Notes: Putting negative ideas first

When the following adverbs and expressions as never, hardly, scarcely, not only, under no circumstances etc. begin a sentence, the normal order of subject and auxiliary verb is reversed in order to emphasize the negative aspect.

Never before, have  we commissioned such an extensive survey.

On no account should confidential information be shown to the press.

The same change of structure takes place when the subordinate clause preceding the main clause, has a negative meaning.

Only when the transaction value method cannot be used should the other methods be considered.


Essential words and phrases:

customs valuation                 - определение таможенной стоимости

customs value         - таможенная стоимость товара

assessment of customs duty - исчисление таможенной пошлины

licensing arrangements    - порядок выдачи лицензий

transaction value method                 

- метод определения таможенной стоимости товаров на основании контракта

transaction value of identical goods 

- метод определения таможенной стоимости товаров по стоимости сделки с идентичными товарами

transaction value of similar goods   

- метод определения таможенной стоимости товаров по стоимости сделки с однородными (похожими) товарами

deductive method             - определение таможенной стоимости товаров по методу вычитания

computed method             - определение таможенной стоимости товаров по методу сложения

residual valuation provisions 

- резервный метод определения таможенной стоимости товаров


Working on the text

Task 5. Find the words in the text which are similar in meaning to the words below.

1. calculation

2. talks

3. practical use

4. exchange of goods

5. an official limit

6. permit

7. commodity

8. to bring a product into a country


Task 6. Match the adjectives 1)-8) to the nouns (the letters a-h) with which they are used in the text.

1. major                    a) circumstances

2. significant             b) part

3. multilateral           c) system

4. uniform                 d) feature

5. primary                 e) method

6. total                      f) payment

7. identical                g) goods

8. exceptional           h) negotiations

Task 7. The prefix “under-” has the meaning “too little” and the prefix “over-” – “too much”. Form the words with these prefixes and translate into Russian.


valuation         undervaluation          overvaluation

1. charge

2. estimate

3. to produce

4. to compensate

5. population

Task 8. Answer the questions: Why can undervaluation result in underpayment of Customs duties?

What group of Customs violations does undervaluation refer to?

Task 9. Complete the missing letters in the following words.

1. _ a l _ _ t _ o n

2. _ _ r _ f f

3. t r _ _ e

4. _ m p _ r t _ t _ _ n

5. a _ r _ e m _ _ t

6. u n _ f _ _ m

7. m _ t h _ d

8. r _ s _ _ _ a l


Task 10. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is customs valuation considered a major feature of customs tariff system?

2. What was one of the results of the Geneva negotiations?

3. How many methods of valuation applicable to all goods are accepted?

4. What is the primary method based on?

5. Which are the other five methods?

6. How should these methods be applied?


Task 11. Translate article 65 of the “Customs Code of the Customs Union” into English.

Статья 65. Декларирование таможенной стоимости товаров

1. Декларирование таможенной стоимости товаров осуществляется декларантом в рамках таможенного декларирования товаров в соответствии с нормами, установленными главой 27 настоящего Кодекса и настоящей главой.

2. Декларирование таможенной стоимости ввозимых товаров осуществляется путем заявления сведений о методе определения таможенной стоимости товаров, величине таможенной стоимости товаров, об обстоятельствах и условиях внешнеэкономической сделки, имеющих отношение к определению таможенной стоимости товаров, а также представления подтверждающих их документов.


Task 12. Translate the following text from Russian into English.

Проблема определения таможенной стоимости – ключевая для формирования доходов федерального бюджета и для защиты интересов российской экономики, в том числе ее конкурентоспособности.

Действительно, определение таможенной стоимости – вечный предмет спора между таможенными органами и участниками ВЭД. Таможенники опасаются ее занижения для уменьшения ввозных пошлин и НДС при импорте. Импортеры – против корректировки таможенной стоимости и доначисления платежей. По закону “О таможенном тарифе” таможенная стоимость импорта определяется по шести методам: на основании контракта, то есть по фактически уплаченной цене за него; по стоимости сделки с идентичными товарами; по стоимости сделки с однородными (похожими) товарами; по методу вычитания; методу сложения, а также резервному. Импортеры предпочитают первый, таможня – шестой, он позволяет применять “разумную гибкость”. Это приводит к постоянным жалобам участников ВЭД на коррупцию в ФТС.

“Коммерсант”, 5.09.09


Task 13. Write a short essay (10-12 sentences) with your proposals how to solve the “eternal dispute” mentioned in the above newspaper article.

Task14. Discuss the problem in class and choose the best essay.

Text XII


Task 1.  Look up the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary:

environment, tackle, interconnectedness, threat, scrutiny, transparency, compliance.


Task 2. Translate the following words:

English                                         Russian

challenge                                      …

…                                                 тенденция

environment                                          …

scrutiny                                        …

…                                                 поток (грузов)

…                                                 сотрудничество

integrity                                       …


Task 3. Form new parts of speech with the help of the suffixes and the prefixes given. Mind the spelling. Consult a dictionary.

different (ly)

accept (able)

cooperate (tion)

(inter) connectedness

(inter) national

technology (ical)

comply (ance)

frequent (ly)


Task 4. Read the sentence and say what part of speech the italicized word is: noun or verb.

Key to much of this is the need to take maximum advantage of technological progress and increase the professionalism of staff.


Task 5. Which words constitute the word family including the word “connectedness”?


Meeting the challenges of the 21st century

What are the main trends? Has the role of Customs changed, merely expanded, or are we just doing things differently? Should we be considering a new operating model? What will our environment look like?

These questions and more are being asked by Customs as it sets itself on track to tackle the challenges of the 21st century environment.

Clearly, to meet the demands that will be faced in the coming years and to ensure acceptable levels of effectiveness and efficiency, Customs will have to adapt, improve cooperation, and increase its interconnectedness if it is to cope with the pace of change and manage the opportunities and threats that lay ahead. Interconnectedness among Customs and its partners is vital. Understanding the global risk landscape is imperative, as Customs is at the frontier of globalization whilst operating under increasingly broad public scrutiny.

According to recent research, Customs in the 21st century will be characterized by a number of key activities, working methods and concepts. These will include: managing international supply chains; controlling increased flows of people and goods; applying knowledge and risk management; advance processing of information; using a “single window” system; unified border management; greater flexibility; a high degree of automation and transparency; and a high level of integrity.

Key to much of this is the need to take maximum advantage of technological progress and increase the professionalism of staff.

Technology can help in reducing time spent on compliance activities so that Customs professionals set more possibilities to focus on providing more consulting services.

The change in communication technology will require a new type of Customs professional. Because this professional will be communicating more frequently and in a different manner than he does today, a greater emphasis will be placed on interpersonal skills, although technical competence will continue to be essential.

This substantial change will only happen if Customs organizations develop further the shift from a command-and-control style to the one that release the talents of Customs personnel. This means changing behaviors and attitudes and encouraging creativity and innovation.


Notes: The prefix “inter” means between or involving two or more different things, places, or people.

If two ideas, events, systems etc. are interconnected, it means that they are related and one is affected by the other.


Working on the text

Task 6. Guess the meaning of the given words and then check it in the dictionary.

interactive                 interconnectedness

intercontinental         interdependence

interchangeable         interrelationship

interpersonal             interstate


Task 7.  The verb “to meet” is polysemantic. In dictionaries several meanings can be found. Here are the most common ones:

a) to see and talk to somebody for the first time;

b) to bump into somebody by chance and talk to them;

c) if two things meet, they touch or join at a particular place;

d) to be waiting for someone at an airport, station etc., when they arrive in;

e) to deal with a problem or situation;

f) to satisfy wants, needs, conditions.

What is the meaning of the verb “to meet” in the given text?


Task 8. Match the verbs 1) to 6) to the nouns a) to f) to make word partnerships.

1. to tackle                          a) the shift

2. to meet                           b) maximum advantage

3. to improve                      c) challenge

4. to take                            d) a new type of Customs professional

5. to require                                 e) demands

6. to develop                      f) cooperation


Task 9. Find words in the text which mean the following:

1. a general tendency in the way the situation is changing

2. the people and things that are around you in your life, the general situation you are in

3. working together in order to achieve something that you both want

4. the speed at which something happens

5. a chance to do something

6. the possibility that something very bad will happen

7. the quality of being easy to understand or the quality of glass that makes it possible to see through it

8. the people who work in a company, organization


Task 10. Translate the following text into Russian. Use a dictionary.

Some people might define integrity as adherence to a code of values. Even the drug lords have a code of values, but do they have integrity?

The dictionary defines integrity as soundness of moral principle and character, uprightness, honesty. Employee integrity then could be defined as: soundness of character and adherence to the organization’s code of values.


Task 11. The sets of words below are related to honesty or to dishonesty. Which word is different from the others in each set?

1. law-abiding           trustworthy               corrupt

2. fraud                crime                         integrity

3. a bribe                   a salary                     a commission

4. piracy                   counterfeiting            a right holder


Task 12. Make questions about the text to go with the given answers.

1. What …?              These questions and more.

2. Why …?      Clearly, to meet the demands that will be faced in the coming years.

3. What …?              Interconnectedness among Customs and its partners is.

4. How …?      Customs will be characterized by a member of key activities, working methods and concepts.

5. What …?     The need to take maximum advantage of technological progress and increase the professionalism of staff.

6. Where …?   On providing more consulting services.

7. Why …?      Because this professional will be communicating more frequently.

8. What …?     It means changing behaviors and attitudes and encouraging creativity and innovation.


Task 13. Translate the following text into Russian.

“More and more Customs administrations are beginning to realize that the survival of customs depends on the transformation of its “bag-opening gate-keeper” image into one of “the facilitator and protector of society”. As a result, Customs officers can now be heard using words like facilitation, consultation, dialogue, image, etc., when describing their functions.”


Task 14.  Here are several adjectives characterizing a professional. In “buzz groups” discuss the given adjectives, choose 3 and add at least 3 of your own that you would like to see in a future Customs officer.

polite               enjoyable

sociable           well-dressed

charming         pleasant

helpful             intelligent

clever               neat

friendly            kind

competent       skilful

enthusiastic     fair

firm                 confident


Task 15. Write down five words that best describe the Russian Customs Service today. Compare your list with your partner’s.


Task 16. Participate in the group discussion on the five words that best characterize Russian Customs.


Task 17. If you were to work out a program of modernization in the Russian Customs Service, what would you start with?


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 273; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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