What do you think is Repetitive Strain Injury?  How do you understand the phrase? What is the equivalent phrase in your own language?

Read the following text and match the headings (A-D) with the paragraphs (1-3). There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

A Advice for computer workers
B Advice for factory workers
C General advice
D What is RSI?
REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY (RSI) 1. _____ Any person who repeats the same movement a lot of times can develop repetitive strain injury. Factory workers, computer operators, sports people, and musicians are at the most risk because their jobs involve making the same movement thousands of times. The symptoms of RSI include: pain and/or burning in the damaged area, difficulty in moving, and loss of feeling. 2. _____ It is difficult to cure RSI but you can avoid it before it starts. To prevent RSI, workers at risk should: - take regular breaks from their work to stretch and move about; - learn to sit and move correctly so they use their bodies naturally. 3. _____ People who use computers for a long time have a high risk of developing RSI. Here are some basic rules for working safely at a computer: - take regular breaks to stretch and relax, - move the screen to eye level or a little bit lower, - don’t hold the mouse for too long or too tightly, - sit with your back relaxed, shoulders down and your neck straight, - keep your wrists relaxed, your elbows at about 90 degrees and the lower parts of your arms parallel to the desk top, - use an adjustable chair, - keep your feet flat on the floor.  

* (the text is from “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 13, pg.15, ex.2)

3. Read the text again and find the English equivalents to the following expressions:

- … любой человек…

- … находятся в зоне максимального риска…

- … боль или жжение…

- … затруднение двигательной функции…

- … потеря чувствительности…

- … (люди), находящиеся в зоне риска…

- … походить (подвигаться)…

- … правильно двигаться…

- … высокий риск развития синдрома…  

- … основные правила…

- … уровень глаз…

- … держите кисти рук расслабленными…

- … регулируемый стул…

- … стопы прижаты к поверхности пола…

Match the highlighted words in the text with the meanings (1-6) below.

1 a danger
2 can be moved into different shapes or positions
3 signs of an illness
4 stop something happening
5 to make an illness better
6 without tension or strain

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 13, pg.15, ex.3)

Match the following words.

level  RSI  an advice naturally   feeling  workers relaxed  a disease risk of RSI   to cure chair rules  moving on the floor  correctly      safely  movements  breaks    risk  area


1 to give   11 basic
2 computer   12 regular
3 difficulty in   13 to keep
4 to work   14 high
5 to repeat   15 eye
6 to prevent   16 to be at the most
7 symptoms of   17 damaged
8 to move   18 to keep flat
9 adjustable   19 difficult
10 loss of   20 to use the body


Look at the diagram and match the labels (a-g) with the correct items (1-7).

a) elbows at 90 degrees  
b) feet flat on the floor  
с) head and neck straight and relaxed  
d) lower arm horizontal  
e) shoulders down  
f) upper arm vertical  
g) use an adjustable chair  

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 13, pg.15, ex.4)

7. Answer the questions to the text above:

1. What does the term “RSI” stand for?
2. Who are at the most risk of RSI?
3. What are the symptoms of RSI?
4. Is it easier to prevent RSI or cure the disease?
5. What should people do to prevent RSI?
6. What are the rules of using a computer in order to prevent RSI?
7. What does the word “adjustable” mean?
8. Why is an adjustable chair so important?

8. Study the table “Parts of human’s body” below. Try to understand the meaning of each word in column 1 according to its definition in column 2. Don’t use English-Russian Dictionary! Write the translation in column 3. Compare it with your partner.


1 2 3
ankle the part of your body where your foot joins your leg
arm the long part at each side of your body connecting your shoulder to your hand
calf the back of your leg between your ankle and your knee
cheek either side of your face below eyes
chest the top part of the front of your body
chin the part of your face below your mouth
elbow the middle of your arm where bones of the arm join
eyebrow the line of hair above your eyes
eyelash one of the hairs that grow round your eyes
eyelid the piece of skin that can move and cover your eyes
finger one of the five parts at the end of each hand
foot the lowest part of the body at which a person stands
forearm the part of your arm between your elbow and your wrist
forehead the part of your face above your eyes and below hair
heel the back part of your foot below your ankle
hip the part of the side of your body above your legs and below your waist
jaw bones in your face that contain your teeth
knee the place where your leg bends (like elbow)
lip two soft parts of your mouth
nail the thin hard thing that covers your fingers and toes
neck the part of your body that joins your head to your shoulders
nostril one of the two openings at the edge of your nose that you breath through
palm the flat inner surface of your hand
shin the bone at the front part of your leg from your knee to your ankle
shoulder the part of your body between your neck and the top of your arm
sole the bottom of your foot that you stand on
stomach the front part of your body below your chest and above your legs
thigh the top part of your leg above your knee
throat the front part of your neck
thumb the short thick finger at the side of each hand
toe one of the small parts like fingers at the end of each foot
waist the narrowest part around the middle of your body
wrist the narrow part at the end of you arm where it joins your hand


9. Now try to give your own explanations to the following words:



Now check your answers.


10. Remember the following words that can help you explain different parts of human’s body:

front/back – спереди/сзади;

below/above – снизу (ниже)/сверху (выше);

top/bottom – верх (на верху)/низ (внизу);

thin/thick – тонкий/толстый;

narrow/wide – узкий/широкий.


11. Find as many parts of human’s body as you can (25 words). They may be written vertically, horizontally or diagonally:

  a b c d e f g h i j
1 C A L F L I P Z Y S
2 H G F O R E A R M T
3 E L B O W R L M O O
4 E Y E T R I M D U M
5 K N E E G E A R T A
6 W W N W X C H H H C
7 R V A R M H A E Z H
8 I J I I Y E I E A V
9 S O L E S S R L R D
10 T H R O A T H U M B


Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 737; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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