Расскажите о том, что как проходит ваш обычный день в медицинском университете и что вы делали вчера.



Vocabulary : Один день из жизни врача общей практики

Grammar : Настоящее простое время, настоящее длительное время, прошедшее простое время


Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопрос: В каких трех значениях в тексте употребляется слово surgery ?

A Day in the Life of a GP

My name is Alison Thompson and I am a GP. It means I am a general practitioner. I don’t work in a hospital; I work in a surgery. A surgery is a medical center for the local community. If you’re a new patient living within our catchment area, you can register with our surgery.

I work with five other doctors, three nurses, two lab technicians, a physiotherapist, a pharmacist, a health visitor and a receptionist. We organize shifts of a locum GP if any of the doctors is absent. On Saturday mornings we work on a rota.

When our patients have dental problems, they contact their dentists in normal working hours. If the problem is urgent, they call the emergency contact number. There is a rota of dentists who deal with emergencies out of working hours.

I always wake up quite early -- at 6 in the morning, because I’m on call at 7. To be on call means to take emergency calls from patients. Some mornings I have no calls, but usually I speak to one or two people about a problem.

I arrive at the surgery at 8:45 and start work at 9. Lots of people usually want to see me and wait in the reception area. Some people have a minor problem like a sore throat, a runny nose, a rash, a slight fever or headache; others can’t sleep at night or feel nauseated. Sometimes I deal with more serious cases (e. g. diabetes) and refer my patients to specialists. Every day is different.

My surgery hours are from 9 to 11:30. But I always work until 12 non-stop. I have no coffee break, and sometimes no lunch, either. I always have a lot of paperwork: I write referral letters, send and receive messages, file and scan documents into patient records. I usually do this at lunchtime.

In the afternoon, we have another two hours to see patients. It is the time when we give vaccinations, e.g. for influenza, and perform minor surgery such as removal of warts and moles.

After that, I may have a meeting with the other staff. Sometimes I go to other surgeries for meetings or have home visits.

I have some problems, of course. I don’t like all that paperwork. And I don’t like patients who are rude or aggressive to me or the other staff in the office.

I get home at around 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. I always take paperwork home. I have 15 or 20 blood and urine test results, X-ray and MRI reports every day and I check them at home. Sometimes I’m on call again or visit more patients.

I have no problems with sleeping. In the evening I feel so tired that I fall asleep immediately.


Выпишите из упражнений и текстов английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений. Выучите их.

1) Территория обслуживания; 2) лаборант; 3) физиотерапевт; 4) патронажная сестра; 5) администратор; 6) смена; 7) подменный врач; 8) работать по графику; 9) проблема с зубами; 10) срочный; 11) неотложная ситуация; 12) быть дежурным врачом (на телефоне); 12) принимать экстренные звонки от пациентов; 13) приемная, зона ожидания; 14) больное горло; 15) насморк; 16) сыпь; 17) небольшая температура; 18) головная боль; 19) чувствовать тошноту; 20) серьезный случай; 21) направлять пациентов к узким специалистам; 21) приемные часы; 22) писать направления; 23) отправлять и получать сообщения; 24) подшивать документы в карту пациента; 25) проводить вакцинацию от гриппа; 26) проводить малые хирургические операции; 27) удаление бородавок и родинок; 28) персонал; 29) результаты анализов крови и мочи; 30) результаты рентгенографического исследования и МРТ; 31) проверять; 32) выезжать на дом к пациентам.

1.3. Выпишите из текста слова, которые подходят под следующие категории:

1) staff of the surgery;

2) responsibilities of the GP;

3) problems that patients may want to consult about;

4) diagnostic tests the GP mentions.



2.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Being a general practice nurse

My role as a general practice nurse is varied. It is an exciting job because I see everything from birth to death. No two days are ever the same.

Our treatment room is open from Monday to Friday between 9.00 am—1.00 pm and 2.00 pm—5.00 pm. I carry out everyday tasks like doing blood pressures and ear syringing, giving injections (both intravenous and intramuscular) and vaccinations. I take blood and urine samples and other specimens and swabs. I also perform dressings and treat minor injuries like small cuts or infected wounds, minor burns, foreign bodies in the eye, insect or animal bites, twists and sprains, etc. My job involves washing and sterilising instruments. I sometimes assist the doctor with minor surgery.

I do what we call public health work as well. I give our patients special information and guidance on how to control weight and blood pressure or stop smoking.

Most general practices are open from 7 in the morning till 7-8 in the evening, so some nurses have an opportunity to do job-share, to do mornings or evenings. A lot of practice nurses actually do part-time work. I do full-time work, that’s 37 hours a week, from Monday to Friday.

I also work for 2 hours every other Saturday, because I run an asthma clinic. I teach patients how to manage their asthma. I do routine planned care for people with asthma and see people who have a flare up of their condition.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 404; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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