Ex. 1. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases in the text.

1. слабое место всех начинающих; 2. это развивает личность; 3. требует много времени и усилий; 4. пропускать лекции; 5. заучивание грамматических правил; 6. выразить свои мысли на другом языке; 7. в самое короткое время; 8. делать успехи в английском языке;              9. способные и трудолюбивые; 10. заучивание отрывков наизусть; 11. для общения или бизнеса; 12. чтобы произносить звуки чётко и красиво; 13. без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда; 14. чувствовать себя смущённым и косноязычным; 15. овладеть языком; 16. расширяет кругозор; 17. оно предполагает тяжёлый труд; 18. частые контрольные; 19. палатализация или оглушение согласных; 20. кажется трудным и скучным; 21. избавиться от ошибок;   22. запоминание; 23. понимать другие народы; 24. легко даётся; 25. следует слушать большое количество плёнок; 26. совершенствует знания студентов; 27. становятся более уверенными и счастливыми; 28. неправильная артикуляция гласных; 29. хорошие разговорные навыки; 30. ловят каждое слово учителя; 31. отсутствуют на занятиях без уважительной причины; 32. слишком ленивые и безответственные; 33. засиживаются допоздна, чтобы приготовиться к занятиям; 34. читать иностранные книги в оригинале; 35. их культуру и образ жизни;   36. подражая носителям языка; 37. следует использовать любую возможность поговорить на английском языке; 38. конечно, студенты бывают разные; 39. у студентов проблемы с правописанием или грамматикой; 40. произношение; 41. также может быть весело; 42. всё записывают; 43. стать настоящими профессионалами; 44. чтобы их развить; 45. стараются не отстать от группы; 46. улучшить свои профессиональные навыки; 47. работают урывками; 48. это только естественно; 49. родной язык; 50. прогуливают занятия.

Ex. 2. Ask all kinds of questions about the text.


Ex. 3. Correct the statements on the text if necessary.

1. People learn foreign languages to read books in translation. 2. To develop good speech habits you should write frequent tests. 3. Missing lectures develops personality and broadens the outlook. 4. To pronounce your sounds distinctly and beautifully you should mind your articulation and avoid palatalization and devoicing of consonants. 5. Learning grammar rules is always a lot of fun. 6. Students feel embarrassed when they are able to express themselves in another tongue. 7. Diligent students often stay away from classes without a good excuse, they sit up late playing cards and drinking beer. 8. Doing a lot of exercises and writing tests can help students to get rid of their grammar mistakes in the shortest possible time. 9. Knowing alphabet by heart is a weak point of all beginners. 10. It’s only natural you must work by fits and starts to master the language. 11. Students should never imitate native speakers, but develop their own way of speaking. 12. Learning languages always comes easy. 13. There are different kinds of students. 14. It takes a lot of time and effort to become a professional. 15. If you hang on the teacher’s every word and take notes of everything that may become useful, you are sure to lag behind the group. 16. No brains, no gains.


Ex. 4. Complete the sentences in your own way.

1. Why do people ...? 2. ... develops personality and broadens the outlook . 3. ... should use every chance to ... 4. ... confusing and boring. 5. ... can be a lot of fun. 6. ... takes a lot of time and effort. 7. ... in the shortest possible time. 8. ... to get rid of ... 9. I feel tongue-tied when ... 10. ... sit up late to ... 11. ... lag behind ... 12. It’s only natural ... 13. ... involves a lot of ... 14. I think ... is ... weak point, while ... is ... strong point. 15. At first ... 16. ... without a good excuse. 17. ... happy to be able to ... 18. Sometimes ... too lazy to ... 19. ... to make progress in ... 20. ... for communication.


Ex. 5. Insert learn, teach, study, find out in the required form.

1. Nick’s got a bad mark today. Yesterday he stayed away from classes and (not) ……………the homework. 2. He …………. his dog to do tricks. 3. Live and ………………    4. Let’s go to the timetable and …………………if we’ll have a lecture on History tomorrow. 5. It takes time to ………………how to do things properly. 6. Let’s …………..the map and find the shortest way. 7. We …………… many interesting things at the lecture on Psychology. 8. – Excuse me, may I see the dean? – Wait a minute, I’ll ………………. 9. Knitting can ………………. you patience. 10. Frank is quick to ………………. 11. The clerk …………. our papers carefully. 12. What second language are you going to ………………..in the third year? 13. He used the Internet to ……………… more about the Irish and Scottish culture and traditions. 14. He can ………………….your son how to play chess. 15. We haven’t yet ……………… if they arrived safely. 16. Life ………………………..him not to trust the first impression. 17. He is too lazy to ………………..properly. 18. Her dream was to ………………….to play the violin. 19. …… the rule thoroughly, ask questions if you have any and then ………………..the rule by heart.        20. …………….. the time, please.


Ex. 6. Answer the questions.

A. 1. What year do you study in? Are you a fresher? 2. What school did you go to? 3. What subjects do you take at university? 4. What language did you learn at school? 5. Did you take a preliminary course before entering the university? 6. When did you leave school? 7. When will you graduate from the university? 8. What must you present at your final exams? 9. What will you get after graduating? 10. Do you plan to become a postgraduate? 11. Have you ever talked to the principal? 12. Have you ever been to the dean’s office? What did you go there for? 13. Who marks the attendance of students? 14. What must a monitor do? 15. What information is there in your group register? 16. What classes do you have today according to your timetable? What did you have yesterday? What classes do you have tomorrow? 17. When do you need your student’s record book? 18. When do you use a rough copy? 19. What must you bring if you’ve stayed away from classes? 20. When does the academic year begin? When does it end? 21. How many terms do you have? 22. When do you have examination periods? 23. When do you have vacations? How long do they last? 24. How many holidays did you have at school? 25. Would you like to do any research work?

B. 1. How many final tests did you take during your first examination period? In what subjects? 2. What exams did you take? 3. Did you pass all your exams? 4. Do you know anybody who failed at the exams (in some subjects) during the winter examination period and had to re-sit them? 5. Was it easy for you to pass winter exams? 6. Do you think your summer examination period will be more difficult? 7. Can you repeat a year at our university? 8. Do you rely on your memory? Has your memory or your nerve ever failed you? 9. When must your teacher give you a tutorial? Did you take any tutorials before your winter exams? 10. Have you ever taken extra classes? What for? 11. Do you have a spare pen, exercise book, rubber? 12. Do you have a lot of spare time? Why or why not? 13. Have you or any of your group-mates ever lagged behind the group? Why? 14. What should you do to catch up with the group? 15. Do you help your group-mates when they have problems? 16. Do you ever stay in the university after classes? What for? 17. Do you speak English fluently or do you lack fluency in your speech? 18. What are you or your groupmates at home in? 19. What are you or your friends good at? (in general)

C. 1. How much time does it take you to prepare for your English lesson? 2. How long does it take you to get ready to leave your home in the morning? 3. Did you have to read much for your seminars on History? Did you read very carefully or just look through the necessary literature? 4. What do you do when you come across an unfamiliar word in the English text? 5. Do you repeat texts after the speaker many times when you learn them? 6. How do you revise for your grammar tests? 7. Does your teacher give you time to review the rules or brush up on your dialogues before answering in class? 8. What do you do if you haven’t understood the text after reading it? 9. What is the best way to practise your English vocabulary? 10. How do you work on your phonetics? 11. Which, do you think, is more useful: to translate from Russian into English or vice versa? 12. Is it more interesting for you to read English books in translation or in the original? Which is easier? 13. Do you do many exercises in written form? Are you doing this exercise in writing or orally? 14. Is your homework usually big? 15. How do your teachers mark your written work: do they correct your mistakes or do they tick (Ö) or underline your mistakes? 16. Do you usually make bad or careless mistakes in your tests? 17. Do you often have slips of the tongue or of the pen?

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