Exercises on Reading Rules

Reading Rules

Ex.17 Read these words according to reading rules.

Eve, Pete, Steve, me, be, Ben, Ted, Nell, Tess, Bess, bed, lend, pen, bell, tell, meet, sleep, feel, peel, see.

Ex. 18 Spell these words.

Sell, manager, shareholder, sale, director, department, president, company, plant, factory, engineer, economist, accountant, technician, lawyer, mechanic, marketing, logistics, production, finance, personnel, warehouse, consultant, secretary.

Ex.19 Read these words according to reading rules.

Name, pan, late, beat, flat, take, cake, bag, lamp, plate, black, pale, cat, eat, speak, leave, head, read, dead, clean, bread.

Ex.20 Read these words according to reading rules.

Five, nine, sit, six, pie, milk, win, time, ill, fine, is, lip, like, big, white, him, his, my, why, sky, cry.

Ex.21 Read these words according to reading rules.

She, shelf, fish, dish, shake, shine, ship.

Ex.22 Read these words according to reading rules.

Cap, cake, face, city, cat, cry, clean.

Ex.23 Read these words according to reading rules.

Train, say, play, pain, grey, rain, day.

Ex.24 Read these words according to reading rules.

Sam, Bess, smile, rise, seem, press, stress, beds, days, lamps.

Ex.25 Read these words according to reading rules.

While, wait, why, win, yet, yes, white, week, when, wheel, wheat.


Reading Rules

Ex.33 Read these words according to reading rules.

Tune, cube, duty, music, student, June, July, blue, rule, Lucy, bus, cup, much, but, butter.


Ex.34 Read these words according to reading rules “g”.

Age, page, cage, bag, glad, big, flag, get, begin.


Ex.35 Read these words according to reading rules “Jj”.

Jim, Jack, jam, jacket, jelly, just.


Ex.36 Read these words according to reading rules “y”, “j”.

Yam, jam, yet, yell, jet, jelly, year, jeans, Jessica, yes.


Ex.37 Read these words according to reading rules “ch”, “tch”.

Chess, cheese, teach, reach, teacher, French, match, catch, such, kitchen, which, stitch.


Ex.38 Read these words according to reading rules “ui”.

Suit, fruit, juice/


Ex.39 Read these words according to reading rules “th”.

[Ɵ] three, thick, thin, wraith, gather.

[ð] them, this, that, they, these, either.


Ex.40 Read these words according to reading rules the suffixes “er”, “ar”, “re”.

Teacher, reader, sister, letter, butter, grammar, centre.


Ex.41 Read these words according to reading rules.

Cube, butter, yet, jet, why, duty, this, thick, jeans, juice, big, page, bag, glad, cent, cake, cup, jam, date, like, train, way, which, student, music, age, husband, letter, sheet, child, cheese, jacket.



Reading Rules

Ex.42 Read these words according to studied reading rules.

Go, nose, dog, box, no, note, not, fox, so, close, got, hop, Rose, those, hot, hope.

Ex.43 Read these words with the digraph [ˈdaɪɡrɑːf] “oa”.

Coat, boat, road, soap.

Ex.44 Read these words with “o” as [Ʌ].

Mother, brother, some, son, glove, London.

Ex.45 Read these words with “kn”, “qu”.

Knife, knot, knock, knit, quick, quite.

Ex.46 Read these words with “ew”.

Grew, few, pew, flew, threw, blew.

Ex.47 Read these words with “air, are”.

Hair, fair, air, chair, care, parents.

Ex. 48 Read these words with “wh” before “o” and in all cases.

Who, whose, whom, when, white, where, why.

Ex. 49 Read these words in syllables of the first and the second type.

Time, bone, lake, be, use, wine, sky, nose, dusk, plan, shot, mix, let, lot, mise, rise, rule, stone, blue, but, hot, pin, robe, pine, fat, game, cycle, China, tone, pulse.

Ex.50 Read letters “e, y, i, u” in a syllable of the third type.

Shirt, first, herb, sir, fur, fir, myrtle, turn, burn, her, German, third, firm.

Ex.51 Revise the reading rules of digraphs [ˈdaɪɡrɑːfs] and read the following words.

Leave, coat, tray, feet, pain, seat, boat, sail, cloak, way, ray, goat, Greek, East, gain.

Ex.52 Revise the reading rules of letters combination “ch”, “sh”, “tch”, “th”, “kn”.

Cheek, shame, catch, thick, they, knives, cash, chair, thin, them, knit, wish.

Ex.53 Revise the reading rules of letters “c, g, j, y” and read these words.

Cell, scent, ginger, yelp, cycle, just, Jane, June, cider, game, grate, got, yet, jelly.


Scent – запах, аромат, духи;

Ginger – имбирь;

Yelp – визг, повизгивание (собаки); короткий лай;

Grate - решетка, сетка



Reading Rules

Ex.54 Read the words with a letter “a” in a syllable of the 3rd type.

Car, far, star, card, park, yard, dark, farmer, garden, Charles, March, after, half, calm, plant, chance, branch, mask, grasp (крепкое сжатие, схватка; власть), class, grant.

Ex.55 Read the words with a letter “o” in a syllable of the 3rd type.

Port, fork, short, sport, form, horse, north, corner, torn (оборванный). The hall is in on the fourth floor. New lords, new laws. (посл. «Новые хозяева – новые законы», эквивалент «Новая метла чисто метёт»). George was born in August. I saw more than forty horses. I never saw (пила) a saw as that saw saws.

Ex.56 Read the following words.

Farm, form, firm, fur, term, car, far, star, pork, perch (жердь, шест), garden, girl, shirt, short, shakk, hard, her, horse, hurt, sir, sort.

Ex.57 Read these words with the digraphs [ˈdaɪɡrɑːfs] “oi”, “oy”.

Boy, voice, toy, joy, noise, point, enjoy, coin, soil (земля, почва), toil (тяжелый труд) e.g. intellectual [ˌɪntɪˈlɛktʃʊəl] toil – напряженная умственная работа. The boy enjoys his toy. The noise is annoying (раздражающий). Give a nice toy to the little boy. Joy is at boiling point (точка кипения, критическая точка).

Ex.58 Read these words with the digraphs [ˈdaɪɡrɑːfs] “ou”, “ow”.

House, blouse, mouse, trousers, sound, about, town, townie, down, brown, gown (платье женское, мантия судьи), window, yellow, Moscow, snow.

Read words-exceptions: how, now, cow, own.

Ex.59 Read the words with “gh”.

Light, night, fight, sight (зрение), right, flight. E.g. good sight - хорошее зрение; long sight – дальнозоркость, дальновидность; short /near/ sight - близорукость; недальновидность.

Ex.60 Read these words with unpronounceable letters “kn”, “wr”, “wh”.

kn [n] – knife, knee, kneel (становиться на колени), knit, knight (рыцарь, витязь);

wr [r] – write, wrist, wrote, wren (птица королек);

wh [w] – white, when, where, why;

wh [h] – who, whose, whom.

Ex.61 Read the following words with “wa’, “wo”, ”war”, “wor”.

Want, wash, wonder, worry, war, warm, ward (опека, попечительство), word, work, worm, worker.

Ex.62 Read the following words with “rr”.

Carry, carrot, marry, sorry, sorrow (горе, печаль, скорбь), hurry, farrow (опорос, пороситься), berry, mirror, barrel (баррель, бочка).

Ex.63 Read the words with “x”.

[ks] – text, box, next, ´excellent, ´exercise, ex´press (выражать, высказывать), ex´plode (взрывать(-ся)), ex´cuse, ex´clude (не допускать, исключать).

[gz] – exam, exist, exotic, example, exhort (уговаривать, предостерегать, поучать).

Ex.64 Read the words with different suffixes.

Picture, lecture, nature, pleasure, measure (мера, система измерений), pressure, treasure, section, station, dictation, translation, mission, session, vision (зрение, видение), decision, division (деление, разделение).

Ex.65 Revise the reading of digraphs in the following words.

[ou] – coat, boat, goat, road;

[au] – house, blouse, sound, mouse;

[au] – town, down (вниз, внизу), brown, gown;

[ou] – snow, show, window, yellow:

[ju:]/[u:] – new, few, blew (причастие прошедшего времени от blow – дуть, веять (о ветре)), grew.

Ex.66 Revise reading rules of vowels (гласных букв) in syllables of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd types.

Cat, cane, cart, hit, hide, first, temple, meter, herb, hurt, cube, stop, stone, storm, cycle, kite, farm, form, fat, happy, lack, lark (шутить, забавляться), lord, wine, win, gate, gap (брешь, щель),tube, turn, hot, hope, shy, shot (выстрел, попытка), short, sharp (острый, отточенный), system.

Exercises on Reading Rules

Ex.67 Read the following words with “oo”.

[u:] – spoon, too, soon, school, cool, noon.

[u] – book, look, cook, took, foot.

Ex.68 Read the following words with “our”, “owe(r)”.

Flower, shower, towel, flour, our, hour, tower, power.

Ex.69 Read the following words with “ear”.

[iə] – dear, clear, hear, fear, near, ear.

[ə:] – earl, early, earn, earth, earnest, year.

Ex.70 Read the following words with “ear”, “are”.

Here, engineer, pioneer, beer, cheer, mere.


Ex.71 Read the following words with “ng”, “nk”.

[ŋ] – sing, song, long, thing, spring, bring, wrong, reading, writing, singing, taking, liking.

[ŋk] – think, thank, drink, pink, wink, thinking, thanking, drinking.

Ex.72 Read the following words with [ɑ:].

Glass, class, ask, task, past, after, dance, bath, last, chance, father, classroom.

Ex.73 Read the following words with [ɔ:].

All, ball, hall, tall, wall, small, chalk, walk, talk.

Ex.74 Read the following words with “ph”.

Phone, photo [´foutou], telephone [´telɪfoun], physics [fɪzɪks], phonetics [fo´netɪks], philosophy, phrase.

Ex.75 Revise the rules for reading and read the following words.

Watch, warm, write, wrist, tall, small, short, corner, behind, armchair, fork, mirror, large, light, near, hear, hair, quarter, quickly, right, round, under, picture, new, fellow, happy, ward, follow, foil, soil, knot, knit, knitting, baking, washing, skating, telling.



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