Match the following English words with the Ukrainian ones.

1. ensure а. горох
2. maintain b. фермент
3. enzyme с. овочі
4. vegetables d. горіх
5. cereals e. забезпечувати
6. nut f. підтримувати
7. peas g. хлібні злаки
8. acid h. кислота

Match the sentence beginnings with their endings.

1. Nutrition is the science that a. proteins, carbohydrates and lipids
2. A proper diet helps b. is glucose.
3. The three biggest classes of organic compounds are с. in cell structure and metabolism
4. A common simple sugar d. in milk.
5. Fats are important e. to prevent certain illness.
6. Water is the most f. critical material.
7. Lactose is found g. deals with food.

Fill in the gaps by changing the words in bold type on the right as і example

Digestive enzymes hydrolyze fats, proteins and carbohydrates             digestion

for absorption.

1. Digestion is the conversion of food into ... substances in the gastrointestinal tract absorb
2. The plasma proteins are ... in the liver. synthesis
3. Excess carbohydrate is converted to fat for ... in the fat depots. store
4. With oversecretion of parathormone the bones become ... and brittle. pore
5. Undersecretion of parathormone causes low blood calcium levels resulting in muscular .... rigid
6. Fats are a highly ... source of energy. concentrate
7. The molecules of sucrose are ... in plants. find

4. Match the words with their definitions.

1. starch a. substance that is naturally present in the earth and in the human body, is essential for good health
2. enzyme b. natural substance found in meat, eggs, fish; which we need in order to grow
3. glucose с. person who studies the effects of food on the body
4. diet d. primary product of photosynthesis present in every plant cell
5. junk food e. white substance which is mixed with water
6. mineral f. the food that you eat and drink regularly
7. protein g. any of numerous complex proteins which catalyze spe­cific biochemical reactions
8. nutritionist h. food that is quick to prepare, but is bad for your health

5. Complete the descriptions of vitamins, minerals, and oils with the words from the box.

teeth  organs enzymes nervous system brain eyes
skin   immune system blood muscles bones
cardiovascular system cell

Vitamin С is needed to help the ... repair itself when it is cut or damaged. It is found in fruit, especially citrus fruit like oranges and grapefruit.

Calcium is needed for children's ... and teeth to grow. It is found in foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Iron helps your ... carry oxygen.

Zinc makes your ... stronger so that you can fight cold and infec­tions. It is found in shellfish, nuts, and seeds.

Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. Your ... , ... , and immune system are made up mostly of protein.

Carbohydrates are sugars which are broken down by ... then stored in the ... as a source of energy. Grain products such as rice, bread, and pasta are sources of carbohydrate.

Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones, and they insulate the nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts, for example, are believed to protect the ... .

Answer the questions.

1. What does nutrition deal with?

2. What is food used?

3. How many food groups do you know?

4. What properties do nutrients posses?

5. What are proteins?

6. What proteins do you know?

7. What are carbohydrates?

8. What are fats?

9. What are the functions of fructose, lactose, minerals?

10. What are essential parts of the bones and teeth?

Say whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Fructose, the so-called fruit sugar, is present in fruits.

2. Muscle, skin, cartilages are made up largely of fats.

3. The most important carbohydrates are sugars, starches and celluloses.

4. Lactose is found in fruits and vegetables.

5. Starch is an important constituent of foods (potatoes, wheat).

6. Minerals are an important part of haemoglobin.

7. Plant and animal food contains proteins (meat, eggs, milk, cheese).

8. We can live without nutrients for only about one week.

Translate the sentences into English.

1. Харчування — це наука про споживання їжі.

2. Раціональне харчування є запобіжником проти утворення хвороб.

3. Існує шість груп поживних речовин.

4. Першоджерелом вітамінів зазвичай є рослини.

5. Фруктоза міститься в рослинах, меді.

6. Залізо входить до складу гемоглобіну.

7. Доросла людина зазвичай випиває 2-2,5 літра води кожного дня.

8. Жири бувають двох видів - тваринні та рослинні масла.

9. Ферменти регулюють обмін речовин в організмі.

III. More Reading

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