The Requirements for a Resume



1. Передмова……………………………………………………………………………………….5

2. Практичне заняття 1: Пошук роботи. Оголошення про пошук роботи/вакансії. Вимоги до кваліфікації………………………………………………………………………………………7

3. Практичне заняття № 2: Резюме. Види резюме. Основні вимоги до складання резюме....12

4. Практичне заняття № 3: Співбесіда з роботодавцем. Основні вимоги та норми етикету..17

5. Практичне заняття № 4:  Ділова телефонна розмова. Домовленість про зустріч. ………21

6. Практичне заняття №5: Ділова кореспонденція. Структура, змістові частини та оформлення ділового листа. …………………………………………………………………26

7. Практичне заняття № 6: Види ділових листів…………………………………………….. .34

8. Практичне заняття № 7: Інтернет. Електронна пошта …………………………………39

9. Модуль самостійної роботи……………………………………………………………….58

10. Додатки …………………………….………………………………………………………64


Пояснювальна записка

Навчально-методичний посібник призначено для проведення факультативних занять з ділової англійської мови для студентів 3-го курсу всіх спеціальностей. Факультативний курс "Ділова англійська мова" має на меті розвиток мовної, прагматичної та міжкультурної компетенції студентів в сфері ділового спілкування. Курс має практичне спрямування, яке здійснюється шляхом інтеграції мовленнєвих умінь та мовних знань в рамках тематичного та ситуативного контексту.

Основними організаційними формами вивчення дисципліни "Ділова англійська мова" є: практичні заняття, виконання самостійної роботи, залік у формі письмового тесту.

Практичні заняття мають на меті активізацію мовленнєвих умінь та навичок, їх практичне застосування під час виконання студентами комунікативних вправ та завдань за відповідними темами. Практичні заняття мають  чітку структуру та складаються з адаптованих основних та додаткових текстів, лексико-граматичних вправ, словників-мінімумів. Основні тексти охоплюють базові питання ділового спілкування та ведення бізнесу. Післятекстові питання та вправи зорієнтовано на контроль розуміння прочитаного і запропоновано для сприяння розвитку навичок усного мовлення.

Тренувальні вправи допоможуть активізувати вживання термінологічної лексики, граматично правильно будувати свої висловлювання. Для закріплення тематичного матеріалу подаються запитання, які виступають планом для обговорення певної теми та спонукають студентів до участі у дискусії.

При розробці НМП використовувались матеріали методичних рекомендацій з курсу “Ділова англійська мова” для студентів немовних факультетів (А. В. Воробйова, Є. Г. Єремєєва, А. В. Чуба, Н. В. Шевельова-Гаркуша, 2010).



Lesson 1

Пошук роботи. Оголошення про пошук роботи/вакансії. Вимоги до кваліфікації.


job робота
your job interests and concerns тут: робота, яка Вас цікавить
job advertisements = want ads оголошення про прийом на роботу
to apply for a job звертатися про прийом на роботу
employer роботодавець
required and preferred qualifications обов'язкові та бажані вимоги до кваліфікації
job search пошук роботи
resume резюме
chronological resume хронологічне резюме
    accomplishment досягнення
cover letter супровідний лист
recruitment набір
position посада
vacancy, job opening вакансія
application заява
applicant, candidate претендент, кандидат
career кар'єра
experience досвід
background біографічні дані
reference рекомендація
employer роботодавець
employ/recruit/hire наймати на роботу
discharge/lay off /dismiss звільняти
earn заробляти
term of probation випробний термін
curriculum vitae (CV) автобіографія
cover/accompanying letter супровідний лист
marital status сімейний стан
hunting for a job пошук роботи
personnel department відділ кадрів

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

The Kind of Job You Want

The first step in a successful search for a job is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that first you should answer the questions "What can I do well?" and "What do I really want to do?" Begin with thinking about the work you can do. Include work you have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you enjoy doing. Therefore, you have to answer some questions.

• Do you like to work with your hands?

• Do you like to work outdoors?

• Do you like to work with others?

Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns. Talk to your friends, neighbours, and your family or relatives. These contacts may help you to get more information about different jobs; to form a "network" of people interested in helping you; to find people who work (or who know people who work) in the area of your interest; each discussion will give you additional practice in expressing yourself.

Now when you know the kind of job you want, the next question to answer is "Where can I find that job?"

People use many methods of finding a job. They answer job advertisements (want ads), or apply directly to employers. Of course, some methods are better than the others.

2. Дайте відповідь на запитання, виходячи з Ваших власних інтересів.

1. What are you looking for: money, power, prestige, security, travel opportunities, spare time?

2. How important are the salary, environment, benefits, and job stability?

3. Do you enjoy working with people, information, or things?

4. Is it important to be your own boss?

5. What is your idea of a perfect job? A perfect boss? A perfect colleague?

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст, користуючись словником.

"Want Ads"

"Want ads" are job advertisements you can find in the classified advertising section of newspapers, professional or trade journals. You should read the want ads at least for two reasons:

• to learn more general information about jobs available;

• to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.

The ad may tell you about the education and work experience required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay. It also tells you how to apply for that particular job.  

Some want ads say that certain qualifications are required, while other qualifications are preferred or hoped for. The employer will try to find someone who has all of the required and preferred qualifications. However, if no one has all the qualifications that the employer requires and prefers, he may hire someone who has only some of those qualifications. It is usually best to apply only for jobs for which you have at least all the required qualifications. However, this is not always true.

Not all want ads are easy to read. The longer a want ad is, the more money it costs to print. In order to save money, employers leave unnecessary words out of the advertisement. They also use abbreviations.

There are many good reasons for using the want ads in your job search. The following suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively:

a)   Remember that want ads are only one of the methods you may use. Save time to use other methods.

b) Reading all the want ads you will learn useful general information.

c)   Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers.

d) Analyze ads, which are of interest to you.

e)    Determine your qualifications for that job.

f)    Act quickly, effectively and stay cheerful!

4. Ознайомтеся зі зразками оголошень про прийом на роботу.

  Ordinary want ad Abbreviated want ad
Work experience 2 Years Experience 2 yrs exp. & H.S. req.
Education required High School Graduate    
Working hours 5days, Mon.-Fri. M-F
Pay $9.00 hour $9/hr
How to apply Apply in person, before 10:00 a.m. CARSONS SUPPLY 4396 Melrose Ave. Apply before 10 am CARSONS 4396 Melrose

5. Зіставте визначення в стовпчику A з прикметниками в стовпчику B. Опишіть свої риси характеру для майбутнього роботодавця.

А                                               В

1. wants to get to the top                     a. sensitive

2. open and friendly                             b. creative

3. doesn't get tired easily                      c. attentive to detail

4. can change people's opinions            d. ambitious

5. doesn't get angry or irritated quickly e. adaptable

6. can produce new ideas                     f. independent

7. thinks of other people's feelings       g. outgoing

8. doesn't mind changing his/her habits h. energetic

9. can work alone                                   i. persuasive

10. regularly checks the quality of his/her work j. patient

6. Для того щоб отримати роботу, необхідно написати  заяву. Ознайомтеся з правилами написання та зразком заяви для отримання роботи.

1. Remember that the first impression is very important.

2. Type the letter neatly on good stationery.

3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word. Retype the letter if necessary.

4. Describe yourself, your qualifications, and your experience clearly.

5. If the ad tells you to write for an application form you do not need to give detailed information in your letter.

6. Follow standard business letter format. Address the letter and envelope clearly.

A Letter

421 Lafayette Drive, Apt. 317 St. Paul, Minnesota 56106 April 4, 2005

Personnel Department

Continental Computer Corp.

935 Watson Ave

St. Paul, MN 55101

Dear Sir or Madam!

In reference to your ad in today's Standard I am interested in the opening for a trainee computer programmer. Please send me an application form and any further details. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

                                                                                                                             Yours truly,

                                                                                                                                   Ashley Wychulte

7. Напишіть заяву для отримання роботи, використовуючи зразки з додатку.

Lesson 2

Резюме. Види резюме. Основні вимоги до складання резюме.

1.Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

The Resume

A Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an objective written summary of your personal, educational, and experience qualifications. It packages your assets in the form of a convincing advertisement, which sells you for a specific job. A resume is a kind of written sales presentation. An effective resume creates a favorable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience.

The basic requirements for a good resume are:

• brevity: оnе page is preferable, but not more than two pages;

• top quality paper;

• perfect spelling and grammar;

• no typographical errors;

• attractive layout.

Your personal data sheet contains most of the information you need, to prepare resume. Now you have to select and arrange that information in the way that best relates your background to the work you seek. Every resume is an individualized presentation of your qualifications for a particular job. It means that you may prepare a few different resumes, depending on the types of jobs you are applying for. You can choose from among four types of resumes:

· Chronological resume lists work experience or education in reverse chronological order. It describes responsibilities and accom­plishments associated with each job or educational experiences.

·    Functional resume lists functional skills and experience separately from employment history.

· Combination (functional/chronological) resume draws on the best features of the chronological and functional resumes. It high­lights applicant's capabilities and includes a complete job history.

· Targeted resume emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for. Work experience is briefly listed in a separate section.

The Requirements for a Resume

A resume should show an applicant’s qualification for a specific job. It should include your name, address, and telephone number; an employment objective; educational and training data: a list of previous work experience. The list should start with your present or with your last job that shows qualifications for the work you want now.

All this data should be listed in an easy-to-read form. If possible, all of the information should be on one page. Type your resume on standard size business stationery.

The interviewer usually sees the resume before he sees the applicant. The resume gives the first impression of the applicant to the employer. It should be neat and well organized.

2. Вивчить дієслова, які можуть використовуватися при написанні резюме.

Analyzed – аналізував

Administered, managed – вів справи, керував

Completed – проводив (роботу)

Created – створював

Evaluated – визначав (кількість, вартість); підраховував

Implemented – впроваджував

Improved – удосконалював

Investigated – дослідив, вивчив

Organized – організував

Participated – брав участь

Performed – виконав

Planned – планував

Proposed – запропонував

Provided – забезпечив

Researched – досліджував

Solved – вирішив (проблему, задачу)

Streamlined – модернізував

Supervised – завідував

Supported – підтримував

3. Прочитайте інструкції щодо написання правильного резюме.

Very few people have good resumes. If English is not your native language or if you come from another country, it can be even more difficult to know the right things to do. Some special suggestions will help you write a perfect resume:

1. Adapt your resume to the information you have gathered about the employer and the job you want.

2. Use action verbs, they will bring your resume to life.

3. Avoid the pronoun “I”. Describe your skills and capabilities by using as many specific words as possible.

4. Highlight your accomplishments and achievements.

5. Keep it simple and clear: two pages at most.

6. Be truthful, don't exaggerate or misrepresent yourself. Remember that employers check the information.

7. Don't mention salary.

8. Avoid long sentences. Use the minimum number of words and phrases but avoid abbreviations.

9. Looks are important. The resume should be typed with plenty of white space and wide margins. Place headings at the left side of the page, and the details relating to them on the right side.

10. Make sure there are no errors in spelling, punctuation, or typing.

11. Don't sign or date the resume.

12. Always send an original of your resume. Don't send a photocopy.

13. Keep copies of resumes on file for future reference. Once you have a job, update your resume on a regular basis.

4. Продивіться зразки резюме та напишіть свої власне.

Ivan Ivanov
Dimitrov Street 17, Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: (044) 333-33-33


Date of birth: 6 February, 1989

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kiev

Marital status: married (single)

Getting the sales manager position (to improve the professional skills, to have an opportunity for growth…)


September 2008 – to present

Kherson State University; student of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies Department (The Institute of Foreign Philology; The Institute of Psychology, History and Sociology; The Institute of Philology and Journalism; The Institute of Natural Sciences; Economics and Law Department; Physical Training and Sports Department; Preschool and Primary Education Department; Culture and Arts Department; Engineering and Technology Department).


Kherson Academic Lyceum


July 2009

Summer camp “Artek”; a leader of the detachment.

Responsible for up-bringing work in the detachment.

June 2008-August 2008

Supermarket “Oscar”; an assistant of the sales manager

Answered telephone calls, filed documents, composed business letters.


Computer literate: IBM PC user: MS Office; Windows 7, Vista,  XP; Microsoft Word,     Microsoft Excel; Adobe Acrobat; proficient Internet user.

Languages: Ukrainian – mother tongue, English – free speaking, German – beginning, good working language of Poland.

Driver’s license.

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.


Computers, football, reading (drawing, embroidery, hiking, running, amateur painting etc.)


Member of Student’s Committee (group leader, vice-leader of the group, etc).

Lesson 3.

Співбесіда з роботодавцем. Основні вимоги та норми етикету.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Складіть план підготовки до Вашої майбутньої співбесіди.

The Job Interview

A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness for the job. Equally important, the interview gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. The interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for.

To present your qualifications most advantageously, you have to prepare for the interview: you should know how to act to make the interview an opportunity to "sell" your skills.

Careers officer speaking:

– What makes a good interview? First, good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you. Guideline number one is – find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview. For example, you can get a lot of useful information from the company's brochures, annual reports, and catalogues. Two, find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are. It's very useful to know something about the interviewers before you meet them. And three, make a checklist of the questions you want to ask at the interview. Remember an interview is two-way process. The company finds out as much as possible about you, and you find as much as possible about the company.

So, that's what you need to do before the interview.

Now the interview itself. There are seven more guidelines to remember here.

Guideline number four: dress smartly. A suit or something formal is best. Five, arrive in good time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing you can do. Rule number six: create a good first impression. First impressions are very important. Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. Guideline number seven: try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. I know that's difficult. As a rule, people don't feel relaxed, but your body language gives the interviewer a lot of information about you. You want that information to be positive. Number eight: don't give only “Yes” or “No” answers. Talk freely about yourself, give reasons for your opinions, and explain why you're interested in the job. Nine: ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you're interested! Finally, guideline number ten: learn from the interview. Analyze your performance afterwards and think how you can improve the next time!

2. Продивіться план співбесіди. Які інші рекомендації Ви б надали кандидату?

Before the interview:

1. Find out all you can about the company.

2. Find out the interviewer’s name and office phone number.

3. Find out where the interview is held.

4. Find out how to get there and how long it will take you to get there.

5. Make sure you know what the job involves.

6. Dress to look clean and neat.

During the interview:

1. Arrive early. Call ahead if you’re delayed.

2. Try to smile and show confidence.

3. Ask questions and show interest in the job.

4. Be polite, listen carefully, and speak clearly.


1. Don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person. (Breathe deeply and remember all your good points.)

2. Don’t slouch or look bored. (Stand and sit straight, make eye contact.)

3. Don’t smoke or chew gum.

4. Don’t give one-word answer or say you don’t care what you do.

3. Прочитайте, перекладіть та інсценуйте діалог.

Interviewer: Are you working?

Mr. Guzman: Yes, I am.

Interviewer: Exactly what do you do?

Mr. Guzman: I’ma mechanic. I work in a small auto shop with three mechanics and supervise all auto repairs. I diag­nose problems, make repairs and also check all the repairs in the shop. I have experience with both American and foreign cars.

Interviewer: How long have you been working there?

Mr. Guzman: For three years.

Interviewer: What other jobs have you had? And what did you do?

Mr. Guzman: I was a maintenance mechanic in a plastics factory. I repaired the production machinery. I also did all the general maintenance work and made all electrical re­pairs.

Interviewer: How long were you there?

Mr. Guzman: For about three years.

Interviewer: Tell me about your education and any special training you've had.

Mr. Guzman: I graduated from high school in Colombia in 1980. After high school I went to a university for one year and studied engineering. Now I'm studying English at Ale Community College.

Interviewer: What other skills do you have?

Mr. Guzman: I can do general bookkeeping and billing.

Interviewer: Why do you want to change your job?

Mr. Guzman: The auto shop I work in is very small. There is little room for advancement.

Interviewer: What hours can you work?

Mr. Guzman: I prefer to work days, but I could work any hours.


4. Дайте відповідь на запитання..

1. What is your future profession? / What is your profession /oc­cupation?

2. Had you a dilemma in choosing your profession /occupation?

3. What subjects have you always given your preference to?

4. Did your parents (friends) impose their views, likes and dis­likes on you?

5. When did you make a choice to become an English teacher (a lawyer, an economist, an accountant, a doctor, a designer, etc.)?

6. What do you have to do to master English?

7. What is your regular business?

8. Have you got a big personnel /staff?

9. How do you (your parents) earn your (their) living?

10. What special education does your (future) profession require? Name some other occupations in which special education or training is required.

11. How many hours a day do you (your parents) work?

12. Are you satisfied with your salary?

13. What are the merits and demerits of your (your parents') job? Give your reasons.

14. What is the noblest and most difficult of professions?

Lesson 4.

Ділова телефонна розмова. Домовленість про зустріч.

1.Прочитайте та обговоріть текст, спираючись на наданні слова.


to dial                                                  набирати номер

to ring/ to call smb up                         дзвонити по телефону

long distance/ international call          міжнародна розмова

to call back                                          передзвонювати 

schedule                                               розклад

May/ Can I speak to…                           Можна мені поговорити з …

Any message?                                      Щось передати?

The line is busy / engaged                   Лінія зайнята

Don’t hang up. Hold on.                      Не кладіть трубку

You are wanted on the phone              Вас до телефону

You have the wrong number               Ви помилились номером

Can you put me through?                     Чи можете ви мене з’єднати?

Telephone Etiquette

Everybody has tough days. Before picking up the telephone, smile. It will help a voice sound pleasant even if not feeling pleasant. Here are some tips:

• Be kind, polite, direct, enthusiastic, and speak with a strong voice.

• Try to find a quiet room where there is no background noise (i.e. television, radio).

• Do not yell at children or talk to others in the room while on the telephone.

• Do not eat, drink, or chew gum while talking on the telephone.

• Always have paper and pen by the telephone as well as resume, references, work history, questions.

• Make sure the other people in household are prepared to take messages.

• Do not let children answer the telephone.

• Never put an employer on hold to answer call.

• When a person in household answers the telephone, tell them not to ask who it is beforethey say if applicant is home.

• If asleep when an employer calls, whoever answers the telephone should be instructed to wake the applicant immediately, especially if an employer is calling during the late morning or afternoon hours.

• Make sure the telephone is answered by saying, "Hello", NOT"Speak" or "Yeah"

• When answering the telephone and the caller says, "Is__________ home?" DO NOTrespond with: "Yes". This is confusing to the caller. Instead, answer by saying, "This is he/she" or "Speaking".    

An answering machine/voice mail is used to take calls when an individual is out. If the individual does not have an answering machine, purchase one NOW so that calls from potential employers are not missed. If the individual has an answering machine, now is the time to update the "unusual" or "unique" greeting. Ask: "What will the future employer think of my message and how that message represents me?" Some tips:


·  Make sure message is polite, direct, and businesslike.

·  Make sure message can be understood clearly.

·  EXAMPLE: "Hello, this is (phone number). I am sorry I am not available to take your call right now. Please leave your name, telephone number, a brief message, and the best time to reach you. I will get back to you as soon as possible".

·  Return telephone calls promptly

 Do Not:    

· Make crude comments or mention social references in message (i.e. I'm unable to answer my phone because I'm out partying).

· Have music playing in the background.

· Let children record the greeting.

· Use multiple people when recording the greeting.

· Preach.

When leaving a message for someone to return telephone call, try to have the correct pronunciation of their name and make sure the following is clearly stated:

·  Name

·  Telephone number

·  Message

·  The best time to call back

·  Name once again      

·  Telephone number once again

·  Then hang up gently


2. Прочитайте та перекладіть діалог, випишіть незнайомі слова.

Making an Appointment

Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last four years. Before Mr. Protsenko went to London, he and his experts had gone through he latest catalogues of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers. When Mr. Protsenko arrived in London, he phoned the Ukrainian Trade Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.

Zotov: Ukrainian Trade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please. I'll put you through.

Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov’s speaking. I'm glad I've got you on the phone. I hope you are well.

Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Protsenko, President of Techmachimport has come to London today. He'd like to talk to you.

Lipman: I'll be glad to see Mr. Protsenko. We haven't met since my last visit to Kyiv. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon.

Zotov: I'm afraid this time won't be quite convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please?

Lipman: Yes, certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Protsenko . Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.


3. Прочитайте діалоги, інсценуйте один з них.

Making an Appointment

Secretary: Two-four-nine; double eight-double two.

Mr. Ivanov: Iwould like to make an appointment with Mr. Jeffries. This is Mr. Ivanov speaking.

Secretary: Oh, yes, Mr. Ivanov. Good morning. I'll get his schedule. Are you there?

Mr. Ivanov: Yes.

Secretary: When would you like to come, Mr. Ivanov?

Mr. Ivanov: Tomorrow, if possible.

Secretary: I’m afraid he's tied up tomorrow. Is it urgent? If it is, perhaps we could fit you in somewhere.

Mr. Ivanov: No, it isn't that urgent. Is the day after tomorrow possible?

Secretary: What time would you like to come?

Mr. Ivanov: As late as possible in the afternoon.

Secretary: I’m sorry, that afternoon's full too. How is Friday afternoon at five?

Mr. Ivanov: Yes, thats perfect, thank you. Good-bye.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 268; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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