Учебно-методическое обеспечение и ресурсы телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет» для организации самостоятельной работы студентов


Тематика презентаций, проектов, творческих заданий

- Roman Traces on the British Isles (Material Monuments; Latin Borrowings in English).

- Alfred the Great and his Contribution to the Development of the English Kingdom.

- England in the Hundred Years' War (1337 – 1458).

- Peculiarities of the English Absolutism in the Tudor's Epoch.

- Music, Dancing and Entertainment during Tudor's Reign.

- Golden Age in the History of England – the Culture of Renaissance.

- Elizabeth I and the Beginning of Colonization.

- Oliver Cromwell and Protectorate.

- Glorious Revolution of  XVII century and its influence on the English language.

- Development of Literature, Science, and Culture at the Age of Enlightment.

- Inventions in Technology and Scientific Discoveries of XVIII century.

- Scientific-Technical Revolution in England: Good or Evil?

- Industrial Exhibition in 1856.

- Realia of the English Scientific-Technical Revolution in the Scientific Terminology.

- Colonial Policy of Great Britain (XVIII – XX вв.).

- Boer War (1899 – 1902).

- Victorian Epoch in England and its Values.

- British Constitution and its Peculiarities.

- Development of Parliamentary System in Great Britain.

- Reformation Attempts of the Chamber of Lords in XX-XXI centuries.

- Customs and Traditions of the Past in the British Parliament.

- Peculiarities of the British Judicial System.

- The Role of Outstanding People in Social and Political life of Great Britain (Past and Present).

- British Royal Family: Symbol or Burden?

- English Heraldry. The British Orders.

- The Main Political Parties of Great Britain and its influence on the Social Life.

- Local Authorities of Great Britain: Achievements and Problems.

- How to Become a Citizen of the UK?

- Russian-British Relations: Past and Present.

- Terms Describing Realia of Political and Electiorial Systems of Great Britain.

- Private Shcools of Great Britain (Eton, Rugby, Winchester, Harrow).

- Megalitic Monuments on the British Isles: the Puzzle of Stonehenge.

- The Economic System of Modern Great Britain.

- The Problems of Northern Ireland: Past and Present.

- National Parks of Great Britain.

- London: Places of Interest and the History of Development.

- Modern Architecture of London.

- Traditions, Ceremonies and Legends of the Tower of London.

- EUROSTAR: from Napoleon to our Days.

- Borrowings in the English language in XIX-XX centuries.

- English or Many Englishes? - Changes in the English Vocabulary as a Result of Immigration Process in Great Britain in XX-XXI centuries.

- Geoffrey Chaucer: the Founder of the English Literary language.

- The Mystery of Great Personality: Reality or Mystification? (William Shakespear)

- Poets of the Lake District.

- English Lymerics (Children's Fairy Tales).

- The language of Cockneys.

- Musical, Poetic, Theatre, Sport Festivals and events on the British Isles.

- Highland Games.

- Eistedfodd.

- Patron Saints of Great Britain.

- The Birth of  New Traditions and Holidays on the British Isles.

- Cultural, Ethnic, Language Peculiarities of the British Population.

- British Museums, Galleries and Excursions.

- Buckingam Palace and its Art Collections.

- English Painters of the XIX century.

- Funny Laws of the British Isles. 


Тематика презентаций, эссе и рефератов

- The History of the British Parliament.

- W. Churchill: the Greatest British Personality (Political Leader, Military Man, Journalist, Writer).

- The Attitude of the British towards the Royal Family.

- The Ideal Queen? (Queen Victoria).

- Renewing of Vocabulary in the Reign of Elizabeth II.

- The Speech of the Queen at the State Opening of Parliament as an Example of Publicistic Style.

- The United Kingdon and the Countries of the Commonwealth at Present.

- National Emblems of Great Britain.

- Trends in the Development of Art in Great Britain of XX century.

- Roman traces in the English language.

- Anglo-Saxon and Danish traces in the English language.

- The French impact on the English language after the Norman invasion.

- Loan words in Elizabeth I’s reign.

- The penetration into the English language of the new words with the set-up of the colonial empire.

- Loan words in the 18-19 centuries.

- The Russian contribution to the English stock of words.

-The languages the British speak.

- Toponyms on the British Isles.

- Proper names in the English language.

- Pseudonyms of outstanding Englishmen.

- Nicknames of the British Isles.

- Proverbs, sayings, catch words from the Bible or/and Shakespeare.

- Brexit: political, economic, social and cultural consequences.




1. Левашова В.А. Britain Today: life and institutions/Уч. пособие для вузов по страноведению. – М.- любое издание. (гриф Минобразования).

2. Михайлов Н.Н. English Cultural Studies./Михайлов Н.Н. Лингвострановедение Англии/Уч. пос. для студентов филол. фак-тов и фак-тов ин. языков высших уч. заведений. – М.: «Академия», 2003. (Гриф УМО).

3. McDowell, D. Britain in Close-Up. – Longman, 2013.

Информационный библиотечный ресурс

4. Sharman, E. Across Cultures. – Longman, 2005. ibooks.ru

5. The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. – Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, any edition. biblio-online.ru


1. Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура. - М.: 2005.

2. Вольский А. Англия: Билет в одну сторону. – М.: Эксмо, 2014.

3. Леонович О.А. Страноведение Великобритании. – М.: КДУ, 2005.

4. Нестерова Н.Н. Страноведение: Великобритания. - М.; Р-н-Д, 2001-2005.

5. Усова Г.С. История Англии: Тексты для чтения на англ. языке. В 2-х т.т. – СПб: Лань, 2001.

6. Gullingham, J. Medieval Britain. –Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

7. Morgan, Kenneth O. Britain since 1945: The People’s Peace. – Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

8. Morgan, Kenneth O. Twentieth-Century Britain.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

9. Morris, J. Stuart Britain. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

10. Salway, P. Roman Britain. – Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.


Учебно-методическое обеспечение и ресурсы телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет» для организации самостоятельной работы студентов

1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Encyclopaedia-Britannica-English-language-reference-work

2.http://www.bl.uk/ - Timelines: Sources from History



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