:/) when we say that something is the best, most important, etc. of its kind:

You should go to the Maldives. It's THE place to see coral.

B25 The auxiliary verbs be, have and do and the modal verbs are often prominent -

• in negative forms           I CAN'T wait.

• for special emphasis    I SHOULD have left earlier.

• in contradictions            A: You HAVEn't ironed your shirt. B: I HAVE ironed it.

• in time contrasts             It WAS in the cupboard, but it ISn't there now.

Do, did and does are often made prominent for emphasis with the present and past simple:
I DO like this cheese.                                                                                   We DID warn you.

B26 In a piece of new information or a question made up only of function words, the last function word is often made prominent:

There was nothing I could DO.

A: I've just finished a really good book. B: what was it aBOUT?





It is not essential to make these changes in your own speech in order to be understood, although they can help your speech sound more natural and fluent.









and 34). It is important to focus on these, as they usually carry the most important information in the unit. Listen to these speech units from the restaurant conversation and notice how the words with

//I'm going to go STRAIGHT to the MAIN course//

//1 think it's just lyCHEES//

II they're the FUNny little WHITE ones//

// that's RIGHT//

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 326; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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