Some people prefer to escape from boring reality from time to time. Others say that escapism cannot help them solve their problems.


People have always tried to escape from reality in one way or another. They try to forget about bad or boring things with the help of different activities and entertainment such as reading books, going to the theatre, travelling and so on. But does it help people change their lives for the better and what are the possible consequences of escapism?
To my mind, people escape from reality for different reasons. Some of them are dissatisfied with their lives and don't know how to improve the situation. Others have dreams that they think will never come true because these people lack self-confidence and have low self-esteem. I strongly feel that if people are dissatisfied with their lives, they must do something. To forget about your problems and to solve them are two different things.
Nevertheless, some people prefer to follow the line of least resistance and never to take risks. If something goes wrong, they usually give up and never make one more attempt. They prefer to forget about all bad things that happened to them. Some philosophers say that escapism is not exclusively negative. It is just a different reality. But I believe that escapism is only for weak and indecisive people.
To sum up, those who escape from reality don't want to accept themselves as they are. They often feel depressed and unhappy because they are unable or reluctant to connect with the world. I think it is better to face the reality and try to solve your problems and overcome difficulties. Anyway, it is impossible to escape from something all the time.


Some people say that capital punishment should be allowed, while others are convinced that it is unacceptable in a human society.

Capital punishment has been used for a wide variety of offences since ancient times. Nowadays many countries have already abolished the death penalty, but it is still used for certain crimes in the USA, China, Japan and many Asian and Middle Eastern countries.
Personally, I am not sure if capital punishment should be allowed. To my mind, it is morally wrong to kill criminals, no matter what they have done. The death penalty runs counter to the principles of humanism. There is also a possibility that innocent people will be executed and that there will be no way of compensating them for such injustice. Opponents of the death penalty are convinced that it is needlessly cruel and that life imprisonment is a more rational alternative.
However, some people believe that capital punishment is morally right if it is used for punishing murderers. Firstly, capital punishment removes the most dangerous criminals from society and should prove much safer for the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration. Secondly, the fear of death penalty may prevent many people from committing crimes. Besides, some people think that it is wrong to keep criminals in prison at the expense of taxes. The government would better spend more money on the old, the young and the sick rather than on murderers. But can we deprive a person of his or her life? Do we have the right to murder? I don't think so.
To conclude, I believe that the death penalty removes our humanity. In the case of the worst criminals, this may be acceptable but it is more questionable in the case of less awful crimes.


The problem of xenophobia is discussed by many people nowadays. Some of them say that it is important to be tolerant, while others disagree with this point of view.


I have always wondered why some people have strong fear or dislike of those from other countries. The problem of xenophobia is very topical nowadays. It is especially widespread in large cities with multinational population.
Tolerance is a respectful attitude to people who differ from us. To my mind, it is prejudice to think that some races are superior and some of them are inferior. I strongly feel that it is primitive and silly to divide people into types and classes. In my opinion, we should treat another person as an equal.
However, in reality some people have a feeling of distrust and aversion to something or someone different and unusual. They are used to understanding those people who have the same traditions and who speak the same language as they do. And that is why people of other nations seem strange. Unfortunately, people's intolerance may lead to racial discrimination, social conflicts and violence. So we must develop mutual understanding and respect. Besides, we should learn to make a compromise.
To conclude, tolerance is a very important element of our lives, culture and communication. It is another word for humanity, equality and fairness. Tolerance is very important if we want to have happy future and global security.


It seems that people of different nationalities will never understand each other. However, others believe that countries can work together to improve tolerance.

Today we live in the world of racial, cultural and ethnic diversity. People differ in appearance, colour of skin, way of thinking, customs and behaviour. Every race has its own culture and its own beliefs. That is why there is often some misunderstanding between people of different nationalities. So the question arises if anything can be done in order to improve tolerance.
To my mind, governments can do much to improve tolerance. Some international conferences and meetings can be organized in order to discuss the most vital problems of people of different nationalities and to exchange experience. I think it is very important to work out educational programs for universities, colleges, schools and even kindergartens. We must teach children, teenagers and young people to be patient, respectful and tolerant. And of course we mustn't forget that family upbringing is of great importance for any child, that's why countries should think about special educational programs for parents.
However, many people say that some misunderstanding between people of different nationalities will always exist. Watching the latest news on TV we can always learn about military conflicts and racial strives. People are accustomed to cruelty and their behaviour becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. And if they feel angry and depressed, they want to find somebody to blame for their troubles. So they blame people of other nationalities and vent their anger and vexation on them. But I think that in spite of all this, we must co-exist peacefully.
To sum up, if there is tolerance among people, we shall live in harmony. But it will be possible only if we plunge into the culture, religion, traditions and language of other nations.


Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 5475; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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