Why do people build bridges? Where are bridges usually built?

Read the text quickly and choose the correct answers to the questions below. Don’t pay attention to the gaps.



Where is the text from?

  a An engineering book about bridges
  b A tourist guidebook

Which is the best title for the text?

  a The Clifton Suspension Bridge
  b Isambard Kingdom Brunel


  The CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE is a (1) __________ bridge which means it doesn’t open or move to allow boats through. It was (2) __________ in the 1830s by one of Britain’s greatest nineteenth-century (3) __________ , Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The bridge was actually (4) __________in the 1860s. (5) __________ analysis of the design shows that many of the ideas are almost (6)__________ . When the bridge opened it was for carriages pulled by horses but 150 years later it carries 12,000 cars and lorries a day, that’s over four million (7) __________ a year.   Strange but true: 1. In 1885 a young woman jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Her large, fashionable, nineteenth-century skirt acted as a (8) __________ and she landed safely after a 75m fall. She lived into her seventies. 2. The first (9) __________ flew under the bridge in 1911. The last plane was a jet travelling at 720kph in 1957; the (10) __________ crashed the plane and died. * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 19, pg.22, ex.2)  


Read the text again and complete the gaps with the words from the box below.

aeroplane    built      computer         designed     engineers fixed   parachute   perfect    pilot    vehicles

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 19, pg.22, ex.3)


4. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions:

-  … что означает…

-  … он был разработан…

-  … он предназначался для…

-  … спустя…лет…

-  … в день…

-  …в год…

-  …безопасно приземлилась…

-  … до 70 с лишним лет…

-  …летевший со скоростью …


Read the text again and decide if the sentences (1-5) are true (T) or false (F).

1 The Clifton Suspension Bridge is a moveable bridge. T F
2 It was designed and built in the twentieth century. T F
3 The designer was a famous British engineer. T F
4 The design of the bridge is very good. T F
5 Pilots fly under the bridge every day. T F

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 19, pg.22, ex.4)

Look at the diagram below and write the dimensions in the correct places.


  Dimensions:   span - 214m   height above the river - 75m   height of towers - 26m    

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 19, pg.22, ex.5)


Look at the words in the box below. Check the meaning of any new words in the glossary. What do you think the next text will be about?


bridge    collapse    cracked    disaster   enquiry    killed    substandard

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 20, pg.23, ex.2)


Read the following text. What is it about?

  The TAY BRIDGE in Scotland was designed and built by Sir Thomas Bouch in the nineteenth century. The bridge, which was over 3km long, opened in 1878 and fell down in a winter storm in 1879. A train carrying 70 people was on the bridge at the time and all people were killed. There was an enquiry into the Tay Bridge disaster to find out why the accident happened. One of the conclusions was that the design and construction were based on how quickly and cheaply it could be built; safety and strength were not thought about properly. Another conclusion was that it was a very cold winter and the iron may have cracked when it contracted. Also, the design was based on experience rather than the more scientific and accurate calculations used today. During the twentieth century engineers used computers to do a detailed structural analysis of the design used for the Tay Bridge. The results confirm that the design of the bridge was definitely substandard. * (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 20, pg.23, ex.3)  


9. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions:

-  …был разработан и построен …

-  … длиной свыше … километров …

-  … в это время …

-  … чтобы выяснить …

-  … были основаны на …

-  … следующий вывод …

-  … научный и точный расчет …

-  … детальный структуральный анализ …

-  … результаты доказывают, что …

-  … абсолютно непригоден …

10.  Now find the English equivalents to the following phrases. Mind that the phrase given can easily replace the phrase used in the text without any change in meaning:

… to get to know…

… the reason of the accident…

… spending less money…

… were forgotten …

… absolutely not acceptable …


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