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Nbsp; Практическое занятие № 15  

Сложное подлежащее.



Тематика занятия


Сложное подлежащее.


I. Вопросы для обсуждения:


1) Способ образования сложного подлежащего.


2) Употребление сказуемого в страдательном залоге.


3) Употребление сказуемого в действительном залоге.


4) Способы перевода сложного подлежащего на русский язык.


II. Выполнение заданий по теме: Сложное подлежащее.


Письменно переведите данные предложения, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.


1.Bacteria are proved to exist in a number of different shapes. 2. Bacteria appeared to be important to humans in many ways. 3. Both mental and physical overstrain have been estimated to affect the normal function of the heart in the most unfavourable way. 4. This drug is known to have excellent improvement properties. 5. Viruses are known not to show the typical features of living things. 6. The satisfactory results of this preparation are expected to be obtained after several administrations. 7. The tablet is known to be the most common form of drug. 8. This experiment appears to be very important.


Преобразуйте сложноподчиненные предложения в простые со сложным подлежащим и запишите их.


1. It is known that this drug causes hypertension if used for prolonged periods. 2. It was reported that these agents induce allergic reaction. 3. It is likely that these proteins may form gels. 4. It is known that the molecular weights of proteins are estimated approximately. 5. It is estimated that those data are exact. 6. It is proved that most of the chemicals are salts. 7. It was suggested that this element would react with acid. 8. It turns out that he works in the laboratory.


Письменно переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык.


1. Кажется, она очень интересуется химией и ботаникой. 2. Оказывается, что ферменты - это растворимые вещества. 3. Наверняка, многие из этих элементов содержат кислород. 4. Считается, что эти вещества очень важны для жизнедеятельности.


III. Лексический минимум по теме « BACTERIA AND VIRUSES ».


nucleus - ['nju:kliəs] n. ядро


to feed off - v. поедать


parasite - ['pжrəsait] n. паразит


saprotroph - n. сапротроф (организм, живущий за счет мертвого органического вещества)


binary fission - n. бинарное деление


environment - [in' vaiərənmənt] n. окружающая среда


provide - [prə' vaid] v. обеспечивать, снабжать


nutrition - n. питание


therefore - adv. поэтому, следовательно


common - a. общий


to devise - [di' vaiz] v. разрабатывать



IV. Базовый текст.


Прочитайте и переведите текст.



Bacteria (singular: bacterium) are single-celled organisms that have no true nucleus. Bacterial cells do not contain organelles like those found in typical animal and plant cells, but are able to carry out all of their life processes without them. A few can photosynthesise, but most feed off other organisms. They may be parasites, feeding off living organisms, or saprotrophs, feeding off dead organisms.

Bacteria are very small, and only visible using a high-powered microscope.

Bacteria are proved to exist in a number of different shapes. Shape can be used to classify bacteria (Staphylococcus, Pneumococcus, Lactobacillus, Vibrio cholera, etc.).

Bacteria have certain requirements that their environment must provide. An understanding of these requirements has been important in biotechnology and in the control of disease. If the environment supplies these needs, the bacteria can multiply rapidly by binary fission. In this process each bacterium divides into two, then each of the two divides again and so on, until very large populations are built up. A bacterial colony can quickly dominate its environment, making great demands on food and oxygen and perhaps producing large quantities of waste materials.


The importance of bacteria.

Bacteria appeared to be important to humans in many ways.

· Some are pathogenic - they cause disease. All pathogenic bacteria are parasites.

· Some are involved in nutrient cycles.

· Some are used by humans in food production and in biotechnology.

Bacteria are probably the organisms that carry out the largest number of different activities, and are the most numerous organisms on Earth. There may be as many as 5000 undiscovered bacterial species in 1 m of woodland soil, and more bacteria live on or in your body than all of the humans that ever existed!




When the five-kingdom system of classification was devised, no one was able to find a place for the group of organisms called the viruses. This is because viruses are known not to show the typical features of living things - respiration, nutrition and reproduction, for example - unless they are inside the cells of another living organism. In other words, all viruses are parasites and therefore cause harm to their host. There is great variation in the structure of viruses, but they all have certain common features.

Most viruses cause disease - they may infect humans, domestic animals or plants.



Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. What are bacteria?


2. How do bacteria multiply?


3. What is the importance of bacteria to humans?


4. Do viruses show the typical features of living things?





1. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. – 3-е изд. Испр. И доп. – М.: Лист Нью, 2002.- 336 с. / под ред. Масловой А.М

2. Ron Pickering. Complete Biology for IGCSE. Oxford University Press. 2006

3. Michael Kent. As Biology. Oxford University Press. 2007





1. Professional English in Use. Medicine, Cambridge University Press, 2009



Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 223; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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