Task: 1) Make notes of the article: Westfahl, Gary. Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996.

2) Read the stories “The star” and “The diamond maker”.


1. The llife and work of English fiction writer – Herbert Wells. His early novels, which they called "scientific romances."

2. H. Wells and his contribution to the development of a variety of fiction and themes of his works, which are now classified as science fiction.

3. The features work “The star” and “The diamond maker”. The main characters and their characteristic.

4. "War of the Worlds" as a work-predictions. The plot and the problems of work.


1. Bergonzi, Bernard. The Early H.G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances. UK, 1961.

2. Parrinder, Patrick, ed. H. G. Wells: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge, 1972.

3. Philmus, Robert M. and David Y. Hughes, eds. Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction by H.G. Wells. Berkeley: U. of California P, 1975.

4. Philmus, Robert M. Into the Unknown: The Evolution of Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H.G. Wells. US, 1970.

5. Suvin, Dark о and Robert M. Philmus, eds. H.G. Wells and Modern Science Fiction. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 1977.

6. Warren, Wagar W. H. G. Wells and the World State. New Haven: Yale UP, 1961.

7. Westfahl, Gary. Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996.


Task: Read the stories “The sound of thunder”, “All summer in a day” and “The smile”.


1. Life and works of famous American writer of science fiction literature of the twentieth century. Raymond (Ray) Douglas Bradbury.

2. Humanism and the artistic world of science fiction R. Bradbury. Social aspects of his works.

3. “Martian Chronicles” (Martian Chronicles) (1950) – the collection of fantastic stories that illuminate the future colonization of Mars by people who arrived from the devastated Earth, and the struggle of Aboriginal Martian colonists. Contents of “Martian Chronicles” and explanation this theme as the main theme of the artist.

4. The concept of the world and a man in "The sound of thunder" by Ray Bradbury. The main characters and their role in the context of the text. The conception of the world and a person in the work “A sound of thunder” by Ray Bradbury.

4.1. “A sound of thunder” by Ray Bradbury as an anti-utopia.

4.2. Main characters in the novella. The role of symbols in the text.

5. “The smile” as a work of caution, which refers to the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci's “Mona Lisa” of her mysterious smile that excites more than one generation. Elements of aesthetics in the novel.

6. Learning of R. Bradbury’s texts at school.


1. Pierce, John J. Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994.

2. Pierce, John J., Foundations of Science Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987.

3. Ray Bradbury. A sound of thunder / Ray Bradbury // Science fiction. Selected stories. – Харків : Ранок-НТ, 2002. – С. 49-64.

4. Бредбери Р. Избранные хроники. В.3-х т. // Р. Бредбери. – М. : Олимп, 1992.

5. Бредбери Р. Сборник научно – фантастических произведнний // Р. Бредбери. – Кишинев : Штиинца, 1985. – 653 с.

6. Бредбері Р. Кульбабове вино / Пер. з англ. В. Митрофанова // Р.Бредбери. Марсіанські хроніки. – К. : Дніпро, 1988. – С. 325 – 535.

7. Романов Е. Бредбери Р. // Писатели США // Е.Романов. – М. : Радуга, 1990. – С. 73 – 74.

8. Скурлатов В. Странник в пустыне звезд (послесловие) // Р. Бребдери. Сборник фантастических рассказов. М. : Правда, 1993. – С. 214 – 222.


Task: Read the story "Jupiter Five" and find out science-fiction elements.


1. Arthur Charles Clarke – British science fiction writer, scientist, inventor and futurologist. His life, work and aesthetic views

2. The story "Jupiter Five" as a combination of scientific knowledge and sophisticated artistic imagination. Meaningful image space, descriptions of spaceships of the future, a detailed description of the satellite for a decade ahead of time when the first real space rocket was launched on IM systems.

3. The originality of style stories, the idea of the work – the belief in endless possibilities of the human mind. Main characters of "Jupiter Five".

4. Reality and fantasy elements of the work.


1. Clark Aurthur С. Jupiter Five / Aurthur С. Clark // Science fiction. Selected stories. – Харків : Ранок-НТ. 2002. – С. 10-49.

2. Rabkm, Eric S. Genre Criticism: Science Fiction and the Fantastic. P.90// Science fiction (A collection of critical essays). Edited by Mark Rose. Pretice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976.

3. Rabkm, Eric S. The Fantastic in Literature. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1976.

4. Traill, Nancy H. Possible Worlds of the Fantastic: The Rise of the Paranormal in Literature. Toronto, 1996.

5. Гуревич Г. Что такое фантастика и как ее понимать? // Литературная учеба. - 1981. - № 5. – С. 180-188.

6. Дрьомов А.К. Мистецтво художньо-наукової фантастики: До проблеми жанру // Радянське літературознавство. - 1984. - № 8. - С. 30-36.


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