Materials for auditory self-work

List of study practical tasks necessary to perform at the practical class.


 Materials and methods: blood, china plate, scarificators, standard group specific sera, subject glasses, glass sticks, antirhesus serum, Tsoliclones anti-A and anti-B.

Investigative object: human being.


Task 1. To determine human being blood group on ABO system:

A. By means of group-specific sera:

To pour blood sera on china plate correspondingly to blood groups designations. To process the finger and to prick it with scarificator. To place blood drop in a plate central nest. To add blood to the serum (in a correlation of 1:10) with clean subject glass separate angles. To get the plate rocking in course of 3-5 minutes. To mark the nets where agglutination reaction occurred. To determine blood group.

B. By means of Tsoliclones anti-A and anti-B:

To pour Tsoliclones anti-A and anti-B on 1 big drop (0,1 ml) on the plate under corresponding writings. To pour investigated blood near drops in 10 times less than antibodies drop. To mix with glass stick (different in every drop). To get the plate rocking in course of 2-3 minutes. The result in every drop may be positive or negative. To determine blood group.

Results interpretation:

· if agglutination reaction is absent with all group-specific sera and with all (both) Tsoliclones, than given blood group doesn’t contain antigens A and B, thus it belongs to blood group 0(I);

· if agglutination reaction took place with I and III serum and Tsoliclone anti-A, then given group contains antigen A and belongs to A(II) group;

· if agglutination reaction occurred with I and II sera and with Tsoliclone anti-B, then given blood group belongs to B(III) blood group;

· if agglutination reaction took place with sera of I, II, III groups and with both Tsoliclones, then investigated blood contains both antigens A and B and blood belongs to the group AB (IV).


Task 2. To determine rhesus-factor while express-method usage.

To pour 1 drop (20 divisions of Panchenkov’s capillary pipette) of anti-rhesus serum to the investigated blood on test tube floor. To shake up the test tube and to turn over several times so that its content was flowing on the walls. To add 2-3 ml of 0,85% solution of NaCl solution in 3 min. To mix test tube content after its 1-2-folded turning over. Don’t shake up!

To perform results assessment on agglutination absence or presence (large flakes on the background of enlighten liquid).

Task 3. To perform probe on individual compatibility.

To pour recipient blood plasma on subject glass. To add donor blood drop less in 10 times than plasma (in a correlation of 1:10) to this plasma. To evaluate their compatibility.



5. Literature recommended:

1. Lecture course.

2. Mistchenko V.P., Tkachenko E.V. Methodical instructions for medical students (short lecture course).-Poltava, 2005.-P. 70.

3. Mistchenko V.P., Tkachenko E.V. Blood system Physiology //Methodical recommendations to practical classes for students of medical and dental departments.-Poltava, 2005.-20p.

4. Kapit W., Macey R.I., Meisami E. The Physiology Colouring Book: Harpers Collins Publishers, 1987.-P. 137.

5. Guyton – Ganong – Chatterjee. Concise Physiology /Ed. By Dr Raja Shahzad Gull: M.B.B.S., F.C.P.S., King Edward Medical College.-Lahore, 1998 (1st Edition).-P.192-196, 208-209.

6. Stuart Ira Fox. Human Physiology.-8th Ed.-McGrawHill, 2004.-P.372-374.

7. Seeley R.R., Stephens T.D., Tate P. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.-The 3rd Ed.-McGraw Hill, 1999.-P.296-299.


6. Materials for self-control:

Control questions.

1. Blood groups discovery.

2. Representations about erythrocytic antigens.

3. Data about blood groups systems.

4. Agglutinogens and agglutinines. Main principles of blood division on groups.

5. Blood transfusion rules.

6. Rhesus-factor and its importance for clinics.

7. Knowledge about blood groups significance for doctors of different specialities and for any human being in their daily life.



1. The topic studied actuality. Oral cavity performs multiplied specific and non-specific defence reactions. Neutrophilopeny and enforced phagocytosis is observed at purulent inflammation in part caused by streptococci and staphylococci, more seldom – pseudomonas. These microbes are always present in oral cavity. Inflammatory diseases in maxillar-facial area are rather spread. At some acrylic prostheses (dentures) one can see eosinophyly. Periodontites can be accompanied by monocytopeny. Viral infections (in part, herpetic) are connected with interpheron synthesis reducing. Phagocytes and complement participates in protective reactions at pulpitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases.


2. Study aims:

To know: separate leucocytes structure, normal value and number, leucopoiesis and its regulation, organism specific and non-specific reactions.

To be able to: to assess white blood state, leucocytic formule at organism different functional states.

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 495; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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