Table II-13-1. Recommended Adjuvant Treatment for Node-Positive Breast Cancer

Patient Group Treatment
Premenopausal, ER- or PR-positive Chemotherapy + tamoxifen
  Ovarian ablation (or GnRH analog) ±
  Chemotherapy ± ovarian ablation (or GnRH
  analog) ± tamoxifen
Premenopausal, ER- and PR-negative Chemotherapy
Postmenopausal, ER- or PR-positive Tamoxifen + chemotherapy
Postmenopausal, ER- and PR-negative Chemotherapy
Elderly Tamoxifen
  If no ER and PR expression: chemotherapy

Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; PR, progesterone receptor; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone.


Goldhirsch A, Glick JH, Gelber RD, Senn H-J. Meeting highlights: International Consensus Panel on the Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer. J Natl. Cancer Inst 1998;90:1604. By permission of the National Cancer Institute.





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ABG, 100


Abnormal uterine bleeding, 231-32 Abnormal vaginal bleeding, 230-31 Abnormal vessels, 149




first-trimester methods for, 21 induced, 21


second-trimester methods, 22 threatened, 1


Abruption placenta, 47-49 Absence type seizures, 89 Acanthosis nigricans, 246 Acceleration, 127

Accessory placental lobes, 51 Acrocentric chromosomes, 15 ACS-US, 170


Active labor, 116, 117 Acutance, 12


Acute hepatitis, 61


Acute salpingo-oophoritis, 207, 208-9 Acyclovir, 55


Adenocarcinoma, 170 Adenomyosis, 182-83, 213 Adnexal mass with ascites, 195-96


staging of, 196 Adrenal function, 246 Adrenal hyperplasia, 246 Adrenal tumor, 245 Adrenals, 5


Adrenarche, 239


AF-AFP and acetylcholinesterase analysis, 30 AGC-neoplastic, 170


AGC-NOS, 170


Agenesis, 177


AIDS (scquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 58 AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ), 170 Alloimmunization, 66-68


Alpha-adrenergic receptors, 157, 158 Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), 42, 66, 194 Amenorrhea, 251


American Diabetes Association diet, 91





American Fertility Society, 177 Amniocentesis, 30 Amniofusion, 129 Amnioinfusion, 75


Amniotic fluid bilirubin, 68 Amniotic fluid index, 101, 104 Anatomic lesion, 231 Anatomy


of breast, 255-56


of female reproductive, 145 Androgen insensitivity, 233, 234 Androgens, 189, 228


Android shape, 109 Anemia, 45, 93-94

Anesthesia, during labor, 123-24 Aneuploidy, 14


Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 82 Anomaly screening, 89, 92


Anorgasmia, 226 Anovulation, 88, 232, 249 Anovulatory bleeding, 235


Antenatal corticosteroid therapy, 70 Antenatal demise, 24


Antepartum fetal assessment, 92 Antepartum fetal testing, 103


Antepartum overt diabetes management, 92 Antepartum thrombophilias, 98-99 Anterior asynclitism, 113


Anthropoid shape, 109


Antibodies to foreign red blood cells, 66 Antibody screening, 40


Anticonvulsant metabolism, 89 Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), 23, 99 Antithyroid medications, 88


Antiviral prophylaxis, 58 Arcuate uterus, 179 Aromatase enzyme, 228 Arousal, 223


Arterial blood pressure, 3 Ascending infection, 71 ASC-H, 170, 172 ASC-US, 172





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Asherman syndrome, 237 Bradycardia, FHR baseline, 126
Asympomatic HBV, 61 Braxton-Hicks contractions, 36
Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), 41, 97 BRCA1 gene, 193
Atelectasis, 140 Breast, 146
Atypical antibody test (AAT), 40, 45, 68 anatomy of, 7
Autosomal dominant genetics, 17, 19 benign disorders of, 257-60
Autosomal recessive genetics, 18, 19 development of, 255
Azithromycin, 202 embryology and, 6
  enlargement of, 37
B hormones and, 7
Backache, 36 puberty and, 6
Bacterial STDs, 201 Breast cancer, 254
Bacterial vaginosis, 161-62 prognosis for, 260-61
Bacteriuria, 97 risk factors for, 262
Balanced reciprocal translocations, 15 Breast feeding, 58, 138
Barrier-spermicidal methods, 215-16 Breast fibroadenoma, 258-59
Bartholin abscess/cyst, 204 Breech presentation, 110, 111, 132
Bartholin cyst, 166 Brow attitude, 112
Barton forceps, 131 Bypass fistula, 160
Basal body temperature (BBT), 34 Bypass incontinence, 160
Basalis zone, 227  
Baseline fetal heart rate, 126 C
Baseline variability, 126-27 CA-125, 194
Benign cystic teratoma, 192 Café au lait skin spots, 240
Benign vulvar lesions, 166 Calcium-channel blockers, 71
Beta-adrenergic agonists, 71 Candida vaginitis, 163
Beta-adrenergic receptors, 157, 158 Capillary injury, 79
β-human chorionic gonadotropin, 189, 191 Cardiac disease, 251
test for, 187 pregnancy and, 85
titer for, 26, 27 Cardiac output (CO), 3
Bethesda system, 170 Cardiovascular changes, during pregnancy, 3
Bicornuate uterus, 178 Carpal tunnel, 37
Bilaminar germ disk, with epiblast and hypoblast layers, 8 Cat feces, 54
Bilateral sacroiliac joints, 109 Cataracts, 56
Bimanual pelvic examination, 193 CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), 194
Biophysical profile (BPP), 104 Cephalic presentation, 110
Bishop score enlargement, 74 Cephalohematoma, 133
Bladder Cephalopelvic disproportion, 135
contraction of, 160 Cerclage, 63
relaxants for, 160 removal of, 64
residual volume of, 158 Cervical broom, 148
sensation-of-fullness volume of, 158 Cervical cancer
urge-to-void volume of, 158 invasive, 174-76
Blastocyst implantation, 8 in pregnancy, 176
Bleeding, 36 staging of, 175
late pregnancy diagnosis of, 47 Cervical change, 69
Bleeding gums, 37 Cervical cultures, 40
Blood gases, 4 Cervical dilation, 115
Blood glucose monitoring, home, 91, 92 Cervical dysplasia, 169
Blood type, 40 classification of, 171
Bloody nipple discharge, 260 histologic appearance of, 171
Bloody show, 36 histology and management of, 173, 174
Bonding, 137 satisfactory colposcopy for, 173




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unsatisfactory colposcopy for, 173 vaccination for, 177


Cervical effacement, 115 Cervical insufficiency, 63-64, 149 Cervical lesions, 167


Cervical neoplasia, 169 Cervical Pap smear, 147 Cervical polyps, 167-68 Cervical stenosis, 149, 150, 172 Cervicitis, 168, 207, 208


Cesarean delivery on maternal request, 135 Cesarean hysterectomy, 50


Cesarean section, 133-35 Chadwick sign, 2 Chancroid, 201


pathophysiology of, 201 Chemoptherapy, 11, 185, 195, 196 Chest x-ray, 41, 100


Chlamydia, 40, 203, 207, 219 antibody for, 250


Chloasma, 2


Cholinergic receptors, 157, 158 Chorioamnionitis, 72 Choriocarcinoma, 193


Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 30 Chorioretinitis, 54

Chromosomal aberration, 14-15


Chromosomal abnormalities, by maternal age, 14 Chronic hepatitis, 61


Chronic PID, 207, 210


Chronic salpingo-oophoritis, 209 CIN 1, 171, 173, 176


CIN 2, 171, 173


CIN 3, 171, 173 CIS, 164


Classic uterine incision, 52 Cleft lip and palate, 20 Clomiphene, 249, 250


Clostridium sordellii, 21Clue cells, 161, 162 CNS pathology, 240 Coagulation factors, 3 Coitus interruptus, 220


Cold knife cone biopsy, 149, 150 Colposcopy, 148-49, 172, 176 Combination modalities, 217


postpartum contraception, 138 Combination OCPs, 217 Combination vaginal ring, 217 Complete blood count, 39, 45


Complete isosexual precocious puberty, 240 Completed abortion, 24


Complexion changes, 37



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Compound presentation, 110


Conception dating, 33, 34


Condoms, 216


Condylmona lata, 59


Condyloma acuminatum, 203


Condylomata acuminata, 166


Cone biopsy, 172


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 245


Congenital deafness, 56


Congenital heart disease (CHD), 20, 56, 85


Conjoined twins, 65, 66


Constipation, 137


Contraction stress test (CST), 106-7


Cooper’s ligaments, 7, 256


Copper T-380A IUS, 219


Coronary heart disease, 85, 254


Coumadin, 12, 98


Couvelaire uterus, 49


Cramping, 137


Cryotherapy, 150


Cul-de-sac, 211


Cystectomy, 191, 192


Cystic breast mass, 257


Cystitis, acute, 97


Cystocele, 155

Cystometric studies, 158


Cyto-brush, 148


Cytology, 169


Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 56




Dating error, 43 D-dimer, 47


Debulking procedure, 195, 196 Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), 100


Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), 245 Depakote, 12


DES uterus, 179 Descent, 115, 117 Desire, 223


disorders of, 225 DEXA scan, 252


Diabetes mellitus, 90-91, 184 antepartum management of, 91 classification by pathophysiology, 90


Diabetic testing, 45 Diamnionic twins, 65 Diaphragm, 138


Diastolic flow, inadequate, 85 Diastolic murmurs, 3


DIC, 49


presence/absence of, 24, 25 Dichorionic twins, 65





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Dichorionic-diamnionic twins, 66 Didelphys uterus, 178 Diethylstilbestrol (DES) syndrome, 12 Diffuse cerebral vasospasm, 80 Diffuse vasospasm, 78, 79


Digital examination, 47 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) stimulation, 9 Dilantin, 12


Dilation, rate of, 116, 117


Dilation and curettage (D&C), 21, 152 Dilation and evacuation (D&E), 22, 25 Direct Coombs test, 40


Direct scalp electrode, 126


Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 139, 140 Disulfide linkages, 115


Diuretics, 82, 243 Dizygotic twins, 64, 65 Dizziness, 37


DNA ploidy status, 261 Donovanosis, 202 Dopamine, 223 Doppler ultrasound, 29 Down syndrome, 16, 17


Drospirenone/ethinyl estradiol, 243 Ductus arteriosus, 5

Ductus venosus, 5


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), 231-32 Dysgerminoma, 190, 193


Dysmaturity syndrome, 73 Dyspareunia, 211, 226 Dysuria, 137




Early deceleration, 127, 129 Eclampsia, 80


Ectocervical specimen, 147 Ectoderm, 8, 9


Ectopic pregnancy, 1, 25-27, 213, 219 Edema, 79


Edward syndrome, 16, 17, 44 Eflornithine, 247 Eisenmenger syndrome, 86 EKG, 100


Elective cesarean, 135 Electronic fetal monitoring, 125


definitions in, 126 tracings in, 105


ELISA test, 42 Embolization, 182 Embryology, 8-10, 255


breast changes and, 6 Endocervical curettage (ECC) 172, 176 Endocervix specimen, 147


Endocrine changes, during pregnancy, 5 Endoderm, 8, 9


Endometrial ablation, 232 Endometrial biopsy, 153


Endometrial carcinoma/neoplasia, 183-86 metastatic to ovaries, 194


staging of, 184 Endometrial polyp, 231 Endometrial sampling, 184 Endometrial scarring, 237 Endometriosis, 140-41, 211-12 Endometrium


layers of, 227 phases of, 227-28


End-organ perfusion, 81 Engagement, 115 Enterocele, 155 Environmental agents, 11 Epidural block, 124 Episiotomy, 121 Epithelial tumors, 193


Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 3 Estradiol, 2


Estriol, 2, 44


Estrogen, 2, 7, 8, 194, 228, 257 alternatives to, 254 deficiency, 236

plus progestogen, 254 receptor status for, 261 replacement of, 156


Estrogen-alone therapy, 254 Estrogen-dominant endometrium, 227 Estrogen-mediated metabolic effects, 216 Estrogen-progeserone challenge test, 236 Estrone, 2


Euglycemia, 92


Excitement, 223 disorders, 225


Expulsion, 115, 219 Extension, 115


External cephalic version, 135 External rotation, 115




Face attitude, 112 Failure


to dissolve septum, 178 to fuse, 178


False pelvis, 109 Fatigue, 37


Fatty liver, acute, 96


FDA (Food and Drug Administration) drug categories, 11 Fecundability, 248





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Female external genitalia, 9 Fern positive, 72


Fertility control, 215


Fetal alcohol syndrome, 12 Fetal anemia, 68


Fetal circulation, 5 Fetal demise, 24-25


Fetal fibronectin (fFN), 70 Fetal growth


sonograms of, 93 disproportionate, 101-2


Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring, 125 external devices for, 125


heart tones in, 33 internal devices for, 126 intrapartum, 126


3-tiered system for, 127-28 Fetal hydantoin syndrome, 12 Fetal infection, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61 Fetal malpresentation, 135


Fetal monitoring tracings, approach to nonreassuring, 130 Fetal movements, absence of, 24


Fetal neuroprotection, 70


Fetal nose, pharynx suctioning, 75 Fetal pH assessment, 130

Fetal red blood cells, 67 Fetal skin biopsy, 31 Fetal surveillance, 93 Fetology, 8, 10-12 Fetoscopy, 31


Fibrocystic breast changes, 258 Flexion, 115


Fluid retention, 37


Fluorescent treponema antibody absorption (FTA), 40 Folate issues


antagonist, 27 deficiency anemia, 94 supplementation, 92


Folic acid supplementation, 20 Foramen ovale, 5 Frankenhauser’s ganglion, 123 Free T3, T4, 87


FSH, 189, 228


Functional ovarian cyst, 187 Functionalis zone, 227




Gap junctions, 115 Gardasil, 177


Gastrointestinal changes, during pregnancy, 4 General anesthesia, 124


Generalized seizures, 89





counseling for, 14 disorders of, 14 sonogram for, 29 Mendelian, 17-19 pregnancy loss and, 15-17


Germ cell tumor, 191, 193 Gestational age, 33-35, 69, 72


Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), 90, 92 Gestational hypertension, 77


Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), 197, 198, 199 GI tract lesions, 193


Global Consensus Statement on Menopausal Hormonal Therapy, 253


Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 5 Glucose tolerance, impaired, 91 Glucosuria, 5


Glycemic control, 93


Gonadal dysgenesis, 16, 233, 234 Gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty, 240 Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty, 240 Gonorrhea, 40, 204


Gram-negative enteric bacteria, 96 Granuloma inguinale, 202 Granulose cell tumor, 240

Graves disease, 88 Gravidas, 69


Group B β-hemolytic streptococci (GBS), 53-54 Growth spurt, 239


Gummas, 59 Gynecoid shape, 109


Gynecologic malignancy staging, 198 Gynecologic ultrasound, 147




HAART therapy, 58 Hair shedding, 37


“HA-IR-AN” syndrome, 247 Headaches, 37


Heart disease


classification in pregnancy, 86 in pregnancy, 87


signs of, 86 HELLP syndrome, 83 Hematocrit, 39


Hematologic changes, during pregnancy, 3 Hemoconcentration, 78, 79


Hemoglobin, 39

Hemoglobin A1C, 92


Hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN), 67 Hemorrhoids, 137


Hepatitis B virus (HBV), 40, 41, 61-62, 205





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Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 57, 201 High-flow oxygen, administering, 129 Hirsutism, 244-47, 248


HMG, 249


Hormone replacement therapy, 252-54 Hormones, 7, 257


Hot flashes, 251


hPL (human placental lactogen), 90 HSIL, 170, 172


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 1, 44,194 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 58, 205


screening for, 42


Human papilloma virus (HPV), 203 DNA testing for, 172


Human placental lactogen (hPL), 1 Human sexual response cycle, 225 Human sexual response model, 223


circular relational, 224 linear, 223


linear biologic, 224 Hydatidiform mole, 1 Hyperbilirubinemia, 93 Hyperemesis gravidarum, 66 Hyperprolactinemia, 232 Hypertension, 48, 184

chronic, 81-82


and preeclampsia, 82-83 in pregnancy, 77


Hyperthyroidism, 87 Hypertonic bladder, 159 Hypocalcemia, 93 Hypoglycemia, 93, 96 Hypoplasia, 177


Hypothalamic-pituitary failure, 233, 234 Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency, 236 Hypothyroidism, 88, 232


Hypotonic bladder, 137, 160 Hysterectomy, 151, 182, 232 Hysterosalpinogram (HSG), 250 Hysteroscopy, 151, 181, 184 Hysterpsalpingogram (HSG), 152




Idiopathic hair follicle reductase activity, 246 Idiopathic precocious puberty, 240 Immunizations


safe during pregnancy, 38 unsafe during pregnancy, 38


Imperforate hymen, 232 In vitro fertilization, 251 Incompetent cervix, 172 Incomplete abortion, 24


Incomplete isosexual precocious puberty, 240 Incontinence classification, 158-59


Indirect Coombs test, 40, 66 Indomethacin, 71 Inevitable abortion, 23 Infectious agents, 11 Infectious mastitis, 141 Infertility, 88, 247, 248-50


Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 261 Infiltrating lobular carcinoma, 261 Inflammatory breast cancer, 261 Inherited coagulopathy, 231 Inhibin-A, 44


Insulin therapy, 91 Intermittent auscultation, 125


Internal devices, FHR monitoring, 126 Internal rotation, 115


International Menopause Society, 253 Intracranial calcifications, 54 Intracranial hemorrhage, 133 Intrahepatic cholestasis, of pregnancy, 95 Intramural leiomyoma, 179 Intrapartum issues


demise, 24


fetal scalp blood pH, 130 management, 93 thrombophilias, 99

Intrauterine, 8


Intrauterine contraception, 218-19 Intrauterine device (IUD), 138 Intrauterine growth restriction


asymmetrical, 101 symmetrical, 101


Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), 82, 83 Intrauterine pregnancy, 26


Intrauterine pressure catheter, 126 Intrauterine resuscitation, 129-30 Intrauterine surgery, 31 Intravenous agents, 123 Intravenous magnesium sulfate, 70 Invasive cancer, 176


Invasive cervical cancer, 174-75 Ionizing radiation, 11


Iron deficiency anemia, 94 Irregular bleeding, 248 Ischemic stroke, 254 Isotretinoin, 12


IV administration


augmenting fluid volume by, 129 hydralazine and/or labetalol, 79, 80 MgSO4, 79, 80, 82

oxytocin infusion, 79




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Kallmann syndrome, 234


Karotype, 25, 43, 44


Kegel exercises, 156


Kidneys, 5


Kielland forceps, 131


Kliehauer-Betke test, 25, 68


Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), 16, 17


Krukenberg tumors, 193




Labor, 115


anesthesia options for, 123 continence and micturition, 158 induction methods for, 22 movements of, 115


nonreassuring fetal monitoring tracings and, 130 normal spontaneous, 118


prolapsed umbilical cord in, 120 prolonged or arrested active phase of, 119 prolonged latent phase of, 119 prolonged second stage of, 119-20 prolonged third stage of, 120


shoulder dystocia during, 121 stages of, 116-17, 118

Laboratory tests


first trimester, 39-42 second trimester, 42-44 third trimester, 44-45

Lacerations, 139, 140


Lactation, 7-8, 220, 257 physiology of, 6-8

Laminaria, 21


Landmarks, and positions, 112 Laparoscopy, 27, 151-52, 188, 250 Large bowel, 4


Laryngoscopic visualization, of vocal cords, 75 Late deceleration, 106, 127, 129


Latent labor, 116, 117 Latent syphilis, 59, 60 LDH, 194


Lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio, 93 Left ventricular hypertrophy, 82


Leg cramps, 37


Leiomyoma, 179-82, 183, 219 Leukocyte count, 39


LH, 228


Lichen sclerosis, 164 Lie, 109-10 Lightening, 36 Liley graph, 67, 68 Linea nigra, 2



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Linea terminalis, 109 Lithium, 12


Liver disease, pregnancy and, 95-96 Lochia, 137


alba, 137 rubra, 137


Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), 150 Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), 98


Low transverse uterine incision, 134 LSIL, 170, 172


Luteoma of pregnancy, 189 Lymph node status, 260 Lymphadenectomy, 166 Lymphatic drainage, 145

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), 202




Macrosomia, 102 Macrosomia syndrome, 73 Magnesium sulfate, 70 Male external genitalia, 9


Malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, 197, 198 Malignant vulvar lesions, 164-66


Mammography, 154 microcalcifications in, 259

Marfan syndrome, 86 Marsupialization, 205 Maternal issues


age, Down syndrome and, 16 blunt trauma, 47, 48 diabetes, 121


genital lesions, 57


IM betamethasone, 70 infection, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61 mortality risk, 85


PROM hazards, 73


Maternal serum alpa-fetoprotein (MS-AFP), 42-43 elevated, 43


low, 43 midpoints of, 43


Maternal-infant bonding, impaired, 137 McCune-Albright syndrome, 240 McDonald cerclage, 63


Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 39 Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), 75 Meconium management, 75


Medical abortion, 21 Medications, 11 Melanoma, 165 Menarche, 227, 239


Mendelian disorders, 17-19 Menopausal hormone therapy, 253-54






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Menopause, 2, 251 Menstrual cycle, 227, 229

hormones in, 228


length, calculated due date and, 35 Menstrual dating, 33, 34


Menstrual history, 34 Menstrual phase, 227 Menstrual physiology, 227 Mentum (chin) position, 112 Mesoderm, 8, 9 Mesonephric duct, 9 Methotrexate, 27, 198 MHA-TP assay, 40 Microinvasion, 176 Mifepristone, 21

Military attitude, 112

Minute ventilation (Ve), 4 Mirena, 219


Miscarriage, 15 Missed abortion, 23 Modified BPP, 104


Modified radical vulvectomy, 165, 166 Molar pregnancy, 197


Monochorionic-diamnionic twin gestation, 65, 66 Monochorionic-monoamnionic twins, 65, 66 Monosomy, 15

Monosomy X, 16 Monozygotic twins, 64, 65 “Morning after” pill, 218 Morning sickness, 37


Mortality rates, definitions of, 13 Mosaicism, 15, 149


Motor urge incontinence, 159 Mucocutaneous contact, 57 Müllerian agenesis, 233, 234 Müllerian anomalies, 177 Müllerian duct, 9


Mulluscom contagiosum, 166Multifactorial inheritance, 20 Multiple agent chemotherapy, 198 Multiple gestations, 50, 64-66 Multiple orgasms, 223


Murmurs, 3 Myomectomy, 52, 182




Nabothian cysts, 168


Naegele’s rule, 33-34


Nail brittleness, 37


Naloxone, 123


Narrow-deep cone, 149


National Institutes of Health, 135, 252


Natural family planning, 219-20






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Neonatal issues infection and, 61 problems, 93 PROM hazards, 73

Neural tube defects (NTD), 20, 30


New York Heart Association classifications, 86 Newborn, hemolytic disease of, 67


Nitrazine positive, 72 Node-positive breast cancer, 262-63 Nondisjunction, 14


Nonreactive NST, 103, 104, 105


Nonreassuring fetal monitoring tracings, 130, 135 Nonstress test (NST), 103-4


Normal 46,XX karyotype, 197 Nosebleeds, 37


NSAIDs, 232


Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement, 29




Obesity, 90, 184 Obstetric forceps 131


Obstetric lacerations, degrees of, 121 Obstetricl ultrasound, 29


Occiput anterior position, 112 Oligohydramnios, 65 Oophorectomy, 191, 192 Operative obstetrics, 131, 132 Oral contraceptives, 217-18

Oral glucose challenge test (OGTT), 91 Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs), 45 Oral hypoglycemic agents, 91


Orgasm, 223 Orientation in utero, 109


Osteoporosis, 251, 252, 254 Outflow tract obstruction, 236, 237 Ovarian cancer


classification of, 193, 194 oncology overview of, 194 with peritoneal metastasis, 195 staging of, 194-95


Ovarian cyst, functional, 187 Ovarian enlargement, 247 Ovarian hyperthecosis, 189 Ovarian torsion, 192 Ovarian tumor, 245 Ovaries, 145


Overflow incontinence, 160 Oviducts, 145


Ovulation day of, 34


induction of, 249 Oxytocin, 7, 8, 115, 257


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Paget disease, 165


of breast/nipple, 262 Painful adnexal mass, 192 PALM-COEIN classification, 232 Palmer erythema, 2


Pap smear, 147-49, 169-70 abnormal, 169 classification of, 170 diagnostic approach to, 172 liquid based, 148


Paracervical block, 123 Paramesonephric duct, 9 Parasite, 54


Parasympathetic connections, 223 Parenteral agents, 70


Partial seizures, 89


Parturient position change, 130 Passive immunity, 257


Passive immunity, 8 Patau syndrome, 17, 17 Peau d’orange, 261


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 207-9, 219 Pelvic issues


abscess, 141 diaphragm, 155 exenteration, 165 mass, 240 relaxation, 155 shapes, 109

Pelvis, anatomy of, 109


Percutaneous umbilical blood sample (PUBS), 31 Perinatal losses, terminology, 13


Perinatal mortality terminology, 13 Perinatal statistics, terminology, 12 Perineal membrane, 155

Perineal pain, 137


Periodic abstinence, 219-20 Peripartum cardiomyopathy, 86 Peripheral vascular resistance, 3 Persistent breast mass, 259-60 Pessaries, 156


Petechiae, 56 Phospatidyl glycerol, 93 Phyllodes tumor, 259


Physiologic discharge, 163 Piper forceps, 131 Pituitary, 5


Placenta accreta, 51, 120 Placenta increta, 51, 120 Placenta percreta, 51, 120 Placenta previa, 47, 49-50 Placental function, 73, 74


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Placental perfusion, decreased, 101 Plasma volume, 3


Plateau, 223


Platelet count, 3, 39, 45 Playpelloid shape, 109 Pneumonia, 53


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 188, 246, 247-48 Polycythemia, 93


Polyhydramnion, 65 Polyploidy, 14, 15 Pooling


positive, 72 posterior fornix, 71


Postconception week 1, 8, 10 week 2, 8, 10 week 3, 8, 11


weeks 4-8, 8-9, 11 Posterior asynclitism, 113 Postmenopausal bleeding, 183


Postmenopausal pelvic mass, 192-93 Postpartum issues


blues, 138


contraception, immunizations, 138 depression, 138

fever, 140-41


gastrointestinal tract changes, 137 hemorrhage, 93, 138-40 psychosis, 138


psychosocial problems, 137 reproductive tract changes, 137 thrombophilias, 99


umbilical artery blood pH, 130 urinary tract changes, 137


Postterm pregnancy, 73-74 PPD test, 41


Precocious puberty, 239 classifications for, 240 management of, 241


Preconception anomaly prevention, 92-93 Preeclampsia, 77


mild, 78 severe, 79



abnormal bleeding during, 230 danger signs during, 38 diagnosis of, 33


endometriosis and, 212 first trimester events in, 36 induced hypertension in, 81 loss genetics of, 15-16


normal complaints during, 36-37 physiologic changes in, 2-5





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risk factor identification for, 35 second trimester events in, 36 signs of, 33


test for, 236


third trimester events in, 36 Premalignant vulvar deratosis, 164 Premature menopause, 251, 254 Premature ovarian failure, 251


Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), 71-73 Premenarchal vaginal bleeding, 230 Premenopausal pelvic mass, 191


Premenstrual disorders, 241


Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, 242-43 management of, 243


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 241-42 management of, 243


treatment, 244


Prenatal diagnostic testing, 31 Prepubertal pelvic mass, 190-91 Preterm labor, 69


Primary amenorrhea, 232-35 Primary dymenorrhea, 210-11 Primary herpes, 57


Primary syphilis, 59, 60 Primiparas, 78 Progesterone, 1-2, 7, 228, 257

antagonist of, 21 challenge test for, 236 therapy of, 243


Progestin contraception, 138 Progestin management, 232


Progestin-mediated metabolic effects, 216 Progestin-only injectable, 217 Progestin-only modalities, 217 Progestin-only OCPs, 217


Progestin-only subcutaneous implant, 217 Prolactin, 7, 257


level of, 236 Proliferative phase, 227 Prolongation, 119 Prostacyclin, 78 Prostaglandin(s), 22, 78, 115


Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors, 71 Proteinuria, 5, 79


Protozoan STDs, 201


Pseudohyphae, 163 Pseudomenopause, 212 Pseudopregnancy, 212 Puberty, 255


breast changes during, 6 overview of, 240


Pubic hair, 146 PUBS, 68






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Pudental block, 123


Pulmonary angiography, 100


Pulmonary changes, during pregnancy, 4


Pulmonary embolus (PE), 100-101


Punctuation tissues, 149


Pyelonephritis, acute, 97


Pyloric stenosis, 20


Pyridoxine, 243




Quadrivalent HPV recombinant vaccine, 177


Quadruple marker screen, 44


Quickening, 36




Radiation therapy, 165, 185


Radical hysterectomy, 151


Radical vulvectomy, 165, 166


Raloxifene, 254


Rape, 226


Rapid plasma regain (RPR), 40


Reactive NST, 103, 104, 105


Receptor status, 261


Receptors, 115


Recipient twin, 65

Recreational drugs, 11


Rectocele, 155, 156


Recurrent herpes, 57


Red blood cells (RBC), 3


Refractory phase, 223


Renal changes, during pregnancy, 5


Renal disease, 82


Renal status, 92


Reproduction, physiology of, 1-2


Residual volume (RV), 4


Resolution, 223


Respiratory alkalosis, 4


Respiratory distress syndrome, 93


Respiratory droplets, 55


Retained placenta, 139, 140


Retinal status, 92


Retinopathy, 82


Rh, 40


Rheumatic heart disease, 85


Rheumatic mitral heart disease, 86-87


RhoGAM, 23, 27, 68, 138


Robertsonian, 15


Rosette test, 68


RPR (rapid plasma regain), 59


Rubella, 55-56, 138


Rubella IgG antibody, 39-40


Ruptured ectopic pregnancy, 26


Ruptured membranes, 71


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Sacrococcygeal joint, 109 Sacrum position, 112 Salpingectomy, 27 Savage syndrome, 236 Scalp stimulation, 130


Secondary amenorrhea, 235 Secondary dysmenorrhea, 211-12 Secondary syphilis, 59, 60 Secretory phase, 227-28 Seizure(s), 80


disorders of, 89


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 243 Semen analysis, 249


Sensory irritative incontinence, 158-59 Sentinel node biopsy, 262


Sepsis, 53


Septate uterus, 178 Septic abortion, 219


Septic thrombophlebitis, 141 SERMs, 254


Serotonin, 223


Serous carcinoma, 193 Sertoli-Leydig tumor, 193, 245 Serum ammonia, increased, 96 Serum β-hCG testing, 33

17-OH progesterone, 245 Sexual activity, 225


Sexual assault, 226


Sexual dysfunction, 225-26 Sexual history-taking, 225 Sheehan syndrome, 50 Shirodkar cerclage, 64 Shoulder presentation, 110 Shunts, in utero, 5


Sickle cell anemia, 94-95 Simple hysterectomy, 151 Simpson forceps, 131


Singleton pregnancy interventions, 69 Sinusoidal pattern, 127




changes in, during pregnancy, 2 lesions in, zig-zag, 55


Snowstorm ultrasound, 198 Sonogram, 187


Sonographic visualization of fetus, 33 Sonography, 181


Spatula, 148


Spectrum, 207


Speculum examination, 47 Spermicides, 216


Spider angiomata, 2 Spinal block, 124


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Spironolactone, 247 Spontaneous abortion, 23 Spotting, 36


Squamous cell carcinoma, 170 Squamous dysplasia, 164 Squamous hyperplasia, 164


STD (sexually transmitted disease), 162 screening for, 40, 41


spectrum of, 201 with ulcers, 201-2 without ulcers, 203-4


Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 247 Sterile speculum examination, 72 Sterilization, 221


Steroid contraception, 216-17 Stomach, 4


Streptomycin, 12


Stress incontinence, 37, 159 Stretch marks, 37


Striae gravidarum, 2 Stromal tumors, 193 Structural alterations, 15 Subgalea hematoma, 133


Submucosal leiomyoma, 179, 180, 231 Subserosal leiomyoma, 179

Subtotal hysterectomy, 151 Subtotal thyroidectomy, 88 Surgical therapy, 185 Sympathetic connections, 223 Symphysis pubis, 109 Synclitism, 113


Syphilis, 40, 59-61, 201


Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), 3




Tachycardia, FHR baseline, 126 Tamoxifen, 254


Tanner stages of development, 146 Telogen effluvium, 37 Teratogenesis


agents resulting in, 11 stages of, 10-11


Teratology, 10-12 Terminal hair, 244 Tertiary syphilis, 59-60 Testicular function, 9


Testosterone, 194, 223, 245, 247 stimulation of, 9


Tetracycline, 12


Tetraploidy, 14


Thalidomide, 12 Theca lutein cysts, 189 Thelarche, 239





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USMLE Step 2 l Obstetrics/Gynecology



Threatened abortion, 23 Thromboembolism, 100 Thrombophilias, 97-99 Thrombophlebitis, superficial, 100 Thyroid, 5


ablation of, 88 disease of, 87


disorders of, in pregnancy, 88 storm in, 87


Thyrotropin (TSH) level, 236 Tidal volume (Vt), 4


Tine test, 41


Tocolytic agents, 70-71 Tocolytic contraindications, 70 Tonic-clonic seizures, 89


Total body x-ray, 25 Total hysterectomy, 151 Toxoplasmosis, 54 Tranexamic acid, 232


Transabdominal sonogram, 29 Transabdominal ultrasound, 147 Transdermal skin patch, 217 Transitory fetal bradycardia, 123 Translocations, 15


Transvaginal sonogram, 29 Transvaginal ultrasound, 147 Trichomonas vaginitis, 162-63, 203

Trilaminar germ disk, with ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm layers, 8


Trimethadione, 12 Triple-marker screen, 92 Triploid 69,XXY karyotype, 197 Trisomy, 14, 15


13, 17 18, 16, 17, 44 16, 44


screening, 44 True pelvis, 109 Tubal disease, 250 Tubal ligation, 221


Tuberculosis (TC) screening 41 Tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA), 207, 209-10 Tubular necrosis, 49, 50


Tumor size, 261


Turner syndrome (45,X), 16, 17 21-hydroxyolase deficiency, 245


Twin pregnancy, 1 complications, 64 interventions, 69


Twin pregnancy, 1 Twin-twin transfusion, 65 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, 90 Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 90 T-zone, development of, 147






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Ultrasonography, 184


Ultrasound Doppler, 68 Umbilical artery Doppler, 107


absent diastolic flow, 108 normal diastolic flow, 108 reversed diastolic flow, 108 waveform patterns, 107


Umbilical cord compression of, 127 entanglement of, 65


Unexplained infertility, 250-51 Unexplained uterine hemorrhage, 140 Unfractionated heparin (UFH), 98 Unicornuate uterus, 177-78 Universal precautions, body fluids, 58 Unruptured ectopic pregnancy, 27 Ureters, 5


Urinalysis, 41


Urinary incontinence, 157 Urinary tract, 251


infection of, 96, 140 lesions in, 193




culture, 41

screening, first trimester, 41 Uterine atony, 138-39, 140 Uterine contractions, 22, 69, 72


decreasing, 129


Uterosacral ligament nodularity, 211 Uterus, 145


enlarged, 33, 179 incisions in, 133-34 inversion of, 139, 140 perforation of, 219 prolapse of, 155, 156 rupture of, 52 support for, 155




Vacuum curettage, 21


Vacuum extractor, 132-33


Vagina, 145


Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), 135


Vaginal colonization, 53


Vaginal diaphragm, 216


Vaginal discharge, 161


Vaginal douche, 220


Vaginal dryness, 254


Vaginal examination, 130


Vaginal prolapse, 156


Vaginismus, 226


Valproic acid, 188


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Vaniqa, 247 Vaproic acid, 12


Variable deceleration, 127, 129 Varicella (VZV), 55


Varicella pneumonia, 55 Varicose veins, 37


Vasa previa, 51


Vascular engorgement, 223 Vasectomy, 221 Vasomotor symptoms, 253 Vasospasm, 81 Velamentous insertion, 51 Vellus hair, 244


Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL), 40 Venous blood pressure, 3


Venous thromboembolism, 254 Vertex attitude, 112


Vesical neck contraction, 160 relaxants, 160


Viral STDs, 201


Virilization, 244


Von Willebrand disease, 231 Vulvar biopsy, 154


Vulvar diseases, 164-65

Vulvar lesion with pruritus/neoplasia, 164 Vulvular carcinoma, 164-66




Warfarin, 12, 98 Western blot test, 42 “Whiff” test, 161

White blood cells (WBC), 3


White diabetes classification, in pregnancy, 90 White epithelium, 149


Wide-shallow cone, 149 Wolffian duct, 9


Women’s Health Initiative, 252, 253 Word catheter, 204


Wound infection, 141




X-linked dominant genetics, 19


X-linked recessive genetics, 18, 19




Yaz, 243


Yeast vaginitis, 163




Zidovudine (ZDV), 58




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