Tell about the advantages and disadvantages ofusing a cell phone.

Вопросыпоанглийскому: 1. What particular fashions in clothes and other features if your appearance are there?Whendoyouwantagoodimpression?(Какая у вас особая мода в одежде и других особенностях? Когдавыхотитехорошеговпечатления?) My card number is 1. I want to talk about my special fashion and other features, and alsoI want to say when I want to make a special impression. It's not so important to me what brand of clothing I wear. Clothes should be comfortable and stylish. You know, some brands are expensive, but absolutely uncomfortable and flashy. I usually prefer quiet and monochrome shades in my clothes. Also I like blue colors and floral motifs in clothes. But when I want to make an impression, I put on dresses or shoes of bright colors or costumes in a strict style. I want to look special on important events, holidays, or when I want to impress an individual. 2. Tell aboutdifferent customs if entertaining at home. (Разныеобычаиразвлечения) My card is number 2. I want to talk about different customs of entertainment in my house. I have two younger brothers, and they have fun every day - they play different desktop, active and computer games, invent (придумывают) stories, fairy tales. Since (таккак) I am their older sister, I very often come up with activities and entertainments (развлечения) for them. We often have fun, dance, play and sing together. Mom does not usually have fun with us, but sometimes she can sing, laugh or joke with us. Traditionally we all celebrate (отмечаем) holidays, where we have fun, play, eat different delicious food, go to nature, dance. These are such holidays as Birthdays, New Year, Women's Day and so on. 3. What style ofmusic do you like? My card is number 3. I want to talk about my favorite style of music. I can`t imagine a day without music. Moreover (болеетого), I like almost all kinds of music, from classics to rock. Although (хотя) I do not like hard rock, I like a more relaxed and melodic indie-rock. My favorite indie-rock group is “Imagine Dragons”. The musical style, that I choose, usually depends (зависит) on my mood. If I want to have fun with my friends, then I choose dance music, pop music, rock music, rap or hip-hop. If I want to relax, then I choose classical or instrumental quiet (спокойную) music. Whenever I'm sad, I listen to sad or alternative music.

What can you tell about the role and importance ofmoney in our culture?

My card is number 4. I want to tell about the role and importance of money in our culture.

Money is not everything in life, but it's true that you can buy most things for money. You know that all services and products are valued in money; money has become an integral (неотъемлемой) part of our lives.

You can`t deny (отрицать) the importance of money in the modern world. Just like you need food to live, you need money to survive. You need money to live a happy life. Buying the necessary things for yourself and the family, renting a house, paying for studies, you need money for all this. You can`t imagine your life without money, which means that the role and importance of money in modern culture is very great.

Tell about eating and drinking customs (обычаях) in our country.

My card is number 5. I want to tell about eating and drinking customs in Russia.

Russia is not very well known for good food. Russian cuisine (кухня) resembles (схожас) the cuisines of Scandinavia and Poland. The main part of the cuisine includes soup, borsch, salads, cutlets, cabbage rolls (голубцы), potatoes, buckwheat (гречку), mushrooms, beef (говядину), lamb (баранину), caviar (икру), herring (селёдку), lard (сало) and vodka. Some of the best dishes are stews (тушёныеблюда) and soups, such as borsch or spicy fried fish.

The type of the most eaten food depends on the time of the year. Fish and berries are popular in summer, wild mushrooms in the fall. In Russia, there are such wonderful berries as red currants (краснаясмородина), black currants, blueberries (голубика), raspberries (малина),gooseberries (крыжовник). And also there is cloudberry (морошка), which grow only around the Arctic circle.

Drink in Russia usually kvass, jelly (кисель), compote, mors, vodka.

Tell about the advantages and disadvantages ofusing a cell phone.

My card is number 6. I want to tell about the advantages and disadvantages of using a cell phone.

Cell phones are everywhere. These devices completely changed how we live and interact, giving us convenient ways to call, send messages, read letters, games, and read and edit documents. These devices are one of the phenomenal inventions of this modern era, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones?

List of advantages of cell phones:

 1. They simplify communication with family, friends and colleagues.

 2. They combine many useful applications in one device.

 3. They offer constant access to the Internet.

 4. They are really useful in emergency situations.

List of shortcomings of cell phones:

 1. They interfere with real human communication.

 2. They are addictive and do not allow to have a rest from different things.

 3. They carry the risk of privacy and security.

 4. They can increase the risk of getting into an accident.

That's why you should not use the phone too often, the cell phone should be postponed for important matters and walks.

7. Tell about any unusual events in our country.

My card is number 7. I want to tell about any unusual events in Russia

Different peoples have different mentality. There are any unusual events in our country that will not be understood (небудутпоняты) by other countries.

In Kaliningrad, for example, every year on the second Saturday (субботу) of April is the holiday of herring (селёдки). A fish market is open on the main Boulevard (главномбульваре). People try a lot of interesting and unusual fish dishes. The whole day on the waterfront (нанабережной) is a fair of marine Souvenirs (ярмаркаморскихсувениров).

Another unusual holiday in Russia is dedicated to the Midsummer night (ночьИванаКупалы). The holiday is celebrated from the sixth to the seventh of July and is accompanied (сопровождается) by the summer solstice (солнцестоянием). Celebrations at Ivan Kupala is jumping over fires, exchange (обмен) of flower wreaths (венками), searching for a fern (папоротника) and dipping in the morning dew (окунаниевутреннююросу). Previously, mass bathing (купание) was mandatory (обязательно). It was believed that the water on this day becomes healing (исцеляющей).

Tatiana's day or student's dayis an event that has become popular since the mid-20th century. Tatyana's day falls on January 25. Students always prefer to celebrate this event noisily. On student day, boys and girls walk late, play guitar and sing songs. Usually the event coincides with the end of the winter session at universities.

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 303; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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