Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Miss Barrett didn't want her lessons to be observed until she gained a little experience in dealing with her pupils. – Miss Barrett didn't want her lessons to be observed until she gets her bearings. 2. The tragic turn of events revealed her good qualities. – The tragic turn of events brought out her good qualities. 3. I can't understand this man. – I can't figure out this man. 4. You should read more in order to extend your knowledge. – You should read more in order to widen your scope. 5. This attempt is sure to fail. – This attempt is sure to be doomed. 6. He told her something flattering. – He paid her a compliment as it were. 7. They say this doctor can do wonders. – They say this doctor can work magic. 8. They fought bravely but the chances were not in their favour at all. – They fought bravely but were doomed to defeat. 9. I admit you have cause for irritation, but don't scold the child, he's not to blame. - I admit you have cause for irritation, but don't take out on the child, he's not to blame.


Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Он, так сказать, сделал ей комплимент, заметив, что темная шляпа ей очень идет, оттеняя ее седые волосы. He paid her a compliment as it were, having commented, that the dark hat suited her bringing out her gray hair. 2. С какой стати ты вымещаешь свою злость на мне? Ты же знаешь, что это про­изошло не по моей вине. Why do you take it out on me? You know that this was not my fault. 3. Изучение иностранных языков спо­собствует расширению кругозора; кроме того, как только чело­век начинает разбираться в иностранном языке, он глубже по­стигает и родной язык. The learning of foreign languages ​​contributes to enlarge one's scope, besides, as soon as a person has command of a foreign language, he comprehends more deeply the native language. 4. Я ничего не буду предпринимать, пока не начну ориентироваться в обстановке. Без этого все мои уси­лия обречены на неудачу. I won’t move hand or foot until I take my bearings. All my efforts are doomed to failure without it. 5. Вчера он пытался выместить на мне свое раздражение, а сегодня сделал мне комплимент! Я не могу его понять! Yesterday he tried to take out on me, and today paid me a compliment as it were. I cannot figure him out! 6. Я восхищаюсь этой балериной. Она творит чуде­са на сцене. I admire this ballerina. She works magic on the stage. 7. Мне придется поставить будильник на 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать. I have to set the alarm for 6 o’clock to not be late. 8. Он преподавал в весьма неблагоприятной обстановке и, несмотря на это, делал чудеса. He taught against fearful odds, in spite of this, worked magic. 9. Как ты думаешь, почему Смит уехал так внезапно? — Я тоже этого в толк не возьму. Why do you think Smith left so suddenly? - I, can’t figure it out too. 10. Тебе необходимо расширять свой кругозор! — Лег­че сказать, чем сделать! You should widen your scope! – Easier said than done!

Compose short situations in dialogue form using the word combinations and phrases.

Answer the following questions:

1. What advice did Miss Barrett get a) from her college professor b) from the English Syllabus c) from Dr. Bester, her immediate  super­visor  инспектор? What did she think of all this advice? 2. How did Miss Barrett characterize her pupils? 3. On what "principles" were the books for the school in question selected? 4. What was the quotation that in­volved the class in a spirited  горячий discussion? 5. What problems emerged in the course of the discussion? 6. Why did the teacher regard the groan her pupils gave at the sound of the bell as the highest compli­ment to her? 7. What was the cause of Miss Barrett's conflicts with McHabe? 8. What did Paul Barringer look like? 9. Was his attitude to teaching similar to Miss Barrett's? 10. How did Miss Barrett clas­sify her fellow-teachers? 11. What was the teachers' dislike of Dr. Bester motivated  by? 12. What opinion have you formed of Miss Barrett on the basis of her letter?

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