Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку.

Класс (углубленный уровень)

Вариант 2.

Раздел 1. Чтение


Прочитайте тексты 1-5 и установите их соответствие рубрикам A - F,к которым они могут быть отнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.

             Тексты 1. England coach Sven Eriksson draft Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard into his squad for two vital World Cup qualifiers over the next 10 days. 2. In a twist to the Pentagon’s growing efforts to bolster the defense industry, the U.S. Air Force has devised an ambitious plan to help Boeing, the world’s biggest commercial jet producer, sell a version of latest jumbo military transport plane to private cargo companies. 3. I find this measure strange and unreasonable. The dollar-ruble exchange rate has been stable for a long time and it’s not clear why our life is becoming more and more expensive. From one point of view, there is no actual inflation in the country. From the other, the price increase is the first sign.   4. St.Petersburg universities finished first and third in an IBN-sponsored world computer programming championship in Vancouver, Canada, on Saturday. 5. The government’s pride and joy- a deficit-free budget for 2010-hasn`t turned out to be to everyone’s taste.        Рубрики газет A. BUSINESS NEWS   B. READER`S LETTERS TO A MAGAZINE     C. POLITICAL NEWS   D. COOC`S CORNER     E. SPORTS     F. E-BUSINESS



Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-5, выбирая цифру 1,2, 3, 4, 5, соответствующую ответу, который вам кажется наиболее верным.

Helen was a very successful businesswoman. She had always liked nice clothes, and when she had left school she had gone and worked in a shop which sold them, not far from her home. After a few experiments she showed that she was very successful at designing the sorts of things that women want to buy, so after a few years the owner of the shop, who was an oldish lady, offered to make her a partner. «It's something I should have done long ago», she told Helen with a smile.

Helen was very pleased, of course, and when the old lady retired, Helen bought her share and became the sole owner of the shop. Now she had her independence.

Ever since she had started in the shop she had had to travel around to see what attractive things her rivals in the clothes trade were producing, to attend fashion shows and so on. She had always stayed at small cheap hotels, because she dared not spend too much money when she was saving up to buy a shop of her own.

But when she at last became the owner of the shop, and it was making good profits, she found that she had plenty of money, and she felt she should now stay in the best hotels whenever she traveled. Then the people who buy good clothes can see that your business is successful,' she said to herself, 'and therefore more of them think they should buy the clothes you make.'

So when she had to go to the next fashion show, which was in Rome, she stayed at a very good hotel. She had a nice big room with beautiful furniture in which she could entertain customers, and there were also fine public room where she could, with her great pride; hold small fashion shows of her own. The room service was excellent, and so was the dining-room, which had a band every evening for dancing. Helen had never before dared to stay in such a splendid place.

She could see from the bills she signed for everything that the prices in the hotel were high, but she was rather surprised when just before she left, she was given a bill of several pages, written on beautiful headed paper.


1. Why did the lady who owned the shop where Helen worked offer to make her a partner?

1) Because it was something she should have done long before.

2) Because she was too old and needed a partner.

3) Because Helen was a clever businesswoman.

4) Because Helen was a very successful designer.

2. Helen had to travel around:

     1) to hold fashion shows of her own;

2) to find out what her competitors were doing;

     3) to look for new customers;

4) to make new contracts.

3. Why did Helen start staying in the best hotels?

1) Because she was a famous fashion designer.

2) Because she liked comfort and pleasure.

3) To attend fashion shows.

4) To attract rich customers.

4. In what other ways did a big hotel help her business?

1) She could sell her clothes there.

2) She could show rich customers that her clothes were fashionable.

3) People could see her collection of clothes.

4) She could have meals in the room and dance every evening.

5. What surprised Helen when she was given a bill?

   1) The high prices.

2) The cheap paper.

3) The length of her bill.

4) The hotel service.

Дата добавления: 2021-07-19; просмотров: 110; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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