V. Write out a list of words and word combinations referring to the point Effect. Impression.


Учреждение образования

"Гомельский государственный университет

имени Франциска Скорины"



Кафедра теории и практики английского языка




Для студентов III курса факультета иностранных языков специальности П.02.07.00 «Английский язык»


Гомель 2004


С.А. Потемкина, преподаватель



Л.С.Банникова, доцент, кандидат педагогических наук



Рекомендовано к изданию научно-методическим советом Учреждения образования «Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины» 28 января 2004 г., протокол № 5


Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов III курса факультета иностранных языков. Подборка тестов обусловлена активной лексикой базового учебника «Практический курс английского языка» под редакцией В.Д. Аракина (3 курс), а также учебников “English Vocabulary in Use” издания “Cambridge University Press” (Upper – intermediate и advanced).

Тесты подобраны в строгой системе, каждое задание подготавливает последующее и планомерно расширяет речевые возможности студентов.



                            © С.А. Потемкина, 2004

                       © Учреждение образования "Гомельский    

                                   государственный университет имени 

                                  Франциска Скорины", 2004





1. Changing Patterns of leisure 4
2. Cinema 5
3. Appearance and Character 7
4. Art and painting (Variant I) 9
5. English Schooling (Variant I) 11
6. English Schooling (Variant II) 12
7. Art and painting (Variant II) 15
8. Final Test (Variant I) 19
9. Final Test (variant II) 22



Changing pattern of leisure.


I. Think of adjectives to match the following words:

hiker, luggage, utensils, bag, clothes, landscape, countryside, hill, silence of the morning, rain, fog, path, site.


II. Fill in prepositions; make up sentences of your own (at least 5)

to scrape … frying-pan; to put … the fire; to settle oneself … a meal; to squat ... ... supper; to wash ... the dishes; to camp ...; to look ... ... the river and shiver; to throw water ... oneself; to run one's boat ... a quiet nook; to row ... the river/stream; gossip ... smb.

III. Give antonymous word-combinations to the following:

1. to sleep like a log;

2. to strike a tent;

3. to make a fire;

4. to be (feel) unwell;

5. to risk;

6. champion walker

IV. Explain what is meant by the following sentences and phrases:

1. A walking tour should be gone upon alone.

2. You should be as a pipe for any wind to play upon.

3. Meditative silence of the morning.

4. The traveller feels more than coldly towards his knapsack.

5. To surrender to that fine intoxication that comes of much motion in the open air.

V. The dream of a holiday – maker on a rainy night.



Test II                                           A



I. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

       1. She never seemed (общаться) other children. 2. The day he first drifted into their crowded busy rooms, they all (заподозрили в нем разведчика). 3. I am pretty sure that (мое первое подозрение подтвердилось). 4. For the first time she (ощутила) of a second self, whose existence (она даже и подозревала). 5. I realized (со смешанным чувством) that an important part of her happiness consisted in looking after me. 6. I (должен хорошенько поразмыслить) what answer to give. 7. He was tired of his wife's (постоянных жалоб).


II. Complete the following word fork using your active vocabulary.

Make up at least 5 sentences:

point 4. suspicion  


III. Translate the following word combinations into English; Make up a short situation using them:

1. страдать от чего-либо; 2. в результате; 3. иметь большие трудности; 4. напоминать кого-либо, что-либо; 5. поднять проблему; 6. иметь на кого-либо влияние; 7. ясно выражаться; 8. преуспевать в чем-либо; 9. в определенной степени.

IV. Fill in the blanks using words and word combinations of the article.

1. American audiences reluctantly recognized ... but rarely ... .

2. "Gosfard Park" part ... and part mystery tries to tell the story of the collapse of a period in history.

3. It has the potential to become his ..., says the director.

4. "Gosfard Park" ... all the unique conception and techniques.

5. The first of this ... is the way Altman uses the genre and the story.

6. A perfect example of ... was Altman's way of making a Western.

7. Another Altman ... successfully defended in "Gosford Park" is using ... as realistically as possible.


V. Write out a list of words and word combinations referring to the point Effect. Impression.

VI. Should the actor live his role or perform it? (On the basis of the film "Elizabeth").

Test III

Appearance and Character


I. Give synonyms to:

insincere – ill-natured – obstinate – brusque – miserly – weird – sociable – discourteous –


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